#ifndef ECE250
#define ECE250

#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
#include <cstring>
#include <cmath>
#include <ctime>
#include "Exception.h"

#ifndef nullptr
#define nullptr 0

 * **************************************************************************
 * * You don't have to use the Tester classes to use this to manage your
 * * memory.  All you must do is include this file and then, if you ever
 * * want to test if you have memory which is currently unallocated,
 * * you may use ece250::allocation_table.summary();
 * *
 * * You must simply indicate that you want to start recording by
 * * using ece250::alocation_table.summary();
 * *
 * **************************************************************************

 * ece250
 * Author:  Douglas Wilhelm Harder
 * Copyright (c) 2006-13 by Douglas Wilhelm Harder and Vajih Montaghami.  All rights reserved.
 * This file is broken into two parts:
 *   1. The first namespace ece250 is associated with tools used by the
 *      second part.
 *   2. The second has globally overloaded new, delete, new[], and delete[].
 * This tracks everything that deals with memory allocation (new and new[])
 * and memory deallocation (delete and delete[]).
 * Each time 'new' or 'new[]' is called, an appropriate entry is
 * set in a hash table 'allocation_table'.  The hash function of any address
 * is the last log[2](array_size) bits.
 * Each time that 'delete' or 'delete[]' is called, it is checked whether:
 *   1. the memory was actually allocated,
 *   2. the appropriate form of delete versus delete[] is being called, and
 *   3. delete/delete[] has been called multiple times.
 * The class also stores how much memory was allocated and how much was
 * deallocated.  The summary() function prints a summary indicating the
 * difference.  When this is called at the end of a test, the result must
 * be zero (0).
 * If there is a problem with either allocation or deallocation, two events
 * occur:  a warning is printed and an exception is thrown.
 * Each throw is associated with a warning sent to the student through cout.

namespace ece250 {
	int memory_alloc_store;

	const size_t PAD = 16;

	class overflow {};
	class invalid_deletion {};
	class invalid_input {};

	// Each time a student calls either new or new[], the
	// information about the memory allocation is stored in
	// an instance of this class

	class Stopwatch {
 			clock_t start_time;
 			float duration;

			Stopwatch() {
				duration = 0;

			void start() {
 				start_time = std::clock();

			void stop() {
 				clock_t end_time = std::clock();
 				//this supposed to be milisecond
 				duration = ((float)end_time - start_time)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC;

 			float get_last_duration() const {
				return duration;
	class Allocation {
			void *address;
			size_t size;
			bool is_array;
			bool deleted;

			address( 0 ),
			size( 0 ),
			is_array( false ),
			deleted( false ) {
				// Empty constructor

			Allocation( void *a, size_t s, bool i ):
			address( a ),
			size( s ),
			is_array( i ),
			deleted( false ) {
				// Empty constructor

	int to_int( int *ptr ) {
		int result = *ptr;

		if ( result < 0 ) {
			result = result + (1 << (sizeof( int ) - 1));

		return result >> 3;

	// All instances of an allocation are stored in this chained hash table

	class HashTable {
			int array_size;
			Allocation *allocated;
			int total_memory_alloc;
			int total_memory_deleted;
			bool record;

			// Initialize all of the addresses to 0

			HashTable( int as ):
			array_size( as ),
			total_memory_alloc( 0 ),
			total_memory_deleted( 0 ),
			record( false ) {
				allocated = new Allocation[array_size];

			void reserve( int N ) {
				// N must be a power of 2

				if ( (N & ((~N) + 1)) != N ) {
					throw illegal_argument();

				delete [] allocated;
				array_size = N;
				allocated = new Allocation[array_size];

			int memory_alloc() const {
				return total_memory_alloc - total_memory_deleted;

			void memory_store() const {
				memory_alloc_store = total_memory_alloc - total_memory_deleted;

			void memory_change( int n ) const {
				int memory_alloc_diff = total_memory_alloc - total_memory_deleted - memory_alloc_store;

				if ( memory_alloc_diff != n ) {
					std::cout << "WARNING: expecting a change in memory allocation of "
					          << n << " bytes, but the change was " << memory_alloc_diff
					          << std::endl;

			// Insert uses the last log[2]( array_size ) bits of the address as the hash function
			// It finds an unallocated entry in the array and stores the information
			// about the memory allocation in that entry, including:
			//      The amount of memory allocated,
			//      Whether new or new[] was used for the allocation, and
			//      The address of the allocated memory.

			void insert( void *ptr, size_t size, bool is_array ) {
				if ( !record ) {

				// the hash function is the last log[2]( array_size ) bits
				int hash = to_int( reinterpret_cast<int *>( &ptr ) ) & (array_size - 1);

				for ( int i = 0; i < array_size; ++i ) {
					// It may be possible that we are allocated the same memory
					// location twice (if there are numerous allocations and
					// deallocations of memory.  Thus, the second check is necessary,
					// otherwise it may introduce session dependant errors.

					if ( allocated[hash].address == 0 || allocated[hash].address == ptr ) {
						// Store the address, the amount of memory allocated,
						// whether or not new[] was used, and set 'deleted' to false.

						allocated[hash] = Allocation( ptr, size, is_array );

						// Add the memory allocated to the total memory allocated.
						total_memory_alloc += size;


					hash = (hash + 1) & (array_size - 1);

				std::cout << "WARNING: allocating more memory than is allowed for this project" << std::endl;
				throw overflow();

			// Remove checks:
			//     If the given memory location was allocated in the first place, and
			//     If the appropriate form of delete was used, i.e., delete versus delete[], and
			//     If delete has already been called on this object

			size_t remove( void *ptr, bool is_array ) {
				if ( !record || ptr == 0 ) {
					return 0;

				// the hash function is the last log[2]( array_size ) bits
				int hash = to_int( reinterpret_cast<int *>( &ptr ) ) & ( array_size - 1 );

				// Continue searching until we've checked all bins
				// or we find an empty bin.

				for ( int i = 0; i < array_size && allocated[hash].address != 0; ++i ) {
					if ( allocated[hash].address == ptr ) {
						// First check if:
						//    1. If the wrong delete was called (e.g., delete[] when new was
                        			//       used or delete when new[] was used).
						//    2. If the memory has already been deallocated previously.
						// If the deletion is successful, then:
						//    1. Set the 'deleted' flag to 'true', and
						//    2. Add the memory deallocated ot the total memory deallocated.

						if ( allocated[hash].is_array  != is_array ) {
							if ( allocated[hash].is_array ) {
								std::cout << "WARNING: use 'delete [] ptr;' to free memory allocated with 'ptr = new Class[array_size];'" << std::endl;
							} else {
								std::cout << "WARNING: use 'delete ptr;' to free memory allocated with 'ptr = new Class(...);'" << std::endl;

							throw invalid_deletion();
						} else if ( allocated[hash].deleted ) {
							std::cout << "WARNING: calling delete twice on the same memory location: " << ptr << std::endl;
							throw invalid_deletion();

						allocated[hash].deleted = true;
						total_memory_deleted += allocated[hash].size;

						// zero the memory before it is deallocated

						char *cptr = static_cast<char *>( ptr );

						for ( size_t j = 0; j < allocated[hash].size; ++j ) {
							cptr[j] = 0;

						return allocated[hash].size;

					hash = (hash + 1) & (array_size - 1);

				// If we've gotten this far, this means that the address was
				// never allocated, and therefore we are calling delete on
				// something which should be deleted.

				std::cout << "WARNING: deleting a pointer to which memory was never allocated: " << ptr << std::endl;
				throw invalid_deletion();

			// Print a difference between the memory allocated and the memory deallocated

			void summary() {
				std::cout << "Memory allocated minus memory deallocated: "
				     << total_memory_alloc - total_memory_deleted << std::endl;

			// Print the difference between total memory allocated and total memory deallocated.

			void details() {
				std::cout << "SUMMARY OF MEMORY ALLOCATION:" << std::endl;

				std::cout << "  Memory allocated:   " << total_memory_alloc << std::endl;
				std::cout << "  Memory deallocated: " << total_memory_deleted << std::endl << std::endl;

				std::cout << "INDIVIDUAL REPORT OF MEMORY ALLOCATION:" << std::endl;
				std::cout << "  Address  Using  Deleted  Bytes   " << std::endl;

				for ( int i = 0; i < array_size; ++i ) {
					if ( allocated[i].address != 0 ) {
						std::cout << "  " << allocated[i].address
						          << ( allocated[i].is_array ? "  new[]     " : "  new       " )
						          << ( allocated[i].deleted  ? "Y    " : "N    " )
						          << std::setw( 6 )
						          << allocated[i].size << std::endl;

			// Start recording memory allocations

			void start_recording() {
				record = true;

			// Stop recording memory allocations

			void stop_recording() {
				record = false;

			bool is_recording() {
				return record;

	bool asymptotic_tester( double *array, int N, int k, bool ln ) {
		double *ratios = new double[N];
		double *differences = new double[N- 1];

		int M = 2;

		for ( int i = 0; i < N; ++i ) {
			ratios[i] = array[i] / (M*(ln ? std::log( static_cast<double>( M ) ) : 1.0));

			M = M*(1 << k);


		for ( int i = 0; i < N - 1; ++i ) {
			differences[i] = ratios[i + 1] - ratios[i];
			// std::cout << differences[i] << std::endl;

		for ( int i = 1; i < N - 1; ++i ) {
			if ( !( differences[i] < 0 ) ) {
				if ( differences[i] > differences[i - 1] ) {
					delete [] ratios;
					delete [] differences;

					return false;

		delete [] ratios;
		delete [] differences;

		return true;

	HashTable allocation_table( 8192 );

	std::string history[1000];
	int count = 0;

	// Set the contents of the allocated memory to alternating 0s and 1s
	// 'U' = 0b01010101
	// Four bytes are therefore 0x55555555 or 1431655765
	// Sixteen bytes before and after the requested memory are also allocated and initialized.
	//    ________________                                            ________________

	void initialize_array_bounds( char *ptr, size_t size ) {
		std::memset( ptr, 'U', size );

	// When the user returns memory, we must check that the padding is unchaged.
	//    ________________                                            ________________
	//    UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU
	// We also check that the memory has been used--if allocated memory is left untouched,
	// there was an unnecessary allocation of memory.
	// Finally, we reset all the entries to 'U' to ensure that if the user attempts to
	// access this memory again, an error will occur.
	//    ________________                                            ________________

	void check_array_bounds( char *ptr, size_t size ) {
		for ( size_t i = 0; i < PAD; ++i ) {
			if ( ptr[i] != 'U' ) {
				std::cout << "Memory before the array located at adderss "
				          << static_cast<void *>( ptr + PAD ) << " was overwritten" << std::endl;
				throw out_of_range();

			if ( ptr[size - 1 - i] != 'U' ) {
				std::cout << "Memory after the array located at adderss "
				          << static_cast<void *>( ptr + PAD ) << " was overwritten" << std::endl;

				throw out_of_range();

		bool used = false;

		for ( size_t i = 0; i < size - 2*PAD; ++i ) {
			if ( ptr[PAD + i] != 'U' ) {
				used = true;

		if ( !used ) {
			std::cout << "The memory allocated at adderss "
			          << static_cast<void *>( ptr + PAD ) << " was not used" << std::endl;

		std::memset( ptr, 'U', size );

	// Type input<Type>()
	// Attempt to parse the input as if it is of the given Type
	//  - If it fails, it prints an error message and throws an exception

	template <typename Type>
	Type input() {
		std::string s;
		std::cin >> s;
		std::stringstream ss( s );
		Type n;
		ss >> n;
		if ( ss.fail() ) {
			std::cerr << "Not expecting the input \"" << s << "\"" << std::endl;
			throw invalid_input();
		return n;
	// bool input<bool>()
	// This is a specialization of the input function for Boolean values
	//  - It will accept the strings 'true' and 'false' as well as 1 and 0
	//  - If it fails, it prints an error message and throws an exception

	template <>
	bool input<bool>() {
		std::string s;
		std::cin >> s;
		std::stringstream ss( s );
		if ( s == "true" ) {
			return 1;
		} else if ( s == "false" ) {
			return 0;
		} else {
			bool n;
			ss >> n;
			if ( ss.fail() ) {
				std::cerr << "Not expecting the input \"" << s << "\"" << std::endl;
				throw invalid_input();
			return n;
 * new
 * Author:  Douglas Wilhelm Harder
 * Overloads the global operator new
 * Use malloc to perform the allocation.
 * Insert the pointer returned by malloc into the hash table.
 * The argument 'false' indicates that this is a call
 * to new (versus a call to new[]).
 * Return the pointer to the user.

void *operator new( size_t size ) throw( std::bad_alloc ) {
	void *ptr = malloc( size );
	ece250::allocation_table.insert( ptr, size, false );
	return static_cast<void *>( ptr );

 * delete
 * Author:  Douglas Wilhelm Harder
 * Overloads the global operator delete
 * Remove the pointer from the hash table (the entry is not truly removed,
 * simply marked as removed).
 * The argument 'false' indicates that this is a call
 * to delete (versus a call to delete[]).
 * Use free to perform the deallocation.

void operator delete( void *ptr ) throw () {
	ece250::allocation_table.remove( ptr, false );
	free( ptr );

 * new[]
 * Author:  Douglas Wilhelm Harder
 * Overloads the global operator new[]
 * Use malloc to perform the allocation.
 * Insert the pointer returned by malloc into the hash table.
 * The argument 'true' indicates that this is a call
 * to new[] (versus a call to new).
 * Return the pointer to the user.

void *operator new[]( size_t size ) throw( std::bad_alloc ) {
	char *ptr = static_cast<char *>( malloc( size + 2*ece250::PAD ) );
	ece250::allocation_table.insert( static_cast<void *>( ptr + ece250::PAD ), size, true );
	ece250::initialize_array_bounds( ptr, size + 2*ece250::PAD );
	return static_cast<void *>( ptr + ece250::PAD );

 * delete[]
 * Author:  Douglas Wilhelm Harder
 * Overloads the global operator delete[]
 * Remove the pointer from the hash table (the entry is not truly removed,
 * simply marked as removed).
 * The argument 'true' indicates that this is a call
 * to delete[] (versus a call to delete).
 * Use free to perform the deallocation.

void operator delete[]( void *ptr ) throw () {
	size_t size = ece250::allocation_table.remove( ptr, true );

	if ( ece250::allocation_table.is_recording() ) {
		ece250::check_array_bounds( static_cast<char *>( ptr ) - ece250::PAD, size + 2*ece250::PAD );

	free( static_cast<char *>( ptr ) - ece250::PAD );
