.PS # `Demultiplexer.m4' log_init ifmpost(`command "verbatimtex {\sf etex"', `ifpostscript(, `command "{\sf"')') right_ Demux(4,DM1) `"\tt Demux(4,DM1)"' at last [].s below `"\sl Out0"' at last [].Out0.end +(6bp__,6bp__) `"\sl Out3"' at last [].Out3.end +(6bp__,-6bp__) `"\sl In"' at last [].In.end rjust wid 11bp__ `"\sl Sel"' at last [].Sel.end ljust above left_; Demux(4,,LOE) with .c at last [].c+(1.2,0) `"\tt left\_; Demux(4,{,}LOE)"' at last [].s + (0,-20bp__) ht 10bp__ `"\sl Sel"' at last [].Sel.end rjust `"\sl Out0"' at last [].Out0.end +(-6bp__,6bp__) `"\sl OE"' at last [].OE.end ljust `"\sl In"' at last [].In.end+(0,5bp__) ljust right_; Demux(4,,NOEBN2) with .c at last [].c+(1.2,0) `"\tt (4,{,}NOEBN2)"' at last [].s below `"\sl Sel0"' at last [].Sel0.end rjust `"\sl Sel1"' at last [].Sel1.end ljust `"\sl Out0"' at last [].Out0.end +(5bp__,6bp__) `"\sl Out3"' at last [].Out3.end +(5bp__,6bp__) `"\sl NOE"' at last [].NOE.end rjust `"\sl In"' at last [].In.end above down_; Demux(8,,L3,,28*L_unit) with .c at last [].c+(1.8,0) `"\tt down\_; Demux(8,{,}L3,{,}28*L\_unit)"' at last [].s+(0,-15bp__) \ ht 10bp__ wid 170bp__ `"\sl Sel0"' at last [].Sel0.end rjust `"\sl Sel2"' at last [].Sel2.end rjust below `"\sl Out0"' at last [].Out0.end rjust `"\sl Out7"' at last [].Out7.end ljust `"\sl In"' at last [].In.end rjust ifmpost(`command "verbatimtex } etex"', `ifpostscript(, `command "}"')') .PE