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Author: Douglas Wilhelm Harder

This course will have five projects. Each of the projects will be submitted on Learn or Crowdmark. The laboratory sessions are there only to provide assistance for the students in completing the projects.

You can look at an introduction to Matlab here.

You can use either Matlab or Octave for the projects:

  1. All engineering computer labs have Matlab installed.
  2. You can remotely log onto to access Matlab.
  3. You can create an account with Matlab and run Matlab online by logging onto Matlab's academic portal.
  4. You can download Octave.
  5. You can use Octave on

Thank you to Sam Tang for pointing out the Matlab portal.

The projects are are due on the dates and times specified in the course syllabus.

  1. Project 1 with the source code on or also here.
  2. Project 2
  3. Project 3
  4. Project 4
  5. Project 5

The teaching assistants for the projects are:

  • Nikolay
  • Nazanin
  • Yazan
  • Afsaneh
  • Nasrin

There will be periods during which the TAs will be available the week before the projects are due to assist you. Laboratories are either 8:30 to 11:20 or 1:30-4:20 in E2 3339 during the following five weeks:

    Week starting January 15.

    Week starting January 29.

    Week starting February 12.

    Week starting March 11.

    Week starting March 25*.

* Friday, April 29th is a statutory holiday and thus the laboratory scheduled for that morning will be held the previous Wednesday at 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm in E2 3339.

The teaching assistants for Projects 2 through 5 are listed here:

ProjectTeaching assistants
2Nazanin, Yazan
3Afsaneh, Nazanin
4Afsaneh, Yazan
5Nikolay, Nasrin

The teaching assistants will indicate on Learn as to how to contact them.

Note that the time submissions are due is at 10:00 in the evening and not midnight. This is to ensure that you get sufficient sleep for class the next morning; for if you were told that it was due at 8:30 AM Monday morning, there will be some students who not start the project until 4:00 that morning; if you were told that it was due at 6:00 PM, there will be some students who will not start the project until 2:00, four hours before.