.PS # `NportDPV.m4' cct_init(svg_font(sans-serif,11bp__)) textoffset = 2bp__ Twoport: nport "W1a" wid 0.35 above rjust at Twoport.W1a "W1b" below rjust at Twoport.W1b "E1a" above ljust at Twoport.E1a "E1b" below ljust at Twoport.E1b #Nport: nport(wid 1 ht 1.5 fill_(0.9) svgLinkString(Np.svg,n-port,B),1,2,3,4) \ # with .Box.w at Twoport.Box.e+(1.0,0) Nport: nport(wid 1.75 ht 1 fill_(0.9),1,2,3,4) \ with .Box.w at Twoport.Box.e+(1.25,0) svgLink(Np.svg,"n-port" at Nport,B) "W1a" rjust at Nport.W1a "W1b" rjust at Nport.W1b "E1a" ljust at Nport.E1a "E3b" ljust at Nport.E3b "N1a" above at Nport.N1a.n "N1b " above at Nport.N1b.n " N2a" above at Nport.N2a.n "N2b" above at Nport.N2b.n "S1a" below at Nport.S1a.s "S4b" below at Nport.S4b.s "..." at 0.5+(0,-0.10) "..." at 0.5+(0.15,0.05) Nterm: nterm with .Box.w at Nport.Box.e+(1.0,0) "W1" rjust at Nterm.W1 "E1" wid 0.2 ljust at Nterm.E1 "S1" below at Nterm.S1.s `"nport"' at Twoport.s+(0,-0.3) `"nport(wid 1.5 ht 1.75 fill_(0.9),1,2,3,4)"' ljust at Nport.sw+(0,-0.3) `"svgLink(Np.svg,\"n-port\" at Nport,B)"' ljust at Nport.sw+(0,-0.5) `"nterm"' at Nterm.s+(0,-0.3) command "" # end font .PE