A focused topic together with a well-structure flow is a necessary foundation of any good technical presentation; however, as with any presentation, there are time constraints. Against this is an almost unstoppable human trait: the desire and urge to continue talking and about a topic which is of interest to the speaker to a captive audience.
A presentation which ends in a timely manner—especially light of adverse situations—will also leave the audience in a a positive frame of mind which will only help the speaker. It is not possible to save a disaster by extending the duration of the pain. A speaker who finds him or herself in this situation should simply conclude and next time spend more time on the organizational aspect of the presentation.
The requirement for the proficiency examination is that the presentation must be between twelve and fifteen minutes in length. While an extra thirty seconds is allowed at the end, this already constitutes a penalty of -1. A presentation which runs past 15:30 is automatically judged to be a failure.