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Graduate Students
- W. Omran, Ph.D., 2010, �Performance Analysis of Grid-Connected Photovoltaic Systems�
- N. Rahman, M.Sc., 2009, �Energy storage solutions for wind generator connected distribution systems in rural Ontario�
- J. Maggard, M.Sc., 2009, � Automation of Sleep Staging�
- W. Moussa, M.Sc., 2008, �A Multiprocessor Platform Based on FPGA Technology Targeted for a Driver Vigilance Monitoring Device�
- S. Zhang, M.Sc. 2008, �Classification of sleep staging for Narcolepsy assistive device�
- M. Wahba, M.Sc. 2008, �An automated modified region growing techniques for prostate segmentation in trans-rectal ultrasound images�
- T. El-Fouly, Ph.D. 2007, �Wind farms production: Control and prediction�
- M. El-Dery, Ph.D. 2007, �Retrofit control to prevent ASD nuisance tripping due to power quality problems�
- F. Sahba, Ph.D. 2007, �Reinforced segmentation of images containing one object of interest�
- S. Rahnamyan, Ph.D. 2007, �Opposition based differential evolution�
- G. Awad, Ph.D., 2007, �Knowledge based prostate segmentation and regions of interest detection in transrectal ultrasound images�
- C. Lawrence, M.Sc. 2007, �Improving fuel economy via management of auxiliary loads in fuel-cell electric vehicles�
- A. Lueng, M.Sc. 2007, �Predictive maintenance of circuit breakers�
- S. Mohamed, Ph.D. 2006, �Integrated feature analysis for prostate tissue characterization using TRUS images�
- H. Zeneldien, Ph.D., 2006, �Distributed generation micro-grid operation: Control, protection, and electricity market operation�
- P. Hapuarachchi, M.Sc., 2006, Feature selection and artifact removal in sleep stage classification�
- A. Salib, M.Sc., 2006, �Voltage sag ride-through for inverter-based load�
- C. Yiu, M.Sc, 2006, "Voltage sags localization for power distribution system”
- M. Wei, M.Sc., 2005, “Energy management for electric vehicle"
- Q. Trinh, M.Eng., 2005, “Reactive power control”
- W. El-Khattam, Ph.D., 2004, “Power delivery system planning implementing distribution generation”
- A. El-Nady, Ph.D., 2004, “Novel control strategies for voltage source converter based mitigating devices to improve the voltage quality”
- M. Marie, Ph.D., 2004, Novel control algorithms for invert based custom power conditioners”.
- J. Liu, Ph.D., 2004, “A Study of distributed energy recourses and RF triggered high temperature superconductive current switches”
- J. Li, M.Sc. 2004, “An automated malignant tumor localization algorithm for prostate cancer detection in trans-rectal ultrasound images”
- Q. Xu, M.Sc. 2004, “Statistical Significance Test-Based Feature Selection for Neural Network Classification Used in Mass Spectrometry-Based Proteomic Pattern Analysis for Prostate Cancer Detection”
- T. Abdel Galil, Ph.D., 2003, “Automated recognition system for power quality disturbances”.
- E. Hui, M.Sc., 2003, “Region-based feature extraction of prostate ultrasound images: A knowledge based approach using fuzzy inference”
- B. Chui, M.Sc., 2003, A new segmentation algorithm for prostate boundary detection in 2D ultrasound images”.
- E. Ibrahim, M.Sc., 2003, “Investigation of manufacturing tolerance effects on mass production filters
- S. Ahmed, M.Sc., 2002, “Automated frequency dependent network equivalence utilizing maple”
- K. Sreenivasachar, Ph.D. 2001, “Unified power flow controller: modeling, stability analysis, control strategy and control system design”.
- A. Gaouda,. Ph.D. 2001, “Wavelet-automated recognition system for power quality monitoring”.
- R. El Shatshat, Ph.D. 2001, “A novel modular approach to active power-line harmonic filtering in distribution systems”.
- H. Ng, Ph.D., Ph.D. 1999, “A novel and practical approach to distribution system performance enhancement using a fuzzy capacitor application method”.
- E.F. El-Sadany, Ph.D., 1998, “Power quality improvement for distribution systems under non-linear conditions”.
- J. Levine, M.Sc., 1998, “Secondary fault current calculation”
- D. Bouchard, Ph.D., 1997, “Towards loss minimization in distribution systems using AI: the WATDIST algorithm”
- Y. Lui, Ph.D., 1997, “Space charge distribution measurements in polymers by an improved pulsed electro-acoustic method”
- Y.G. Hegazy, Ph.D., 1996, “Identification of harmonic current characteristics in electric distribution systems”.
- R.J. Sarfi, Ph.D., 1996, “Reduction of distribution system losses and improvement of service quality: a novel application based upon a coupling of knowledge based and numerical methods”.
- S. Fouda, Ph.D., 1996, “A new hybrid technique for harmonic suppression in distribution systems”.
- B. Lian, Ph.D., 1995, “A flexible frequency window approach to the power transmission line fault location algorithm”.
- A. Ibrahim, M.Sc., 1995, “Frequency dependent network equivalents for AC power systems”.
- A. Mathias, M.Sc., 1995, “Digital simulation of static VAR system using the electromagnetic transient analysis program (EMTP)”.
- M. Wadie, M.Sc. 1995, “A novel comprehensive approach for distribution system planning”.
- A Dastaviz, M.Sc., 1994, “Partial discharge in solid insulating materials: detection and analysis”.
- A. Mazroua, M.Sc., 1993, “Pattern based partial discharge diagnosis system using neural networks”.
- T. El-Sheikh, Ph.D., 1991, “Underground transmission theory and technology of high voltage cables”.
- E.A. Aliem, M.Sc., 1990, “Optimum design of interior lighting systems”.
- M.H. Fahmy, M.Sc., 1990, “Optimum design of cathodic protection systems”.
- H.M. Mostafa, M.Sc., 1989, “Electric load forecasting using different methods suitable to Egyptian network”.
- M..M. Sallam, M.Sc., 1988, “Tracking of electric insulating materials”.
- M.M. Ahmed, M.Sc., 1988, “Optimum allocation for static and switched capacitors on primary feeders”.
- H.K. Temraz, M.Sc., 1988, “Studying of fault current limiter devices”.
- A.M. El-Harras, M.Sc., 1987, “Field calculations and corona discharges on high voltage lines”.
- M. Abd. El Hamid, M.Sc. 1987, “Electromagnetic interference from high power high voltage equipment”.
- T.S. Abd El Salam, M.Sc., 1986, “Dynamic reactive power control for distribution feeder”.
- M. El-Desoky, M.Sc., 1986, “Transient analysis of three phase induction machines”.
- M.M. Rizk, M.Sc., 1982, “Partial discharge measurements”.
- T. El-Sheikh, M.Sc., 1981, “Calculation of electric fields in belted cables”.
- El. Abaseiry Mahmod, M.Sc., 1981, “Reactive power control for distribution system”.
B: Current Students
- G. Gilbert, Ph.D.
- K.Wong, Ph.D.
- A. Abu Elanien Ph.D.
- M. Elnashar, Ph.D.
- S. Gabran,, Ph.D.
- C.Yiu, Ph.D.
- M. El-Khatib, Ph.D.
- M. Mohamed, Ph.D.
- J. Saad, Ph.D.
- M. Eldein, Ph.D.
- R. Hasan, Ph.D.
- M. Ibrahim, Ph.D.
- R. Xu, M.Sc.
- Y. Alhazmi, M.Sc
- M. Mukerji M.Sc