#ifndef CA_UWATERLOO_ALUMNI_DWHARDER_MARSAGLIA_POLAR #define CA_UWATERLOO_ALUMNI_DWHARDER_MARSAGLIA_POLAR // Author: Douglas Wilhelm Harder // Copyright (c) 2012 by Douglas Wilhelm Harder. All rights reserved. // Reference: Donald E. Knuth, "The Art of Computer Programming, Vol. 2, Seminumerical Algorithms", 3rd Ed., Addison Wesley, Toronto, 1998, p.122-6. // On successive calls to randn_mp(), this function returns // a random standard normal value (a mean of zero and standard deviation of one). #include #include double randn_mp() { static int n = 1; static double second = 0.0; ++n; if ( n & 1 ) { return second; } double u1, u2, s; do { u1 = 2.0*drand48() - 1.0; u2 = 2.0*drand48() - 1.0; s = u1*u1 + u2*u2; } while ( s >= 1 ); double c = sqrt( -2.0*log(s)/s ); second = u2*c; return u1*c; } #endif