This is a simulation of a M/D/1 system. Events arrive with a mean arrival rate of LAMBDA per unit time and they are serviced at rate of MU per unit time. These parameters may be set in the code; the current values are those used in the course slides with a unit time of seconds.
First, we generate the arrival times of all of the processes. As these are to be independent, they must follow a Poisson distribution with a parameter LAMBDA. As such, the distribution of the intervals between the arrivals will follow an exponential distribution with the same parameter, LAMBDA.
In order to generate a random variable that follows an exponential distribution with
a parameter LAMBDA, it is necessary generate a random number on
(drand48() generates one in
, so 1 - drand48() gives
us the desired value) and then calculate
Next, we validate that the data is actually approximately Poisson as expected. Thus, for each
time interval, we count the number of arrivals that occur in it and tabulate these. The proportion
that have arrivals should have the distribution
The table that is printed compares the actual distribution with the theoretical.
Next, we run the simulation.
Finally, we look at all the events and calculate the average time spent in the system and compare this value with the expected mean time in the system.
One such run is shown here:
% gcc -lm simulation.c % ./a.out 0 0.242882 0.242521 1 0.343803 0.343572 2 0.240641 0.243363 3 0.115986 0.114921 4 0.041835 0.040701 5 0.011477 0.011532 6 0.002795 0.002723 7 0.000468 0.000551 8 0.000099 0.000098 Expected mean time in the system: 6.226805 Actual average time in the system: 6.507858
You will note the distribution is very close to the expected Poisson distribution (for example, 24.29% of
the one-second intervals had no arrivals occurring during that second and this is very close to the expected
24.25% of the one-second intervals). Similarly, the calculate of the mean time in the system
using the formula is also reasonably close
to the average time in the system for the simulation.