In this sub-project, you will implement the class ExpressionTree.
An expression tree is a binary tree which stores either:
- An operator and two non-empty sub trees, or
- A value (an integer).
Class Specifications
UML Class Diagram
Expression Tree |
- element:Integer
- left_tree:ExpressionTree
- right_tree:ExpressionTree
+ create( in v:Integer = 0, in l:ExpressionTree = 0, in r:ExpressionTree = 0 ):ExpressionTree
+ evaluate():Integer
+ in_fix( in parent_op:Integer, in is_left:Boolean )
+ reverse_polish()
+ is_leaf():Boolean
+ destroy()
A class which stores an integer and two pointers to other expression trees. Either
a node is full (in which case, it stores a value which identifies the type
of operator) or it is a leaf node, in which case it stores an integer. For
run time requirements, n is the number of nodes in the sub tree defined
by this node.
Member Variables
The three member variables are:
- An integer either an integer or an operator ID, and
- Two pointers to ExpressionTree objects, referred to as the left sub-tree and right sub-tree, respectively.
Class Constants
The class has four static constants:
- ExpressionTree::PLUS
- ExpressionTree::MINUS
- ExpressionTree::TIMES
- ExpressionTree::DIVIDE
You may use these in creating your expression tree.
Member Functions
ExpressionTree( int = 0, ExpressionTree * = 0, ExpressionTree * = 0 )
This constructor takes three arguments:
an integer and two pointers which point to ExpressionTree objects.
The destructor deletes the left and right sub trees if they are not 0.
This class has four accessors:
- int evaluate() const
- If the node is a leaf node, return the value.
Otherwise, the node represents an operator, in which case, you perform
the operation on the evaluated sub trees.
If a division is being performed and the denominator is
zero, a division_by_zero exception is thrown.
- void in_fix( int, bool ) const
- If the node is a leaf node, print the node.
Otherwise, print the expression using in-fix notation.
This is specified on the page for Expression. The
arguments may be used to pass information from the parent node
to a child.
- void reverse_polish() const
- If the node is a leaf node, print the node.
Otherwise, print the left sub-tree, then the right sub-tree, and
then print the operator (+, -, *, or /, as
appropriate). Each of these should be followed by a
- bool is_leaf() const
- Returns true if the node is a leaf noder. (O(1))
This class has no member functions which modify the member variables.
This class has no friends.