Phone: (519) 888-4567, ex. 32805
Office: EIT 4175
Education: BSc (BIT, India), MPhil (J. Nehru Univ., New Delhi),
MSc, PhD (University of Alberta)
[Research Interests | Industrial Collaborations | Research Projects | Publications | Current Students ]
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SlipStream Data: In April 2000, I co-founded a technology company called SlipStream Data which deals with acceleration of content delivery to internet applications such as email, web browsing, e-commerce, B2B (business to business) systems on low bandwidth networks such as dial, wireless, and satellite networks even under poor RF conditions. SlipStream received multiple rounds of venture funding and was profitable within three years from its inception. The company grew from size zero to about seventy employees in 2005 when its acceleration products were being used in about 40 countries at about 2000 Telcos and ISPs such as AOL US, Netzero, AOL Canada, Bell Canada, Telus, Alliant, Wannadoo (France), Bharati Telecom(India), CCPower (China), Telefornica (Latin America). A significant portion of my research finds its dissemination through SlipStream. In 2006, SlipStream was acquired by Research in Motion, the makers of Blackberry smart phones. SlipStream currently operates as a subsidiary of Research in Motion. My involvement with SlipStream and RIM is continuing.
In the past, I have provided consulting services to several large technology companys such as IBM Canada, ISOPIA (acquired by Sun Microsystems), Bell Canada, Nortel, Research in Motion.
L. Chakraborty and Ajit Singh, "Cost-aware Caching Schemes in Heterogenous Storage Systems", To appear in The Journal of Supercomputing , 2009
M.M. Akon, M. Islam, Xuemin Shen and Ajit Singh, "SPACE: Lightweight Collaborative Caching for Clusters", To appear in Journal of Peer-to-peer Networking and Applications, 2009
M.M. Akon, Xuemin Shen, Sagar Naik, Ajit Singh and Qian Zhang, "An Inexpensive Unstructured Platform for Wireless Mobile Peer-to-peer Networks", Journal of Peer-to-peer Networking and Applications, vol. 1, no. 1, pages 75-90, 2008
M.M. Akon, Dhrubajyoti Goswami, Hon Fung Li, Xuemin (Sherman) Shen and Ajit Singh, "Novel Software-built Parallel Machines and Their Interconnections", Journal of Interconnection Networks, , volume 9, number 1-2, pages 1-29, 2008
L. Chakraborty and Ajit Singh, "A Partition-based Approach to Support Streaming Updates over Persistent Data in an Active Data Warehouse", 23rd IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, , IEEE Computer Society, Rome, Italy, May 2009
L. Chakraborty and Ajit Singh, "Processing Exact Results for Sliding Window Joins Over Time-Sequence, Streaming Data Using a Disk Archive", First Asean Conference on Intelligent Information and Database Systems, , IEEE Computer Society, April 2009
L. Chakraborty and Ajit Singh, "A Utility-based Approach to Cost-Aware Caching in Heterogeneous Storage Systems", 21st IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Computing Symposium (IPDPS), California, USA, Marc 2007, pp. 1-10. , IEEE Computer Society, April 2009
R. Palit, K.Naik and A. Singh, "Estimating the Energy Cost of Communication on Portable Wireless Devices", 1st IFIP Wireless Days Conference , Dubai, Unted Arab Emirates, November 2008.
R. Palit, K.Naik and A. Singh, "Modeling the Energy Cost of Applications on Portable Wireless Devices", Proceedings of ACM MSWiM, , Vancouver, October 2008, pp. 346-353.
R. Palit, P. Ward, K.Naik and A. Singh, "Energy Aware Cooperative (eco) Relay-based Packet Transmission in Iwreless Networks", International Wireless Communication and Networking Conference (WCNC), , March 2008, pp. 2875-2880.
T. Wang, M. Sarkissian, and A. Singh, "A User-Level, Reliable and Reconfigurable Transport Layer Protocol for Cellular Wireless Networks", Computing, Communicationss and Control Technologies Conference (CCCT), , Orlando, Florida, June 2008.
A. Singh and C. Wasik, "Cache Consistency for Distributed Object Caches in Web Systems", International Conference on Communication in Computing, , U.S.A., July 2007, pp. 83-89.
M.M. Akok, A. Singh, and X. Shen, "Low Cost Peer-to-Peer Collaborative Caching for Clusters", IEEE Consumer Coomunication and Network Conference (ICCN), , Las Vegas, U.S.A., 2006.
M.M. Akok, K. Naik, A. Singh, and X. Shen, "A Cross-Layered Peer-to-Peer Architecture for Wireless Mobile Networks", IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), , Toronto, July 9-12, 2006.
K. Naik, L. Jian and A. Singh, "Energy Saving Techniques and an Energy Estimation Model for Portable Wireless Devices", International Conference on Next Generation Communication Systems (INCONGENCOM'06), , December 2006.
L. Chakraborty A. Singh, and Sagar Naik, "Scalable Update Propagation in Partially Replicated Disconnected Client Server Databases", International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, Cypru, Greece, May 2005.
M.M. Akon, A. Singh, X. Shen, D. Goswami and H.F. Li, "Developing High Performance Parallel Applications Using EPAS", To Appear in The 3rd International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing and Applications (ISPA 2005), Nanjing, China, November 2005.
L. Chakraborty and A. Singh, "A New Approach to Cost-Aware Caching in Heterogeneous Storage Systems", Second International Workshop on Operating Systems, Programming Environments and Management Tools for High Performance Computing on Clusters (COSET-2) (Held in Conjunction with ACM international Conference on Supercomputing 2005), Cambridge Massachusetts, June 2005, pp. 1-6.
D. Goswami, A.Singh, and B.R. Preiss, "From Design Patterns to Parallel Architectural Skeletons", Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, Vol. 62, Number 4, 2002, Page 669-695.
M.M. Akon, D. Goswami, A. Singh, H.F. Li, �Extensible Parallel Architectural Skeletons�, To Appear in International Conference on High Performance Computing, India, December 2005.
D. Goswami, M.M. Akon, A. Singh, and H.F. Li, �Extensible Parallel Architectural Skeletons�, Sumitted to a Journal, 2005, 29 pages.
H. Chen, C.A. Canizares, and A. Singh, �Web-based Security Cost Analysis in Electricity Markets�, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol. 20, No. 2, May 2005, pp. 659-667.
H. Chen, C.A. Canizares, F. Milano, and A. Singh, �Transmission Congestion Management and Pricing in Simple Auction Electricity Markets� International Journal of Emerging Electric Power Systems, Vol. 1, No. 1, 2004, 28 (journal) pages.
T. Wang and A. Singh, �Communication Using a Reconfigurable and Reliable Transport Layer Protocol�, The 2nd International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing and Applications (ISPA 2004), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag, Hong Kong, December 2004, pp. 788-797.
T. Wang and A. Singh, �A User Level, Reliable, and Reconfigurable Transport Layer Protocol�, The 6th International Workshop on Distributed Computing, Indian Statistical Institute, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag, Kolkata, December 2004, pp. 302-314.
D. Goswami, A. Singh, and B.R. Preiss, "Building Parallel Applications Using Design Patterns", In Advances in Software Engineering: Topics in Comprehension, Evolution and Evaluation, Springer Verlag, New York, December 2001, Pages 243-265.
N.P. Chow, A. Singh, and A. Mawji, �Architecture of a Reconfigurable and Reusable Web Based Environment�, International Conference on Internet Computing, (IC�2004), Vol I, Nevada, June 2004, pp. 42-45.
A.Mawzi and A. Singh, �Load Balanced Exhaustive Network Data Processing with a Parallel Cluster�, International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (PDPTA'2004), June 2004, pp. 207-213.
L. Chakraborty, A. Singh, and Sagar Naik, � Pruning Update Log Files in Intermittently Connected Databases�, The 3rd International Workshop on Wireless Information Systems, Porto, Portugal, April 2004, pp. 63-72.
Ajit Singh and Raymond Li: Template Directed Development of Web-Based Information Systems, International Conference on Knowledge Engineering (IKE 2003), Nevada, USA, pp. 686-692
R.W.K. Li and A. Singh, �Pattern Driven Generation of Web-based Information Systems�, The 5th International Conference on Information Technology, Bhubaneswar, India, (Invited Paper), 2002, 12 pages.
H. Chen, C.A. Canizares, and A. Singh, �Web Based Transactional Operational Feasibility Analysis in Electricity Markets�, IEEE Power Engineering Society 2002 Summer Meeting, Chicago, IL, July 2002
H. Chen, C. A. Canizares, "ANN Based Short Term Forecasting in Electricity Markets", Proceedings of the IEEE/PES Winter Meeting, Columbus, January 2001, 6 Pages.
L. Tahvildari and A. Singh, "Impact of Using Patterns-Based Systems on the Qualities of a Parallel Application", International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (PDPTA'2000), June 2000, Vol III, pp. 1713-1719.
H. Chen, C.A. Canizares, and A. Singh, "Web Based Computing for Power System Applications", In The Proc. of the Thirty-first Annual North American Power Symposium, October 1999, pp. 302-306.
Last Update: July 1996 by Changpeng Zhao