Formatted printing (printf)

The printf(...) function in Maple is identical to that of the corresponding function in C and C++, but there are a few more additional formats that are specific to Maple, the most useful are the four shown here:


The format %a will convert any Maple expression to valid 1-D Maple input (what we use in this tutorial).

[> printf( "expr := %a;\n", 1/(1 + 1/c) );
expr := 1/(1+1/c);
[> printf( "u1 := %a;\n", <1.1, 2.2, 3.3> );
u1 := Vector(3, [1.1,2.2,3.3]);


The format %La (%a with the L modifier) will convert all remaining arguments into an expression sequence of valid 1-D Maple inputs. There is one problem, however, the output will not always be valid Maple 1-D input, for if there are no arguments, it will have a blank instead of NULL.

[> printf( "%a := %La;\n", some_name, 1, 2, 1/3 );
some_name := 1, 2, 1/3;

%P and %LP

This final one is really useful only on its own: it will create output that pretty-prints the Maple expression, or an expression sequence of Maple expressions pretty printed:

[> printf( "%P\n", sum( sin( 1/(1 + 1/k) ), k = 0..N ) );
                               \           1
                                )   sin(-------)
                               /        1 + 1/k
                              k = 0
[> printf( "%LP\n", a, 1/(1 + a), 1/(1 + 1/(1 + a)), 1/(1 + 1/(1 + 1/(1 + a))) );
                           1        1            1
                      a, -----, ---------, -------------
                         1 + a        1            1
                                1 + -----  1 + ---------
                                    1 + a            1
                                               1 + -----
                                                   1 + a