.PS # Capacitors.m4 cct_init movewid = 2 pt__ hm = 2.05 vm = 0.28 { {capacitor ; move ;"`{\tt capacitor}'" ljust} move right_ hm {capacitor(,C); move ;"`{\tt capacitor(,C)}'" ljust} move right_ hm {capacitor(,C+); move ;"`{\tt capacitor(,C+)}'" ljust} } move down vm; right_ { {capacitor(,P); move ;"`{\tt capacitor(,P)}'" ljust} move right_ hm {capacitor(,E); move ;"`{\tt capacitor(,E)}'" ljust} move right_ hm {capacitor(,K); move ;"`{\tt capacitor(,K)}'" ljust} } move down 0.25; right_ { {capacitor(,M); move ;"`{\tt capacitor(,M)}'" ljust} move right_ hm {capacitor(,N); move ;"`{\tt capacitor(,N)}'" ljust} move right_ hm {capacitor(,CP); move ;"`{\tt capacitor(,CP)}'" ljust} } move down 0.25; right_ { {capacitor(,dC); move ;"`{\tt capacitor(,dC)}'" ljust} move right_ hm {capacitor(,dF); move ;"`{\tt capacitor(,dF)}'" ljust} move right_ hm {variable(`capacitor',NN,-30,dimen_/3); move # Stacking the strings normally does not work because the .pdf uses the # length of the last line. "`{\tt variable({\sf\char96}capacitor{\sf\char39},}'" ljust "`{\enskip\tt NN,-30,dimen\_/3)}'" ljust at last ""+(0,-12pt__) } } .PE