.PS # ex21.m4 log_init iflatex(`textoffset = 1bp__; ifpsfrag(,`latexcommand({\sf)') ') dy = 0.2 ddy = 1.8*dy D: FlipFlop(D) `"\tt FlipFlop(D)"' at last [].s+(0,-ddy) above T: FlipFlop( T) with .Chip.sw at last [].se + (0.4,0) `"\tt FlipFlop(T)"' at last [].s+(0,-ddy) above RS: FlipFlop(RS) with .Chip.sw at last [].se + (0.4,0) `"\tt FlipFlop(RS)"' at last [].s+(0,-ddy) above JK: FlipFlop(JK) with .Chip.sw at last [].se + (0.4,0) `"\tt FlipFlop(JK)"' at last [].s+(0,-dy) above # Test 3: synchronous 3-bit counter define(`counterFF',``$1':FlipFlop(JK) `$2' "\sf\scriptsize `$1'" at `$1'.Chip.sw below ljust "\sf\scriptsize $`'1$" at `$1'.PinCLR.end above "\sf\scriptsize $`'1$" at `$1'.PinPR.end below') [ right_ counterFF(FF0) counterFF(FF1,with .Chip at FF0.Chip+(-28*L_unit,0)) counterFF(FF2,with .Chip at FF1.Chip+(-28*L_unit,0)) "\sf\scriptsize $1$sp_" at FF0.PinJ.end rjust "\sf\scriptsize $1$sp_" at FF0.PinK.end rjust Dc: FF2.Chip.sw+(-9*L_unit,-7*L_unit) Bot: Dc+(0,-3*L_unit) left_ AndG: AND_gate at FF1.Chip.nw+(4*L_unit,12*L_unit) right_ line from FF2.PinCK.end left 3*L_unit line to (Here,Dc); dot line from FF1.PinCK.end left 3*L_unit line to (Here,Dc); dot line from FF0.PinCK.end left 3*L_unit line to (Here,Dc) then to Dc "\sf\scriptsize $D_C$ sp_" rjust line from FF2.PinK.end to FF2.PinJ.end; dot line to (Here,AndG.Out) then to AndG.Out line from FF1.PinK.end to FF1.PinJ.end; dot line to (Here,FF1.PinCLR.end+(0,3*L_unit)) line to (AndG.In2+(6*L_unit,0),Here) then to AndG.In2+(6*L_unit,0); dot line from FF0.PinQ.end right 0.1; dot line from AndG.In2 to (Here,AndG.In2) then to (Here,Bot); "$D_{00}$" below line right 0.1 from FF1.PinQ.end; dot line from AndG.In1 to (Here,AndG.In1) then to (Here,Bot); "$D_{01}$" below line right 0.1 from FF2.PinQ.end line to (Here,Bot); "$D_{02}$" below ] with .n at 0.5<2nd[].s,3rd[].s> - (0,0.4) iflatex(ifpsfrag(,`latexcommand(})')) .PE