The double-colon operator or type operator is a binary operator where the left-hand side is an expression or expression sequence, and the right side is a type or an expression sequence of types.
We will use :: when we define procedures, but we can already use it in functions:
[> f := (n::integer) -> nextprime( nextprime( n ) ): [> f( 18 ):
[> f( 18.5 ):
Error, invalid input: f expects its 1st argument, n, to be of type integer, but received 18.5
Later, when you are getting into using Maple as a programming language, you can assert that a variable is being assigned an appropriate type:
[> counter::integer := 3.1415;
$counter := 3.1415$
The kernelopts(...) directs the Maple engine or kernel to set specific options, and the assertlevel option, if set to 2, will verify such assignments:
[> kernelopts( 'assertlevel' = 2 ): [> counter::integer := 3.1415; Error, assertion failed in assignment to counter, expected integer, got 3.1415
[> counter::integer := 3;
$counter := 3$