Maple has complex numbers built in, and sometimes they may appear even if you aren't necessarily expecting them. By default, the imaginary unit (the square root of $-1$) is represented by I; however you can change this easily by using:
[> interface( 'imaginaryunit' = 'j' ):
At this point, you cannot assign to 'j', as far as Maple is concerned, any j is automatically interpreted as the imaginary unit. Unlike other programming languages, you must explicitly place an asterisks between any multiplier and the imaginary unit:
[> 3 + 4*j;
$3 + 4j$
All arithmetic operations work the same, but remember to place parentheses around the complex number if you want to have the entire complex number multiply another value:
[> (3 + j)*z^2 + (4 - 2*j)*z + 5 - 3*j;
$(3 + j)z^2 + (4 - 2j)z + 5 - 3j$
To access the real and imaginary components of a complex number, you can use the Re(...) and Im(...) functions:
[> z0 := 3.25 - 7.21*j: [> Re( z0 );
[> Im( z0 );
You can access the absolute value and the angle, argument or phase of a complex number using the abs(...) and argument(...) functions:
[> abs( z0 );
[> argument( z0 );
If the argument is a rational complex number (where both real and imaginary components are rational numbers), the result is still correctly calculated:
[> abs( -1/2 - 4/3*j );
[> argument( -1/2 - 4/3*j );
$\mathrm{arctan}\left( \frac{8}{3} \right) - \pi$
As you are aware, there are both rectangular and polar representations of complex numbers. The polar(...) constructor returns a data structure that represents a complex number in polar coordinates. If there is a single argument, it is assumed to be a complex number in the rectangular representation ($\alpha + \beta j$), in which case, a data structure with the absolute value as the first entry and the angle or phase or argument (in radians) is the second entry:
[> z1 := polar( 1.5 + 3.2*j );
$z1 := polar(3.534119409, 1.132459767)$
[> z2 := polar( 4.5, -2.5 );
$z1 := polar(4.5, -2.5)$
[> Re( z1 ); Im( z1 ); abs( z1 ); argument( z1 );
[> Re( z2 ); Im( z2 ); abs( z2 ); argument( z2 );
All of the trigonometric, hyperbolic, exponential, and logarithmic functions accept complex numbers:
[> Re( exp( 3*j ) ); # Euler's formula
[> Im( exp( 3*j ) ); # Euler's formula
[> exp( 2.3*j ); cos( 2.3 ) + sin( 2.3 )*j; # Euler's formula
$-0.6662760213 + 0.7457052122 j$
$-0.6662760213 + 0.7457052122 j$
[> exp( 3 + 5*Pi*j );
[> abs( exp( 3 + 4*j ) );
[> z0 := 0.3 + 0.6*j: [> exp( z0 ); 1 + z0 + z0^2/2! + z0^3/3! + z0^4/4! + z0^5/5!;
$1.114086549 + 0.7621876158j$
$1.113967750 + 0.7621305000j$
[> sin( z0 ); z0 - z0^3/3! + z0^5/5! - z0^7/7! + z0^9/9! - z0^11/11!;
$0.3503289263 + 0.6082183980j$
$0.3503289263 + 0.6082183980j$
[> cosh( z0 ); 1 + z0^2/2! + z0^4/4! + z0^6/6! + z0^8/8! + z0^10/10!;
$0.8627551053 + 0.1719450917j$
$0.8627551053 + 0.1719450917j$
These as one may expect:
[> p := (3 + j)*z^2 + (4 - 2*j)*z + 5 - 3*j: [> eval( p, z = 1.3 - 2.4*j );
$6.23 - 0.39j$