CHANGES Version 10.7.x: New macros vec_r, rvec_r, and heatsink. Tweaked sarrow, arrester, Darlington, resistor, diode, hatchbox, transformer, hatchbox, source, consource. Version 10.7: Minor changes and additions to ics.m4 and macros polygon, jack, LH_symbol, LT_symbol, opamp, amp, sarrow, dashline. Extra examples. Version 10.6: New macro geiger. Corrected dpv .txt files. Tweaked macros ColoredV, ShadeObject, ebox, shadowed, shadedball, addtaps. Options for macros delay, resistor, source, relaycoil. List of macros reformatted in the manual. Version 10.5: Options for numersous element macros: sfgarc, sfgline, sfgself, LCintersect, LEintersect, and others. Systematic facilities for filling and customizing element bodies. New macros ColoredV, cangle, definergbcolor. Added dpictools.pic macros to the manual. Removed obsolete macros. Edits of the manual. Version 10.4: New options for source, sarrow, darrow routines. Version 10.3: Tweaked sfg_init and NeedDpicTools functionality; macro lin_ang, langle, ACsymbol, DCsymbol, Ysymbol, Deltasymbol, Autologix. New macro polygon. Version 10.2: New options for tconn, heater, lamp, thermocouple. New macro jumper. Include configuration file pdf.m4 in distribution. Fixed examples/Makefile. Tweaked macros sl_ct, figures in the manual. Version 10.1: Simplified structure and cleanup of the examples directory. New options for em_arrows. Tweaked dot, cross. Version 10.0: New macros Between_, thyristor_t. Bugfix in inductor(,W). Tweaked diff_, scr, scs, sus, sbs, tline, svg_font, contact. Minor edits of the manual. Electric vehicle charging plug examples. Version 9.9: Changes to libSLD macros, diode, sfg macros, rs_box, r_text, svg_rot, examples. Changed SVG color macros for consistency with other postprocessors. Version 9.8: Changes to libSLD macros, with descriptions added to the manual. Tweaked macros ArcAngle, opamp, inductor, cross, crossover, diode, rs_box, r_text, Deltasymbol, arrester, dswitch, macros employing sc_draw. Version 9.7: Improved shadebox macro and a bugfix. Experimental single-line diagram elements. Revised fitcurve. New options for resistor, capacitor, ebox, xtal. Tweaked addtaps. Convert web version of Circuit_macros.pdf to html. New macro sarrow. Version 9.6: Tweaked svg examples; macros lg_bartxt, opamp, beginshade, endshade, relaycoil, inductor, source, rotbox; files lib3D, libgen. New macros DIP, g_fet, Fe_fet, shielded, setkeys_, Deltasymbol, Ysymbol, PtoL, ToPos. New options for resistor, capacitor, inductor, transformer, ArcAngle, variable. Version 9.5: Distribution cleaned and a non utf-8 character removed. Version 9.4: Changes to examples and additional SVG examples. New macros RightAngle, PerpTo, langle, ArcAngle, DCsymbol. Rewritten arrester macro. Tweaked Equidist3, ground, antenna, NeedDpicTools. Modified List of Macros. Version 9.3: New macro ACsymbol, Proxim, Magn, options for mosfet, ground, microphone, consource. Bugfix for the source macro. Tweaked examples, macro svg_font. Added a short discussion of integrated circuits and connectors. Removed compression of the manual to restore broken internal links. Version 9.2: New options for macros contact, dswitch, FlipFlop, FlipFlopX. New macros pvcell, contacts, relaycoil. Modified cbreaker and relay. New file Licence.txt. Change from siunits to siunitx.sty. Version 9.1: Corrected two examples; added others including vacuum tubes. Tweaked dashline. Removed an extraneous log file and extraneous code from libgen.m4. New pic macros for operations on complex numbers. New macros Rot_, Vcoords. Version 9.0: Tweaked svg_sub, svg_sup, lamp. New macros cm__, px__. New option for source. Obsolete Autologic and stackpromote_ removed. Version 8.9: Tweaked lswitch, contact, rotbox, parallel_, darrow. Uniform open-arrowhead option for diode, thyristor. New macros reed, lamp. Version 8.8: Tweaks for source macro. Change to svg.m4 for compatibility with dpic Version 2018.05.15 or later. Macros for embedding pic diagrams into Tikz pictures. Changed the name of the manual from CMman.pdf to Circuit_macros.pdf. Option for dswitch. Version 8.7: Fixes for more robust nested macros and SVG color. Options for the source macro. Version 8.6: Options for switch, lswitch. Simplified Quick Start section of the manual. Added WARNING to m4 output for default configuration file gpic.m4. Macro pconnex tweaked for tikz. Version 8.5: SVG macro tweaks for generality. Options for Mux, Demux, hatchbox. Fixed arcr, vperp, fitcurve, setdir_ rs_box. New macros LEintersect, LEtangent, sqrta, arcdimension_. Version 8.4: Tweaked Autologix inputs. Options for NOT_gate, LH_symbol, arcr, arcd. New macros tbox, thermocouple. Fixed a problem setting defaults using the top-level Makefile on some systems. Version 8.3: A simpler CTAN distribution and several examples reworked for use with multiple postprocessors. New macros NeedDpicTools, iflatex, latexcommand, ifpsfrag, hlth, Mitre_. Tweaked potentiometer, pconnex, corner, svg text. Option for mosfet. Version 8.2: Tweaks to round, bi_tr, bi_trans, Darlington, along_. New Along_, lin_ang, mitre_. Version 8.1: Additions to dpictools.pic. New macros parallel_, rgbstring, series_, stackdo_, Vsprod, sbs, scs, sus. Options for diode. Thyristor options and minor changes of functionality. Bugfix in winding macro. Version 8.0: New options for capacitor, cbreaker, diode, inductor, lswitch, Mux, resistor, rotbox, transformer. New macros addtaps, binary_, Demux, Header, HeaderPin, hex_digit, hexadecimal_, Pr_xy, Pr_xz, Pr_yz, SQUID, KelvinR, FTcap, tconn, and tapped. Tweaked setrgb for svg output. Generalized setview in lib3D. Version 7.9: Added accessibility features to the documentation. Replaced Autologic with Autologix to allow multiple outputs and simplified expressions. New macros savem4dir, restorem4dir. Options for vperp and Vperp. Bug fix in source macro. Tweaked stacksplit_. Removed a name clash between libcct and liblog. Version 7.8: Logic gate options for arbitrary negated inputs; lg_pin options. New macro FlipFlopX for simplicity and generality; new macros Cintersect, LCintersect, LCtangent, stacksplit_; modified Loopover_. Version 7.7: SVG macro tweaks. Tweaked BOX_gate and bugfix in IOdefs in liblog.m4. Version 7.6: New macro NPDT; new option for contact and relay; Autologic tweaks. Changed the Point_ simplification to require specific activation because of rare interaction with dpic loops. Version 7.5: Usage has been simplified by making the initialization macros cct_init, gen_init, log_init, darrow_init, and threeD_init read the appropriate libraries automatically. New macros: jack, plug, tstrip, ccoax, pconnex, basename_, Autologic and associated wrappers for automatic Boolean functions, stack macros stackexec_, stackcopy_, stackprint_, stackreverse_. Simplified setting of drawing direction in composite macros. Bugfix in calls to BUFFER_gen. Tweaked Point_ for simpler output for common arguments. Reordered the arguments of round for consistency. Version 7.4: New macro lthick. Simplified shadebox. The ifroff macro renamed to iftpic. New configuration file m4defaults.m4. Reworked darrow library for consistency with solid lines and arrows; new macro darc and wrappers Darc, Darrow, Dline; old version included in olddarrow.m4 to ease transition. Macros and examples fixed and made more robust for gpic (where possible). Version 7.3: Options for sinusoid. Bug fix for switch(,,D). Heater macro. Modified Loopover_ Version 7.2: Tweaked crossover macro. Size options for inductor, resistor, capacitor; dlabel alignment options; new options for source, capacitor. Version 7.1: Eliminated the HOMELIB_ macro for easier package installation and use (requires m4 -I <path> or the M4PATH environment variable). Version 7.0: New options and wrapper macro scr for thyristor. Generalized ifinstr. Macros corner, round, resized. Options for mosfet. Tweaked b_current and color macros. Simplified \psbezier workaround assuming recent PSTricks. Version 6.9: New workaround for \psbezier. Fixed round_. Default postprocessor reset to gpic. Style parameters for em_arrows. Tweaks to winding, dimension_, fitcurve, distance. New macro rot_. Version 6.8: New configuration file svg.m4 and other changes to support dpic svg output. Inkscape-aware changes. Opamp option. New macros ptrans and tgate. Tweaks to switch macros, color, variable, centerline, intersect_, inductor(,W), inductor(,L). Version 6.7: Fixed source(,S) and ttmotor to work correctly with labels. Simplified several 2-terminal macros by using the reversed macro. Version 6.6: New macros memristor, centerline. Revised PSTricks patch. Options in mosfet, capacitor. Opamp .C defined. Tweaks to avoid potential name conflicts. Fix for dashline. Version 6.5: New macros Loopover_, m4xpand, showbox_, gyrator, norator, nullator, nterm, rotellipse, rotbox. Logic gate examples. Customization arguments for non-2-terminal elements. Signal flow-graph macros tuned to allow large nodes; bug fix in sfgarc. A patch for PSTricks to work around the context dependency of \psbezier within \pscustom. Version 6.4: New macros Equidist3, f_box, rs_box, Darlington, View3D. Options for diode, inductor, transformer, consource. Moved arrowhead initialization in pstricks.m4 and libcct.m4 for for more flexibility with diagrams embedded in latex files. Version 6.3: New options for mosfet, diode, earphone. Better color support. Fixed system-dependent OR_gate problems. New macro cintersect. Version 6.2: Replaced scr with a variant of thyristor. Bug fix in bi_trans. Options for source. Version 6.1: New macros ttmotor, thyristor. Options for source, bi_trans, transformer. More robust arcd, arcr. Version 6.0: TikZ PGF compatibility. Added transformer labels, optional FlipFlop labels. New macros dswitch, winding. Tweaked nport, source, bi_trans, AND_gen, OR_gen, sinusoid, resistor. Version 5.9: Simplified internal flags for pic processor and postprocessor. New antenna, cbreaker, dturn, and lbox macros. Several changes to allow sprintf string arguments. New options for buzzer, capacitor, dimension_, ebox, fuse, mosfet, source, and switch. Fix of drjust. Better compatibility with pic macros. Numerous changes to documentation. Version 5.8: Simplified installation. Revised and augmented logic-gate library. Cleaner libgen macro output. Improved b_current, bi_trans, ground, dtee. Dline and darrow corrected for gpic. New macros dashline, m4xtract. Version 5.7: Psfrag examples. Improved dline. Added option and label in igbt. Bug fix in tr_xy. Multiple-emitter option in bi_trans. Version 5.6: Better MetaPost, PDFLaTeX, and xfig support. PDF examples. Reworked diode for easier customization and more options. Improved shade, sfgline, dline, darrow, gap, point_, Point_, opamp, bi_trans, variable, em_arrows, larrow, rarrow, FlipFlop6. New speaker, bell, microphone, buzzer. Negated logic gate inputs and IEEE box logic gates. Version 5.5: New macros potentiometer, variable, igbt, tline. Optional negated logic gate inputs. Options for diode, source. Version 5.4: New Mux, for_, arca. Reworked gate macros FlipFlop, AND_gate, OR_gate, NOT_gate. Improved lg_pintxt, boxdim, s_box, s_ht, s_wd, s_dp, nport, resistor, opamp. Completely reworked bi_tr, mosfet; deleted smosfet. Minor additions and changes to the manual. Version 5.3: New macros arcr, arcd, beginshade, endshade, larrow, rarrow, s_sp, s_ht, s_wd, Max, Min, sfgself. Improved ground, sfgnode, diode, resistor. Version 5.2: New macros arrowline, nport, vlength, boxcoord, reversed. Improved s_box, sfg_init, cross, fitcurve, sinusoid, transformer, darrow, mosfet, psset_, battery, diode, capacitor. Version 5.1: Signal-flow graph (directed graph) macros. More consistent rot3Dz. Work-around for a bug in some pic processors invoked by the battery macro and for an arc instability invoked by the fuse macro. Modified ground, dimension_, par_, label macros, b_current, diode, transformer. New macros gpar_, ujt, scr, contact, relay. Document fixes and additions. Changes to examples for portability. Version 5.0: Macros fuse, lpop, sinc; dpic-only sinusoid and fitcurve macros. More robust mosfet, smosfet, b_current, bi_tr, j_fet, intersect_. Editorial changes to the manual. Examples in Xfig version 3.2 format. Web-based examples and updated links. Version 4.9: More robust NOT_gate. Function pmod(), macro shade(). Tweaks to diode, dend, crossover. Newer manual and web references. Binary tree and flowchart macros. Version 4.8: More robust ebox, source, shadebox, gap. Modified d_fet and e_fet. Macros mosfet and smosfet. More examples in the manual. Bug fixes in Fector, transformer, BUFFER_gate and in sum_, abs_, neg_, sign_ (!). Version 4.7: Fixed the excess-space bug in boxdims.sty. Added Macros s_box, s_init, scale changes to make the package more metric-friendly. Reworked amp, integrator, opamp, diode, battery and a few other macros for robustness and clarity. Minor document changes. Version 4.6: Percent-signs at the end of pstricks-generated lines. Index in the manual. New copyright notices. Version 4.5: Options for several 2-terminal macros. Minor bug fixes and better robustness. Documents edited for friendlier PC installation and use. Version 4.3: Macros pt__ and boxdim. Additions to the manual. More robust dimension_, tuned FlipFlop for xfig. PC installation information. Version 4.2: Friendlier manual. New Xfig prototype file to allow correct scaling. Cleaned up b_current, added line_leng. Changes and additions to logic gates. Version 4.1: Xfig prototype file included. Minor document changes. Fixed recursive call bug and blank line bug. Changed argument for dend macro. Better arrowheads in circuit elements. Version 4: Simplified library use. Added capabilities and flexibility to several devices, added _init macros, modified b_current. Updated font.m4, cosmetic changes to inductor. Made gamp, amp, opamp, integrator more robust. Deleted edel_ macro. Fixed elen_ bug in darrow.m4. Removed Capacitor, Inductor and others in favour of parameterized macros. Iron-core inductors. Re-worked use of arcs in basic elements for better robustness. Edited examples document and the manual. Version 3: Document changes, minor changes to dimension_, switch, ground, battery. Added flexibility for several elements. New diodes, Capacitor, transistors, hop, transformer. Experimental Metafont version of basic elements. Version 2.2: Replaced definitions of two-terminal elements with current arrow by an arrow-labelling macro. Version 2.1: one or two examples simplified, and logic gates added. Version 2: considerable added flexibility and robustness, bug fixes, a few new constructs, a manual, and a complex logic-gate example.