07 September 2019

This tutorial describes how to connect to eceubuntu machines from Windows.


PuTTY is a free SSH and telnet client for Windows that allows remote access to the another computer. We can use PuTTY to connect to the eceubuntu machines.

Get PuTTY for Windows

Package files for PuTTY can be downloaded from here

Connect to ECE Linux Machines

  • When the software starts, you should get a window with the title PuTTY Configuration with a field Host Name in the upper middle part.
  • Try entering a host name USER@eceTerm.uwaterloo.ca or USER@eceLinux4.uwaterloo.ca (Replace USER with your watiam id) to connect to in that field, and click Open.
  • Then, it will prompt for password, enter your watiam password.
  • You may setup virtualenv.