#ifndef ARRAY_TESTER_H #define ARRAY_TESTER_H #ifndef nullptr #define nullptr 0 #endif #include "Tester.h" #include "Array.h" #include "ece250.h" #include <iostream> #include <cmath> template <typename Type> class Array_tester:public Tester< Array<Type> > { using Tester< Array<Type> >::object; using Tester< Array<Type> >::command; public: Array_tester( Array<Type> *obj = 0 ):Tester< Array<Type> >( obj ) { // empty } void process(); }; /**************************************************** * void process() * * Process the current command. For Array, these include: * * new new Array() create a new array with default capacity * new: n new Array( n ) create a new array with capacity n * size n size the size equals n * capacity n capacity the capacity equals n * empty b empty empty() returns the Boolean value b * full b full full() returns the Boolean value b * * sum n sum the sum of the entries is n * min n min the minimum entry is n * min! min an underflow exception is thrown * max n max the maximum entry is n * max! max an underflow exception is thrown * average d average the average of the entries is d * average! average an underflow exception is thrown * variance d variance the variance of the entries is d * variance! variance an underflow exception is thrown * std_dev d std_dev the standard deviation of the entries is d * std_dev! std_dev an underflow exception is thrown * at i m operator[] object[i] returns m * at! i operator[] object[i] throws an out_of_range * * append n b append attempting to append n returns the Boolean value b * clear clear empties the array--always succeeds as a test * * Others * cout cout << Array print the Array (for testing only) * assign operator = assign this Array to a new Array object * summary prints the amount of memory allocated * minus the memory deallocated * details prints a detailed description of which * memory was allocated with details * !! use the previous command, e.g. 5 append 3 * 6 !! 7 // same as append 7 * !n use the command used in line n 7 append 7 * 8 !7 9 // same as append 9 * ****************************************************/ template <typename Type> void Array_tester<Type>::process() { if ( command == "new" ) { object = new Array<Type>(); std::cout << "object = new Array<Type>(); // "; std::cout << "Okay" << std::endl; } else if ( command == "new:" ) { int n; std::cin >> n; std::cout << "object = new Array<Type>( " << n << " ); // "; object = new Array<Type>( n ); std::cout << "Okay" << std::endl; } else if ( command == "size" ) { int expected_size; std::cin >> expected_size; std::cout << "object->size() == " << expected_size << "; // "; int actual_size = object->size() ; if ( actual_size == expected_size ) { std::cout << "Okay" << std::endl; } else { std::cout << "Failure in size(): expecting the value '" << expected_size << "' but got '" << actual_size << "'" << std::endl; } } else if ( command == "capacity" ) { int expected_capacity; std::cin >> expected_capacity; std::cout << "object->capacity() == " << expected_capacity << "; // "; int actual_capacity = object->capacity() ; if ( actual_capacity == expected_capacity ) { std::cout << "Okay" << std::endl; } else { std::cout << "Failure in capacity(): expecting the value '" << expected_capacity << "' but got '" << actual_capacity << "'" << std::endl; } } else if ( command == "empty" ) { bool expected_empty; std::cin >> expected_empty; if ( expected_empty ) { std::cout << "object->empty() == true; // "; } else { std::cout << "object->empty() == false; // "; } bool actual_empty = object->empty() ; if ( actual_empty == expected_empty ) { std::cout << "Okay" << std::endl; } else { std::cout << "Failure in empty(): expecting the value '" << expected_empty << "' but got '" << actual_empty << "'" << std::endl; } } else if ( command == "full" ) { bool expected_full; std::cin >> expected_full; if ( expected_full ) { std::cout << "object->full() == true; // "; } else { std::cout << "object->full() == false; // "; } bool actual_full = object->full() ; if ( actual_full == expected_full ) { std::cout << "Okay" << std::endl; } else { std::cout << "Failure in full(): expecting the value '" << expected_full << "' but got '" << actual_full << "'" << std::endl; } } else if ( command == "sum" ) { Type expected_sum; std::cin >> expected_sum; std::cout << "object->sum() == " << expected_sum << "; // "; Type actual_sum = object->sum() ; if ( actual_sum == expected_sum ) { std::cout << "Okay" << std::endl; } else { std::cout << "Failure in sum(): expecting the value '" << expected_sum << "' but got '" << actual_sum << "'" << std::endl; } } else if ( command == "average" ) { double expected_average; std::cin >> expected_average; std::cout << "object->average() == " << expected_average << "; // "; double actual_average = object->average() ; if ( std::fabs( (actual_average - expected_average)/expected_average ) < 1e-5 ) { std::cout << "Okay" << std::endl; } else { std::cout << "Failure in average(): expecting the value '" << expected_average << "' but got '" << actual_average << "'" << std::endl; } } else if ( command == "average!" ) { std::cout << "try {" << std::endl << " object->average();" << std::endl << "} catch ( underflow ) {" << std::endl << " // expecting this error" << std::endl << "} // "; try { object->average(); std::cout << "Failure in average(): expecting to catch an exception but nothing was raised." << std::endl; } catch( underflow ) { std::cout << "Okay" << std::endl; } catch (...) { std::cout << "Failure in average(): expecting an underflow exception but caught a different exception" << std::endl; } } else if ( command == "variance" ) { double expected_variance; std::cin >> expected_variance; std::cout << "object->variance() == " << expected_variance << "; // "; double actual_variance = object->variance() ; if ( std::fabs( (actual_variance - expected_variance)/expected_variance ) < 1e-5 ) { std::cout << "Okay" << std::endl; } else { std::cout << "Failure in variance(): expecting the value '" << expected_variance << "' but got '" << actual_variance << "'" << std::endl; } } else if ( command == "variance!" ) { std::cout << "try {" << std::endl << " object->variance();" << std::endl << "} catch ( underflow ) {" << std::endl << " // expecting this error" << std::endl << "} // "; try { object->variance(); std::cout << "Failure in variance(): expecting to catch an exception but nothing was raised." << std::endl; } catch( underflow ) { std::cout << "Okay" << std::endl; } catch (...) { std::cout << "Failure in variance(): expecting an underflow exception but caught a different exception" << std::endl; } } else if ( command == "std_dev" ) { double expected_std_dev; std::cin >> expected_std_dev; std::cout << "object->std_dev() == " << expected_std_dev << "; // "; double actual_std_dev = object->std_dev() ; if ( std::fabs( (actual_std_dev - expected_std_dev)/expected_std_dev ) < 1e-5 ) { std::cout << "Okay" << std::endl; } else { std::cout << "Failure in std_dev(): expecting the value '" << expected_std_dev << "' but got '" << actual_std_dev << "'" << std::endl; } } else if ( command == "std_dev!" ) { std::cout << "try {" << std::endl << " object->std_dev();" << std::endl << "} catch ( underflow ) {" << std::endl << " // expecting this error" << std::endl << "} // "; try { object->std_dev(); std::cout << "Failure in std_dev(): expecting to catch an exception but nothing was raised." << std::endl; } catch( underflow ) { std::cout << "Okay" << std::endl; } catch (...) { std::cout << "Failure in std_dev(): expecting an underflow exception but caught a different exception" << std::endl; } } else if ( command == "at" ) { int index; std::cin >> index; Type expected_value; std::cin >> expected_value; std::cout << "(*object)[" << index << "] == " << expected_value << "; // "; Type actual_value = object->operator[]( index ) ; if ( actual_value == expected_value ) { std::cout << "Okay" << std::endl; } else { std::cout << "Failure in instance[" << index << "]: expecting the value '" << expected_value << "' but got '" << actual_value << "'" << std::endl; } } else if ( command == "at!" ) { int index; std::cin >> index; std::cout << "try {" << std::endl << " (*object)[" << index << "];" << std::endl << "} catch ( out_of_range ) {" << std::endl << " // expecting this error" << std::endl << "} // "; try { object->operator[]( index ); std::cout << "Failure in instance[" << index << "]: expecting to catch an exception but nothing was raised." << std::endl; } catch( out_of_range ) { std::cout << "Okay" << std::endl; } catch (...) { std::cout << "Failure in instance[" << index << "]: expecting an out_of_range exception but caught a different exception" << std::endl; } } else if ( command == "append" ) { Type n; bool expected_append; std::cin >> n; std::cin >> expected_append; if ( expected_append ) { std::cout << "object->append( " << n << " ) == true; // "; } else { std::cout << "object->append( " << n << " ) == false; // "; } bool actual_append = object->append( n ); if ( actual_append == expected_append ) { std::cout << "Okay" << std::endl; } else { std::cout << "Failure in append(" << n << "): expecting the value '" << expected_append << "' but got '" << actual_append << "'" << std::endl; } } else if ( command == "clear" ) { std::cout << "object->clear(); // "; object->clear(); std::cout << "Okay" << std::endl; } else if ( command == "cout" ) { std::cout << "cout << *object << std::endl; // "; std::cout << *object << std::endl; } else if ( command == "assign" ) { Array<Type> *new_object = new Array<Type>(); std::cout << "stack.push( object );" << std::endl << "object = new Array<Type>();" << std::endl << "*object = *( stack.top() ); // "; *new_object = *object; std::cout << "Okay" << std::endl; Array_tester tester( new_object ); tester.run(); std::cout << "object = stack.pop();" << std::endl; } else { std::cout << command << ": Command not found." << std::endl; } } #endif