In this sub-project, you will implement two classes:
This quadtree node is used by the quadtree class to store pairs of elements. There are four sub-trees which are denoted as north-west, north-east, south-west, and south-east. In a binary search tree, all values less than the current element are stored in the left sub-tree while all values greater than the current element are stored in the right sub-tree. This is a generalization of that concept; however, now we are storing pairs of numbers and we must be more careful:
For example, if the root node is (5, 5); pairs such as (7, 7), (5, 7), and (7, 5) must be stored in the north-east sub-tree, pairs such as (3, 7) and (3, 5) are stored in the north-west sub-tree, pairs such as (7, 3) and (5, 3) are stored in the south-east sub-tree, and pairs such as (3, 3) are stored in the south-east sub-tree. This is shown in Figure 1 where the axes are grouped according to where the values are stored.
Figure 1. Ordering of which sub-trees values are stored in.
None of the descendants of this node will have the same pair (x, y) stored in this node.
Quadtree_node |
- x_value:Type - y_value:Type - north_west:Quadtree_node - north_east:Quadtree_node - south_west:Quadtree_node - south_east:Quadtree_node |
+ create():Quadtree_node + retrieve_x():Type + retrieve_y():Type + nw():Quadtree_node + ne():Quadtree_node + sw():Quadtree_node + se():Quadtree_node + min_x():Type + min_y():Type + max_x():Type + max_y():Type + sum_x():Type + sum_y():Type + member( in x:Type, in y:Type ):Boolean + insert( in x:Type, in y:Type ):Boolean + clear() + destroy() |
This class stores a pair of values (x, y) and pointers to four possible sub-trees. The values stored in the sub-trees satisfy the requirements stated above. The value of n in the run times refers to the number of descendants of the current node.
The six member variables are:
Quadtree_node( Type const &x, Type const &y )
This constructor sets the x and y values to the arguments, respectively, and sets all the sub-trees to 0. (O(1))
The destructor must call clear on the four sub-trees and delete those nodes. (O(n))
This class has thirteen accessors:
NOTE: the O(√n) run times are the natural run times of a balanced quadtree: the minimum x value is the minimum x value of the current node and the minimum x values of the two west sub trees. You do not have to implement special code to achieve the required run time.
This class has two mutators: