Author: Douglas Wilhelm Harder
For every topic, there is a YouTube video and the corresponding slides. The YouTube lectures contain chapters for easier navigation, especially for some of the larger lectures. The videos are on a per-topic basis, and each week is no more than 3 × 50 minutes or two-and-a-half hours of video (see below for a discussion on lecture length). Also included are often links to:
The course is broken into twelve weeks, and unfortunately, some week breaks do interrupt a particular topic; however, if you are learning this material on your own, this really should not pose an issue. At the end of each week, an assignment is posted without solutions.
Topic | Video | Time (min) |
PDFs | Week | Questions, summaries (Nutshells), sample code, Wikipedia, and other links | |
Course introduction | ||||||
1 | Course introduction | YouTube | 67 | Notes Slides PPTX |
1 |
Representation of real numbers | ||||||
2 | Representation of real numbers | YouTube | 83 | Notes Slides PPTX |
1 | |
Week 1 assignment (solutions) | ||||||
Tools for finding numerical algorithms | ||||||
3 | Tools for finding numerical algorithms | YouTube | 13 | Notes Slides PPTX |
2 | |
3.1 | Weighted averages | YouTube | 11 | Slides PPTX |
2 | |
3.2 | Iteration and fixed-point iteration | YouTube | 32 | Slides PPTX |
2 | |
3.3 | Linear algebra | YouTube | 61 | Slides PPTX |
2 |
Week 2 assignment (solutions) | ||||||
3.4 | Interpolation | YouTube | 45 | Slides PPTX |
3 |
3.5 | Taylor series | YouTube | 18 | Slides PPTX |
3 |
3.6 | Bracketing | YouTube | 10 | Slides PPTX |
3 |
3.7 | Intermediate-value theorem | YouTube | 15 | Slides PPTX |
3 | |
3.8 | Summary of tools and looking ahead | YouTube | 15 | Slides PPTX |
3 | |
Types and sources of error | ||||||
4 | Types and sources of error (optional—not on the examination) | YouTube | 32 | Notes Slides PPTX |
3 | |
Week 3 assignment (solutions) | ||||||
Approximating the value of expressions | ||||||
5 | Introduction to approximating the value of expressions | YouTube | 10 | Notes Slides PPTX |
4 | |
5.1 | Evaluating a polynomial at a point and Horner's rule | YouTube | 23 | Slides PPTX |
4 | |
5.2 | Using interpolating polynomials | YouTube | 4 | Slides PPTX |
4 | |
5.2.1 | Approximating values using interpolating polynomials | YouTube | 33 | Slides PPTX |
4 | |
5.2.2 | Approximating derivatives using interpolating polynomials | YouTube | 54 | Slides PPTX |
4 | |
Week 4 assignment (solutions) | ||||||
5.2.3 | Approximating integrals using interpolating polynomials | YouTube | 60 | Slides PPTX |
5 |
5.3 | Least-squares best-fitting polynomials | YouTube | 31 | Notes Slides PPTX |
5 | |
5.3.1 | Approximating a point using least-squares best-fitting polynomials | YouTube | 24 | Slides PPTX |
5 | |
5.3.2 | Approximating the derivative using least-squares best-fitting polynomials | YouTube | 5 | Slides PPTX |
5 | |
5.3.3 | Approximating an integral using least-squares best-fitting polynomials | YouTube | 5 | Slides PPTX |
5 | |
5.3.4 | Dealing with jitter (optional—not on the examination) | YouTube | 13 | Slides PPTX |
5 | |
5.3.5 | Polynomial and exponential growth (optional—not on the examination but very useful) | YouTube | 60 | Slides PPTX |
5 | |
5.4 | Frequency analysis (optional—not on the examination) | YouTube | 14 | Slides PPTX |
5 | |
5.4.1 | The inner product and orthogonal bases (optional—not on the examination) | YouTube | 13 | Slides PPTX |
5 | |
5.4.2 | Periodic functions and Fourier series (optional—not on the examination) | YouTube | 33 | Slides PPTX |
5 | |
5.4.3 | The fast Fourier transform (optional—not on the examination) | YouTube | - | Slides | 5 | |
Week 5 assignment (solutions) | ||||||
Approximating solutions to algebraic equations | ||||||
6 | Approximating solutions to algebraic equations | YouTube | 8 | Slides PPTX |
6 | |
6.1 | Approximating the solution to the quadratic equation | YouTube | 11 | Notes Slides PPTX |
6 | |
6.2 | Approximating solutions to non-linear algebraic equations | YouTube | 9 | Slides PPTX |
6 | |
6.2.1 | Newton's method | YouTube | 18 | Slides PPTX |
6 |
6.2.2 | The bisection method | YouTube | 16 | Slides PPTX |
6 |
6.2.3 | The bracketed secant method (optional—not on the examination) | YouTube | 17 | Slides PPTX |
6 | |
6.2.4 | The secant method | YouTube | 14 | Slides PPTX |
6 |
6.2.5 | Muller's method (optional—not on the examination) | YouTube | 9 | Slides PPTX |
6 |
6.2.6 | Inverse quadratic interpolation | YouTube | 9 | Slides PPTX |
6 |
6.2.7 | Brent-Dekker method (optional—not on the examination) | YouTube | 5 | Slides PPTX |
6 |
6.3 | Approximating solutions to systems of linear equations | YouTube | 5 | Slides PPTX |
6 |
6.3.1 | The Gauss-Seidel method (optional—not on the examination) | YouTube | 10 | Slides PPTX |
6 | |
6.3.2 | The method of successive over-relaxation | YouTube | 9 | Slides PPTX |
6 | |
Week 6 assignment (solutions) | ||||||
6.4 | Approximating solutions to systems of non-linear equations | YouTube | 19 | Slides PPTX |
7 | |
6.4.1 | Newton's method in n dimensions | YouTube | 13 | Slides PPTX |
7 | |
Approximating solutions to analytic equations | ||||||
7 | Approximating solutions to analytic equations | YouTube | 8 | Slides PPTX |
7 | |
7.1 | Approximating solutions to ordinary differential equations (ODEs) | YouTube | 10 | Slides PPTX |
7 | |
7.1.1 | Approximating solutions to initial-value problems (IVPs) | YouTube | 29 | Slides PPTX |
7 |
| | Approximating solutions to first-order IVPs | YouTube | 11 | Slides PPTX |
7 | | | Euler's method | YouTube | 29 | Slides PPTX |
7 |
Week 7 assignment (solutions) | |||||| | Heun's method | YouTube | 28 | Slides PPTX |
8 | | | The 4th-order Runge-Kutta method | YouTube | 22 | Slides PPTX |
8 | | | Error analysis of these methods | YouTube | 29 | Slides PPTX |
8 | | | Adaptive techniques for 1st-order initial-value problems (IVPs) | YouTube | 28 | Slides PPTX |
8 | | | Adaptive Euler-Heun method | YouTube | 11 | Slides PPTX |
8 | | | Adaptive Dormand-Prince method | YouTube | 16 | Slides PPTX |
8 | | | Why two corrections and why "z" for adaptive techniques? (optional—not on the examination) | YouTube | 14 | Slides PPTX |
8 | |
Week 8 assignment (solutions) | |||||| | Approximating solutions to systems of 1st-order IVPs | YouTube | 36 | Slides PPTX |
9 | | | Approximating solutions to higher-order IVPs | YouTube | 19 | Slides PPTX |
9 | | | Approximating solutions to systems of higher-order IVPs (optional—not on the examination) | YouTube | 11 | Slides PPTX |
9 | | | Authoring an IVP solver (optional—not on the examination) | YouTube | 16 | Slides PPTX |
9 | |
7.1.2 | Approximating solutions to boundary-value problems | YouTube | 12 | Slides PPTX |
9 | | | The shooting method | YouTube | 27 | Slides PPTX |
9 | |
Week 9 assignment (solutions) | |||||| | The finite-difference method | YouTube | 37 | Slides PPTX |
10 | | | Neumann and insulated boundary conditions | YouTube | 22 | Slides PPTX |
10 | |
7.2 | Approximating solutions to partial differential equations | YouTube | 13 | Slides PPTX |
10 | |
7.2.1 | The heat equation in one dimension | YouTube | 55 | Slides PPTX |
10 | |
Week 10 assignment (solutions) | ||||||
7.2.2 | The wave equation in one dimension (optional—not on the final examination) | YouTube | 28 | Slides PPTX |
11 | |
7.2.3 | Laplace's equation | YouTube | 42 | Slides PPTX |
11 | |
7.2.4 | The heat and wave equations in two and three dimensions (optional—not on the examination) | YouTube | 25 | Slides PPTX |
11 | |
Optimization | ||||||
8 | Optimization | YouTube | 13 | Slides PPTX |
11 | |
8.1 | Optimizing functions of a real variable | YouTube | 4 | Slides PPTX |
11 | |
8.1.1 | Step-by-step optimization | YouTube | 13 | Slides PPTX |
11 | |
8.1.2 | Newton's method for finding extrema | YouTube | 9 | Slides PPTX |
11 | |
Week 11 assignment (solutions) | ||||||
8.1.3 | The golden-ratio search | YouTube | 28 | Slides PPTX |
12 |
8.1.4 | Successive parabolic interpolation | YouTube | 15 | Slides PPTX |
12 |
8.1.5 | Brent's method (optional—not on the examination) | YouTube | 6 | Slides PPTX |
12 |
8.2 | Optimizing functions of a vector variable | YouTube | 6 | Slides PPTX |
12 | |
8.2.1 | Hooke-Jeeves method (optional—not on the examination) | YouTube | 17 | Slides PPTX |
12 |
8.2.2 | Newton's method for finding extrema in n dimensions | YouTube | 21 | Slides PPTX |
12 | |
8.2.3 | Gradient descent | YouTube | 33 | Slides PPTX |
12 | |
8.3 | Linear programming and constrained optimization (optional—not on the examination but very useful) | YouTube | - | Slides | 12 |
8.3.1 | The simplex method (optional—not on the examination but very useful) | YouTube | - | Slides | 12 |
Week 12 assignment (solutions) | ||||||
Course summary | ||||||
9 | Course summary | YouTube | 54 | Slides PPTX |
12 | |
These are documents that go into greater detail in some cases than the presentations; however, the presentations above contain most of the information needed for the course. Please note, these documents are from a previous offering, and thus there are differences in the emphasis of the material, and there are alternative means of describing some of the algorithms in question. Also, the numbering does not necessarily match, and where explanations differ, this author believes that the presentations above give a much better description.
You can look at slides and videos for Laplace's equation, the heat-conduction/diffusion equation and the wave equation at NE 217 and view the 2nd, 4th and 5th laboratories.
Nominally, a week contains three 50-minute lectures, or 150 minutes, together with discussion, etc. For a twelve-week course, this totals to thirty (30) cumulative hours of lectures. However, in-class lectures also includes discussion and questions, which are not possible in an on-line format, so it is unfair to simply pack 150 minutes of lecture material each week. Instead, these lectures contain a total of 1553 minutes or just shy of twenty-six (26) hours of lecture material, with each week containing between two hours and two hours and thirty minutes of lecture material per week with an average just shy of one hundred and thirty (130) minutes per week.