.PS # TimerDPV.m4 cct_init(svg_font(sans-serif,10.5bp__)) define(`ic555',`[Chip: box ht boxwid wid boxwid "555" P7: "7" ljust at 1/6 P6: "6" ljust at 1/2 P2: "2" ljust at 5/6 P4: "4" below at 1/3 P8: "8" below at 2/3 P3: "3" rjust at Chip.e P1: "1" above at Chip.s ]') Timer: [ define(`elen_',`linewid') Vs: dot down_ variable(`resistor(,,E); llabel(,svg_norm(1 M`'svg_ohm))'); resistor(,,E); llabel(,svg_norm(100 k`'svg_ohm)) capacitor(,E); llabel(svg_norm(220 svg_micro`'F)) Zero: dot dot(at Vs+(elen_*4/3,0)) resistor(,,E); llabel(,svg_norm(33 k`'svg_ohm)) line to (Here,Zero) chop 0 chop elen_ C2: capacitor; llabel(svg_norm(0.1 svg_micro`'F)) dot IC1: ic555 with .P7 at C2.start + (elen_,0) line from IC1.P4 to (IC1.P4,Vs); dot line from IC1.P8 to (IC1.P8,Vs); dot line from IC1.P1 to (IC1.P1,Zero); dot line from IC1.P2 to (C2,IC1.P2); dot crossover(from IC1.P7 to (Zero,IC1.P7),R,C2); dot line from IC1.P6 left elen_/2 then down IC1.P6.y-IC1.P7.y; dot line from IC1.P3 right elen_*2/3 R: dot line right_ elen_/3 B: buzzer(,,C) with .In3 at Here line from B.In1 to (R,B.In1) reversed(`diode',to (Here,Vs),LE); "red" at last line.c+(elen_/2,0) resistor(down_ elen_ from R,,E); llabel(,svg_norm(470 svg_ohm)) diode(to (Here,Zero),LE); {"green" wid 0.4 at last line.c+(elen_*2/3,0)} line to Zero chop 0 chop -elen_ line up_ (Vs.y-Here.y)/3 battery(up_ (Vs.y-Here.y)/3); rlabel(,,svg_norm(9 V)) switch(to (Here,Vs),,D) line to (R,Vs) ] Ex01: [ # ex01.m4 linewid = linewid*1.5 # let's make the circuit elements bigger than usual define(`elen_',linewid) # but not longer del = elen_/4 # a spacing parameter move right 0.4 Vin: source(up_ elen_ + 2*del, V); llabel(,v`'svg_sub(s),) switch(right_ elen_,,C); rlabel(,t = svg_norm(0),) resistor; llabel(,svg_norm(47 ohm),); b_current() { "svg_it(i`'svg_sub(R))" at last arrow.end+(0,3bp__) above rjust } line right_ elen_/2 then down_ del P:parallel_(`L:inductor(,W); llabel(,"L" wid 0.15,); b_current()', `capacitor(,C); rlabel(+,v`'svg_sub(C),-); llabel(,,C)') { "svg_it(i`'svg_sub(L))" at P.E1.L.start+(2bp__,0) ljust below } line to (Here,Vin.start) then to Vin.start define(`meshcurrent',`[arc -> cw with .c at (0,0) \ from (Rect_(`$1',-30)) to (Rect_(`$1',30)) "svg_it(`$2')"]') right_ meshcurrent(del,i`'svg_sub(2)) at last[].C meshcurrent(2*del,i`'svg_sub(1)) at Vin.start + (4*del,3*del) ] with .sw at Timer.se+(0.5,0) command "" # end font .PE