Estimation of Faults in DC Electrical Power Systems.
. Student names: Ahmed Abdalrahman Ahmed and Farid Farmani .
Course: ECE 602- Winter 2017
. The goal of this project is to replicate and analyze the estimation methods provided in [1]. It is noteworthy to say that the results provided in [1] was experimentally achieved, and do to lack of equipment we solely focus on simulation studies.
Problem description
. The main goal of this paper is to estimate faults in a DC electric circuit via optimization methods. A DC electric circuit consists of sources, loads and switching elements. voltage and current measurements are implemented on some specific nodes in the system. The problem is how to use these measurements to estimate the fault states of the circuit. In this paper a circuit model of the form:
Is considered to estimate faults , in which matrices A, B, C, D have appropriate dimensions. Indeed, the problem is to estimate faults f given the vector of observations y. The process noise vector
describes the modelling error, and the measurement noise
describes the observation error.
The faults and the states
are estimated by solving a quadratic programming (QP) problem of the form:
Where ; Q, R are positive definite matrices;
is the component-wise absolute value;
is a vector with positive components. The last term provides a weighted
penalty for the unknown components of vector
The problem is solved using standard QP software.
System model
. The problem formulation consists of three parts which are discussed as follows.
I) State equations
. The STA equations of the DC nodal are formulated in a standard way. STA models are the core of most standard small-signal liear analysis of electric circuits.
- The circuit has
nodes; each node has a voltage
with respect to the ground
- The circuit contains
branches, each has current
and voltage drop
- The signs of the currents and the voltage drops are relative to the directions of respective branches (graph edges).
- The incidence matrix
has entries
=1 if the branch
leaves the node
= -1 if it enters node
, and
= 0 otherwise.
- The STA equations comprise
. The KCL equations for the currents are
. The KVL relates voltage drops v to the node voltages $e
. Finally the BCE relates the voltage drop and the current.
. Three types of faults are considered in this study:
1) The fault of switching element k, which is thought open but might be actually closed.
2) The fault of a switching element k, which is thought closed.
3) The fault of the DC load.
II) Observation equations
. The observation equations regarding the currents measured by current sensors and voltages measured by voltages sensors have the form.
. The observation equations regarding the known voltage sources and grounded nodes have the form:
III) STA MODEL with faults
In order to obtain a linear model of the form (1) and (2) we define.
The noises are considered to be zero in this study. These matrices are all used to solve the optimization problem (3) to estimate the faults.
Data sources
The ADAPT circuit which is shown in Figure 1 is used for simulation studies [1].
. The authors specified the problem parameters in the paper. We used identical parameters in our simulations. These parameters are defined here.
Simulation study
. The following code is written to solve the estimation problem. In this part the state and observation equations as well as STA model (which were previously discussed) is provided.
-State equations:
clc clear % The incidence matrix G G = zeros (18,18); G(1,1)= 1; G(2,1)=-1; G(2,2)=1; G(3,2)=-1; G(3,3)=1; G(4,3)=-1; G(4,4)=-1; G(12,4)=1; G(4,5)=1; G(5,5)=-1; G(5,6)=1; G(6,6)=-1; G(6,7)=1; G(7,7)=-1; G(5,8)=1; G(8,8)=-1; G(8,9)=1; G(9,9)=-1; G(10,10)=1; G(11,10)=-1; G(11,11)=1; G(12,11)=-1; G(12,12)=1; G(13,12)=-1; G(3,13)=1; G(13,13)=-1; G(13,14)=1; G(14,14)=-1; G(14,15)=1; G(15,15)=-1; G(15,16)=1; G(16,16)=-1; G(14,17)=1; G(17,17)=-1; G(17,18)=1; G(18,18)=-1; % The selection matrix SB that un-selects the boundary nodes of the circuit % where KCL does not hold. SB= ones (18,18); SB(1,1)=0; SB(10,10)=0; SB(9,9)=0; SB(7,7)=0; SB(16,16)=0; SB(18,18)=0; % Ki (Diagonal Matrix) diagonal entry of KI could be a branch resistance %branch resistans Res= [0.1 0 10^15 0 0 0 6 0 10 0.1 0 0 10^15 0 0 4 0 20]; Ki = diag (Res); % Kv unity Diagonal Matrix Kv = eye(18); % The Branches current vector J J= sym('J', [18 1]); % Voltage drop on Branches vector V V= sym('V', [18 1]); % Nodal volatage vector E E= sym('e', [18 1]); %The KCL equations for the currents j kcl= zeros (18,1); % disp( sprintf( 'KCL Equations')); SB.*G*J == kcl; %The KVL relates voltage drops V to the node voltages E % disp( sprintf( 'KVL Equations ')); G.'*E == V; %Branch Constitutive Equations (BCE) Fg = sym('Fg', [18 1]); % disp( sprintf( 'Branch Constitutive Equations (BCE)')); - Ki*J + Kv*V == Fg; %
-Observation equations
Jms = sym('Jms', [18 1]); % current sensors Ems = sym('Ems', [18 1]); % Volatage sensors Esrc = zeros (18,1); % Voltage sources Esrc(1,1)= 25.48; Esrc(10,1)=24.83; Egrd = zeros (18,1); % ground nodes Egrd(7,1)= 0; Egrd(9,1)= 0; Egrd(16,1)=0; Egrd(18,1)=0; Fs = sym('Fs', [18 1]); % Fault offsets in voltage source FV = sym('FV', [18 1]); % Fault offsets in voltage sensor FI = sym('FI', [18 1]); % Fault offsets in Current sensor SI = zeros (18,18); % selection matrices for branches with current sensor SI(1,1)= 1; SI(5,5)= 1; SI(8,8)= 1; SI(10,10)=1; SI(14,14)=1; SI(17,17)=1; SV = zeros (18,18); % selection matrices for nodes with voltage sensor SV(2,2)=1; SV(3,3)=1; SV(4,4)=1; SV(5,5)=1; SV(8,8)=1; SV(11,11)=1; SV(12,12)=1; SV(13,13)=1; SV(14,14)=1; SV(17,17)=1; Ss = zeros (18,18); % selection matrices voltage sources Ss(1,1)= 1; Ss(10,10)= 1; Sg = zeros (18,18); % selection matrices ground nodes Sg(7,7)= 1; Sg(9,9)= 1; Sg(16,16)=1; Sg(18,18)=1; SV*Ems == SV*E + SV*FV; SI*Jms == SI*J + FI; Esrc == Ss*E + Fs; Egrd == Sg*E;
-STA model
A = [SB.*G, zeros(18,18), zeros(18,18); ... zeros(18,18), eye(18), -G.' ; ... Ki, Kv, zeros(18,18)]; X = [J;V;E]; F= [Fg; FI; FV; Fs]; B= [zeros(36,72); eye(18), zeros(18,54)]; % Y = [Jms;Ems;Esrc;Egrd]; % when faults are considered Y = [zeros(36,1);Esrc;Egrd]; % no faults assumption % C = [SI, zeros(18,36); ... % when faults are considered % zeros(18,36), SV; ... % zeros(18,36), Ss; ... % zeros(18,36), Sg]; C = [ zeros(36,54); ... % no faults assumption zeros(18,36), Ss; ... zeros(18,36), Sg]; % D = [zeros(18,18), SI, zeros(18,36); ... % when faults are considered % zeros(18,36), SV, zeros(18,18); ... % zeros(18,54), Ss; zeros(18,72)]; D = [ zeros(36,72); ... % no faults assumption zeros(18,54), Ss; zeros(18,72)]; % disp( sprintf( 'Circuit analysis equations ')); % A*X + B*F == 0 % Model equations % Y == C*X + D*F
Visualization of results
The optimization problem (3) is solved to obtain the estimation of faults. two case studies are considered for this reason. These include base case with no faults in the system and two other cases with multiple faults in the system.
. Case (1): base case, no faults occurred
. In this case we only calculate the true states of the circuit based on its parameters. Indeed, wrong data from sensors is ignored in this case.
cvx_begin variables XX(54,1) FF(72,1) minimize 0.5 * (square_pos(norm((A*XX + B*FF),2)) + square_pos(norm((C*XX+D*FF - Y),2)))+ norm(FF,1) cvx_end % Display Results JJ = XX(1:18,1); VV = XX(19:36,1); EE = XX(37:54,1); FFg = FF(1:18,1); FFI = FF(19:36,1); FFV = FF(37:54,1); FFs = FF(55:72,1); disp( sprintf( '\nResults: Without any Faults\n=========================\ncvx_optval: %6.4f\ncvx_status: %s\n',cvx_optval, cvx_status ) ); disp( ['Branches Currents (A)'] ); disp( [ ' J = [ ', sprintf( '%7.4f ', JJ.'), ']'] ); disp( [ sprintf( '\n'),'Branches Voltages (V)' ] ); disp( [ ' V = [ ', sprintf( '%7.4f ', VV.'), ']'] ); disp( [ sprintf( '\n'),'Node Voltages (V)' ] ); disp( [ ' E = [ ', sprintf( '%7.4f ', EE.'), ']'] ); disp( [sprintf( '\n'),'Faults in the branches'] ); disp( [ ' Fg = [ ', sprintf( '%7.4f ', FFg.'), ']'] ); disp( [sprintf( '\n'), 'Fault offsets in Current' ] ); disp( [ ' Fi = [ ', sprintf( '%7.4f ', FFI.'), ']'] ); disp( [ sprintf( '\n'),'Fault offsets in Voltages' ] ); disp( [ ' Fv = [ ', sprintf( '%7.4f ', FFV.'), ']'] ); disp( [ sprintf( '\n'),'Fault offsets in Sources' ] ); disp( [ ' Fs = [ ', sprintf( '%7.4f ', FFs.'), ']'] );
Calling SDPT3 4.0: 210 variables, 4 equality constraints ------------------------------------------------------------ num. of constraints = 4 dim. of sdp var = 4, num. of sdp blk = 2 dim. of socp var = 200, num. of socp blk = 74 dim. of linear var = 4 ******************************************************************* SDPT3: Infeasible path-following algorithms ******************************************************************* version predcorr gam expon scale_data HKM 1 0.000 1 0 it pstep dstep pinfeas dinfeas gap prim-obj dual-obj cputime ------------------------------------------------------------------- 0|0.000|0.000|1.8e+01|8.2e+00|2.9e+03| 2.136468e+02 0.000000e+00| 0:0:00| chol 1 1 1|0.943|0.914|1.1e+00|8.0e-01|3.9e+02| 1.737205e+02 -1.782110e+01| 0:0:00| chol 1 1 2|1.000|1.000|1.9e-06|9.5e-03|4.8e+01| 4.122156e+01 -5.731491e+00| 0:0:00| chol 1 1 3|0.769|0.869|7.7e-07|2.1e-03|1.7e+01| 1.500651e+01 -1.623734e+00| 0:0:00| chol 1 1 4|0.784|0.884|2.7e-07|3.2e-04|6.4e+00| 5.926317e+00 -4.264537e-01| 0:0:00| chol 1 1 5|0.793|0.849|5.8e-08|5.7e-05|2.3e+00| 2.170577e+00 -1.638404e-01| 0:0:00| chol 1 1 6|0.771|0.900|1.4e-08|6.6e-06|8.6e-01| 8.034017e-01 -5.328292e-02| 0:0:00| chol 1 1 7|0.973|0.911|1.0e-09|6.7e-07|1.8e-01| 1.686089e-01 -1.254945e-02| 0:0:00| chol 1 1 8|0.879|0.922|3.4e-10|6.1e-08|4.0e-02| 3.777079e-02 -2.575053e-03| 0:0:00| chol 1 1 9|0.955|0.904|2.6e-10|6.8e-09|8.4e-03| 7.801219e-03 -5.766698e-04| 0:0:00| chol 1 1 10|0.849|0.907|3.9e-11|7.7e-10|2.1e-03| 1.992721e-03 -1.349146e-04| 0:0:00| chol 1 1 11|0.933|0.894|2.6e-12|9.8e-11|5.0e-04| 4.644292e-04 -3.330480e-05| 0:0:00| chol 1 1 12|0.861|0.917|3.6e-13|1.0e-11|1.3e-04| 1.205087e-04 -8.029342e-06| 0:0:00| chol 1 1 13|0.940|0.906|2.2e-14|2.0e-12|2.9e-05| 2.681777e-05 -1.904394e-06| 0:0:00| chol 1 1 14|0.882|0.930|2.6e-15|1.1e-12|7.2e-06| 6.715195e-06 -4.437531e-07| 0:0:00| chol 1 1 15|0.934|0.912|2.1e-16|1.1e-12|1.6e-06| 1.484704e-06 -1.039534e-07| 0:0:00| chol 1 1 16|0.886|0.930|9.4e-17|1.1e-12|3.9e-07| 3.674896e-07 -2.401884e-08| 0:0:00| chol 1 1 17|0.587|0.931|2.1e-16|1.1e-12|2.0e-07| 1.943996e-07 -6.006972e-09| 0:0:00| chol 1 1 18|0.587|1.000|9.2e-17|1.0e-12|1.1e-07| 1.024017e-07 -3.357546e-09| 0:0:00| chol 1 1 19|0.586|1.000|1.3e-16|1.0e-12|5.6e-08| 5.412116e-08 -1.518145e-09| 0:0:00| chol 1 1 20|0.585|1.000|1.8e-16|1.0e-12|2.9e-08| 2.861506e-08 -7.825540e-10| 0:0:00| chol 1 1 21|0.585|1.000|9.2e-17|1.0e-12|1.6e-08| 1.513174e-08 -4.077402e-10| 0:0:00| chol 1 1 22|0.585|1.000|1.0e-16|1.0e-12|8.2e-09| 8.001494e-09 -2.145746e-10| 0:0:00| stop: max(relative gap, infeasibilities) < 1.49e-08 ------------------------------------------------------------------- number of iterations = 22 primal objective value = 8.00149415e-09 dual objective value = -2.14574646e-10 gap := trace(XZ) = 8.22e-09 relative gap = 8.22e-09 actual relative gap = 8.22e-09 rel. primal infeas (scaled problem) = 1.03e-16 rel. dual " " " = 1.00e-12 rel. primal infeas (unscaled problem) = 0.00e+00 rel. dual " " " = 0.00e+00 norm(X), norm(y), norm(Z) = 1.4e+00, 1.5e-05, 8.5e+00 norm(A), norm(b), norm(C) = 4.0e+00, 2.4e+00, 9.5e+00 Total CPU time (secs) = 0.33 CPU time per iteration = 0.01 termination code = 0 DIMACS: 1.2e-16 0.0e+00 4.8e-12 0.0e+00 8.2e-09 8.2e-09 ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ Status: Solved Optimal value (cvx_optval): +8.00149e-09 Results: Without any Faults ========================= cvx_optval: 0.0000 cvx_status: Solved Branches Currents (A) J = [ -0.0000 -0.0000 -0.0000 -6.2662 -6.2662 -3.9164 -3.9164 -2.3498 -2.3498 -13.3158 -13.3158 -7.0495 -0.0000 -7.0495 -5.8746 -5.8746 -1.1749 -1.1749 ] Branches Voltages (V) V = [ 0.0000 0.0000 1.9816 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 23.4984 0.0000 23.4984 1.3316 0.0000 0.0000 1.9816 0.0000 0.0000 23.4984 0.0000 23.4984 ] Node Voltages (V) E = [ 25.4800 25.4800 25.4800 23.4984 23.4984 23.4984 0.0000 23.4984 0.0000 24.8300 23.4984 23.4984 23.4984 23.4984 23.4984 0.0000 23.4984 0.0000 ] Faults in the branches Fg = [ 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 ] Fault offsets in Current Fi = [ 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 ] Fault offsets in Voltages Fv = [ 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 ] Fault offsets in Sources Fs = [ 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 ]
Case (2): Optimization Problem with multiple faults in CB ISH280 and CS IT280
In this case, we assume ISH280 fails to operate properly (opens) and current sensor IT280 continues to show that it is closed. From the results, it can be seen that the model accurately estimate the faulted component and the value of the fault. In this case, the fault was in current sensor IT280 by (-0.1749 A), which is estimated in the Fault offsets in Current vector correctly.
KiErr =Ki; KiErr(17,17)= 10^15; % circuit breaker resistance become Inf Y3 = [JJ;EE;Esrc;Egrd]; % Sensors reading still as normal AErr = [SB.*G, zeros(18,18), zeros(18,18); ... % when faults in CB is considered zeros(18,18), eye(18), -G.' ; ... KiErr, Kv, zeros(18,18)]; C = [SI, zeros(18,36); ... % when faults are considered zeros(18,36), SV; ... zeros(18,36), Ss; ... zeros(18,36), Sg]; D = [zeros(18,18), SI, zeros(18,36); ... % when faults are considered zeros(18,36), SV, zeros(18,18); ... zeros(18,54), Ss; zeros(18,72)]; cvx_begin variables XX3(54,1) FF3(72,1) minimize 0.5 * (square_pos(norm((AErr*XX3 + B*FF3),2)) + square_pos(norm((C*XX3+D*FF3 - Y3),2)))+ norm(FF3,1) cvx_end % Display Results JJ3 = XX3(1:18,1); VV3 = XX3(19:36,1); EE3 = XX3(37:54,1); FFg3 = FF3(1:18,1); FFI3 = FF3(19:36,1); FFV3 = FF3(37:54,1); FFs3 = FF3(55:72,1); disp( sprintf( '\n\nResults: With Faults in CB ISH280 and CS IT280' ) ); disp( sprintf( 'ISH280 fails (opens) and current sensor IT280 continues to show that it is closed.') ); disp( ['=========================================================='] ); disp( ['Branches Currents (A)'] ); disp( [ ' J = [ ', sprintf( '%7.4f ', JJ3.'), ']'] ); disp( [ sprintf( '\n'),'Branches Voltages (V)' ] ); disp( [ ' V = [ ', sprintf( '%7.4f ', VV3.'), ']'] ); disp( [ sprintf( '\n'),'Node Voltages (V)' ] ); disp( [ ' E = [ ', sprintf( '%7.4f ', EE3.'), ']'] ); disp( [sprintf( '\n'),'Faults in the branches'] ); disp( [ ' Fg = [ ', sprintf( '%7.4f ', FFg3.'), ']'] ); disp( [sprintf( '\n'), 'Fault offsets in Current' ] ); disp( [ ' Fi = [ ', sprintf( '%7.4f ', FFI3.'), ']'] ); disp( [ sprintf( '\n'),'Fault offsets in Voltages' ] ); disp( [ ' Fv = [ ', sprintf( '%7.4f ', FFV3.'), ']'] ); disp( [ sprintf( '\n'),'Fault offsets in Sources' ] ); disp( [ ' Fs = [ ', sprintf( '%7.4f ', FFs3.'), ']'] );
Calling SDPT3 4.0: 229 variables, 23 equality constraints ------------------------------------------------------------ num. of constraints = 23 dim. of sdp var = 4, num. of sdp blk = 2 dim. of socp var = 217, num. of socp blk = 74 dim. of linear var = 4 dim. of free var = 2 *** convert ublk to lblk number of nearly dependent constraints = 21 To remove these constraints, re-run sqlp.m with OPTIONS.rmdepconstr = 1. ******************************************************************* SDPT3: Infeasible path-following algorithms ******************************************************************* version predcorr gam expon scale_data HKM 1 0.000 1 0 it pstep dstep pinfeas dinfeas gap prim-obj dual-obj cputime ------------------------------------------------------------------- 0|0.000|0.000|2.8e+05|1.4e+15|5.3e+31| 2.349842e+15 0.000000e+00| 0:0:00| chol 2 * 2 1|0.000|0.000|2.8e+05|1.4e+15|1.1e+31| 1.873243e+16 -8.920868e+01| 0:0:00| chol * 3 * 4 2|0.000|0.000|2.8e+05|1.4e+15|2.1e+30| 2.571843e+17 -2.321848e+03| 0:0:00| chol * 4 * 4 3|0.000|0.000|2.8e+05|1.4e+15|4.3e+29| 2.445826e+18 -1.994263e+04| 0:0:00| chol * 3 * 3 4|0.000|0.000|2.8e+05|1.4e+15|8.5e+28| 2.112631e+19 -1.850344e+05| 0:0:00| *** Too many tiny steps: restarting with the following iterate. *** [X,y,Z] = infeaspt(blk,At,C,b,2,1e5); chol * 1 2 5|0.871|0.871|1.3e-01|1.3e+04|1.1e+11| 7.473886e+06 -2.064971e+05| 0:0:00| chol 2 2 6|0.691|0.691|4.0e-02|3.9e+03|3.8e+10| 8.437410e+06 -3.599287e+05| 0:0:00| chol 2 2 7|0.634|0.634|1.5e-02|1.4e+03|1.6e+10| 9.707247e+06 -5.045203e+05| 0:0:00| chol 2 2 8|0.627|0.627|5.4e-03|5.3e+02|6.7e+09| 1.118625e+07 -6.459437e+05| 0:0:00| chol 2 2 9|0.627|0.627|2.0e-03|2.0e+02|2.9e+09| 1.286652e+07 -7.881936e+05| 0:0:00| chol 2 2 10|0.629|0.629|7.5e-04|7.3e+01|1.2e+09| 1.474331e+07 -9.344231e+05| 0:0:00| chol 2 2 11|0.634|0.633|2.8e-04|2.7e+01|5.3e+08| 1.674703e+07 -1.082734e+06| 0:0:00| chol 2 2 12|0.648|0.647|9.7e-05|9.5e+00|2.2e+08| 1.859116e+07 -1.215759e+06| 0:0:00| chol 2 2 13|0.691|0.686|3.0e-05|3.0e+00|8.6e+07| 1.931836e+07 -1.269804e+06| 0:0:00| chol 2 2 14|0.878|0.842|3.7e-06|4.7e-01|2.5e+07| 1.557062e+07 -1.027706e+06| 0:0:00| chol 2 2 15|0.690|0.656|1.1e-06|1.6e-01|7.8e+06| 6.253620e+06 -3.932139e+05| 0:0:00| chol 2 2 16|0.613|0.680|4.4e-07|5.2e-02|4.1e+06| 3.542443e+06 -2.982110e+05| 0:0:00| chol 2 2 17|1.000|0.190|2.2e-10|4.3e-02|1.1e+06| 8.110512e+05 -2.435122e+05| 0:0:00| chol 2 2 18|1.000|0.751|3.7e-11|1.1e-02|2.3e+05| 1.818279e+05 -4.927174e+04| 0:0:00| chol 2 2 19|0.874|0.747|1.8e-11|2.8e-03|4.9e+04| 3.929272e+04 -9.676952e+03| 0:0:00| chol 2 2 20|0.937|0.324|1.6e-11|1.9e-03|1.8e+04| 1.157267e+04 -5.880880e+03| 0:0:01| chol 2 2 21|1.000|0.474|1.6e-11|9.9e-04|6.5e+03| 4.173266e+03 -2.327447e+03| 0:0:01| chol 2 2 22|0.995|0.534|6.1e-12|4.6e-04|2.5e+03| 2.137324e+03 -3.218428e+02| 0:0:01| chol 2 2 23|0.952|0.474|1.9e-10|2.4e-04|1.2e+03| 1.640188e+03 4.900442e+02| 0:0:01| chol * 2 2 24|0.963|0.432|2.1e-10|1.4e-04|6.0e+02| 1.473825e+03 8.743816e+02| 0:0:01| chol * 2 * 2 25|1.000|0.423|2.7e-11|7.9e-05|3.3e+02| 1.412474e+03 1.086400e+03| 0:0:01| chol 2 * 2 26|1.000|0.425|2.3e-10|4.6e-05|1.8e+02| 1.389885e+03 1.208756e+03| 0:0:01| chol * 2 * 2 27|1.000|0.489|1.6e-10|2.3e-05|9.0e+01| 1.378795e+03 1.289296e+03| 0:0:01| chol * 2 * 2 28|1.000|0.445|6.0e-11|1.3e-05|4.9e+01| 1.375199e+03 1.326683e+03| 0:0:01| chol * 2 * 2 29|1.000|0.692|1.6e-10|4.0e-06|1.5e+01| 1.373380e+03 1.358817e+03| 0:0:01| chol * 2 2 30|1.000|0.772|1.9e-11|9.0e-07|3.3e+00| 1.373088e+03 1.369825e+03| 0:0:01| chol 2 2 31|0.975|0.884|1.5e-11|1.0e-07|3.8e-01| 1.373066e+03 1.372690e+03| 0:0:01| chol 2 2 32|1.000|0.400|1.3e-12|6.3e-08|2.3e-01| 1.373065e+03 1.372840e+03| 0:0:01| chol * 2 * 2 33|1.000|0.381|2.7e-12|3.9e-08|1.4e-01| 1.373065e+03 1.372926e+03| 0:0:01| chol * 2 * 2 34|1.000|0.491|5.5e-12|2.0e-08|7.1e-02| 1.373065e+03 1.372994e+03| 0:0:01| chol * 2 * 2 35|1.000|0.534|4.9e-12|9.2e-09|3.3e-02| 1.373065e+03 1.373032e+03| 0:0:01| chol * 2 * 2 36|1.000|0.455|3.6e-13|5.0e-09|1.8e-02| 1.373065e+03 1.373047e+03| 0:0:01| chol * 2 * 2 37|1.000|0.265|2.7e-12|5.4e-06|1.3e-02| 1.373065e+03 1.373052e+03| 0:0:01| chol 2 2 38|1.000|0.983|2.9e-16|5.5e-06|2.9e-04| 1.373065e+03 1.373065e+03| 0:0:01| chol * 2 * 2 39|0.989|0.989|6.4e-16|1.2e-07|3.3e-06| 1.373065e+03 1.373065e+03| 0:0:01| chol * 2 * 2 40|0.727|0.944|4.3e-16|1.4e-09|1.9e-07| 1.373065e+03 1.373065e+03| 0:0:01| stop: max(relative gap, infeasibilities) < 1.49e-08 ------------------------------------------------------------------- number of iterations = 40 primal objective value = 1.37306493e+03 dual objective value = 1.37306493e+03 gap := trace(XZ) = 1.89e-07 relative gap = 6.89e-11 actual relative gap = 6.51e-11 rel. primal infeas (scaled problem) = 4.26e-16 rel. dual " " " = 1.39e-09 rel. primal infeas (unscaled problem) = 0.00e+00 rel. dual " " " = 0.00e+00 norm(X), norm(y), norm(Z) = 2.7e+03, 1.4e+03, 1.4e+03 norm(A), norm(b), norm(C) = 2.0e+15, 1.2e+15, 9.5e+00 Total CPU time (secs) = 0.94 CPU time per iteration = 0.02 termination code = 0 DIMACS: 4.3e-16 0.0e+00 6.6e-09 0.0e+00 6.5e-11 6.9e-11 ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ Status: Solved Optimal value (cvx_optval): +1373.06 Results: With Faults in CB ISH280 and CS IT280 ISH280 fails (opens) and current sensor IT280 continues to show that it is closed. ========================================================== Branches Currents (A) J = [ 0.0000 0.0000 -0.0000 -6.3603 -6.3059 -3.9336 -3.9188 -2.3574 -2.3502 -13.2615 -13.2070 -6.7923 -0.0000 -6.7379 -6.3718 -6.0057 0.0000 -1.1633 ] Branches Voltages (V) V = [ -0.0000 -0.0000 1.9800 0.0014 -0.0002 -0.0025 23.5102 0.0004 23.5010 1.3272 -0.0011 -0.0068 1.9638 -0.0246 -0.0915 23.9314 0.1251 23.3239 ] Node Voltages (V) E = [ 25.4800 25.4800 25.4800 23.5000 23.5003 23.5053 -0.0025 23.4995 -0.0007 24.8289 23.5006 23.5027 23.5162 23.5654 23.7484 -0.0915 23.4403 0.0582 ] Faults in the branches Fg = [ 0.0000 0.0000 -0.0000 -0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 -0.0000 0.0000 -0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 -0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 -0.0000 ] Fault offsets in Current Fi = [ -0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 -0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 -0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 -0.1749 0.0000 ] Fault offsets in Voltages Fv = [ 0.0000 -0.0000 -0.0000 -0.0000 -0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 -0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 -0.0000 -0.0000 -0.0000 -0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 ] Fault offsets in Sources Fs = [ -0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 ]
Case (3): Optimization Problem with multiple faults in CB ISH180 and CS IT180
In this case, we assume ISH180 fails to operate properly (opens) and current sensor IT180 continues to show that it is closed. From the results, it can be seen that the model accurately estimate the faulted component and the value of the fault. In this case, the fault was in current sensor IT180 by (-1.3499 A), which is estimated in the Fault offsets in Current vector correctly.
KiErr =Ki; KiErr(8,8)= 10^15; % circuit breaker resistance become Inf Y5 = [JJ;EE;Esrc;Egrd]; % Sensors reading still as normal AErr = [SB.*G, zeros(18,18), zeros(18,18); ... % when faults in CB is considered zeros(18,18), eye(18), -G.' ; ... KiErr, Kv, zeros(18,18)]; cvx_begin variables XX5(54,1) FF5(72,1) minimize 0.5 * (square_pos(norm((AErr*XX5 + B*FF5),2)) + square_pos(norm((C*XX5+D*FF5 - Y5),2)))+ norm(FF5,1) cvx_end % Display Results JJ5 = XX5(1:18,1); VV5 = XX5(19:36,1); EE5 = XX5(37:54,1); FFg5 = FF5(1:18,1); FFI5 = FF5(19:36,1); FFV5 = FF5(37:54,1); FFs5 = FF5(55:72,1); disp( sprintf( '\n\nResults: With Faults in CB ISH180 and CS IT180' ) ); disp( sprintf( 'ISH180 fails (opens) and current sensor IT180 continues to show that it is closed.') ); disp( ['=========================================================='] ); disp( ['Branches Currents (A)'] ); disp( [ ' J = [ ', sprintf( '%7.4f ', JJ5.'), ']'] ); disp( [ sprintf( '\n'),'Branches Voltages (V)' ] ); disp( [ ' V = [ ', sprintf( '%7.4f ', VV5.'), ']'] ); disp( [ sprintf( '\n'),'Node Voltages (V)' ] ); disp( [ ' E = [ ', sprintf( '%7.4f ', EE5.'), ']'] ); disp( [sprintf( '\n'),'Faults in the branches'] ); disp( [ ' Fg = [ ', sprintf( '%7.4f ', FFg5.'), ']'] ); disp( [sprintf( '\n'), 'Fault offsets in Current' ] ); disp( [ ' Fi = [ ', sprintf( '%7.4f ', FFI5.'), ']'] ); disp( [ sprintf( '\n'),'Fault offsets in Voltages' ] ); disp( [ ' Fv = [ ', sprintf( '%7.4f ', FFV5.'), ']'] ); disp( [ sprintf( '\n'),'Fault offsets in Sources' ] ); disp( [ ' Fs = [ ', sprintf( '%7.4f ', FFs5.'), ']'] );
Calling SDPT3 4.0: 229 variables, 23 equality constraints ------------------------------------------------------------ num. of constraints = 23 dim. of sdp var = 4, num. of sdp blk = 2 dim. of socp var = 217, num. of socp blk = 74 dim. of linear var = 4 dim. of free var = 2 *** convert ublk to lblk number of nearly dependent constraints = 21 To remove these constraints, re-run sqlp.m with OPTIONS.rmdepconstr = 1. ******************************************************************* SDPT3: Infeasible path-following algorithms ******************************************************************* version predcorr gam expon scale_data HKM 1 0.000 1 0 it pstep dstep pinfeas dinfeas gap prim-obj dual-obj cputime ------------------------------------------------------------------- 0|0.000|0.000|2.8e+05|1.4e+15|1.1e+32| 4.699685e+15 0.000000e+00| 0:0:00| chol 2 * 3 1|0.000|0.000|2.8e+05|1.4e+15|2.1e+31| 3.746486e+16 -1.142591e+02| 0:0:00| chol * 4 * 4 2|0.000|0.000|2.8e+05|1.4e+15|4.3e+30| 5.143685e+17 -2.282139e+03| 0:0:00| chol * 4 * 4 3|0.000|0.000|2.8e+05|1.4e+15|8.5e+29| 4.891652e+18 -2.012174e+04| 0:0:00| chol * 3 * 3 4|0.000|0.000|2.8e+05|1.4e+15|1.7e+29| 4.225262e+19 -1.839651e+05| 0:0:00| *** Too many tiny steps: restarting with the following iterate. *** [X,y,Z] = infeaspt(blk,At,C,b,2,1e5); chol 2 2 5|0.871|0.871|1.3e-01|1.3e+04|1.1e+11| 7.473886e+06 -2.064886e+05| 0:0:00| chol 2 2 6|0.691|0.691|4.0e-02|3.9e+03|3.8e+10| 8.437410e+06 -3.599233e+05| 0:0:00| chol 2 2 7|0.634|0.634|1.5e-02|1.4e+03|1.6e+10| 9.707247e+06 -5.045197e+05| 0:0:00| chol 2 2 8|0.627|0.627|5.4e-03|5.3e+02|6.7e+09| 1.118625e+07 -6.459438e+05| 0:0:00| chol 2 2 9|0.627|0.627|2.0e-03|2.0e+02|2.9e+09| 1.286652e+07 -7.881936e+05| 0:0:00| chol 2 2 10|0.629|0.629|7.5e-04|7.3e+01|1.2e+09| 1.474331e+07 -9.344231e+05| 0:0:00| chol 2 2 11|0.634|0.633|2.8e-04|2.7e+01|5.3e+08| 1.674703e+07 -1.082734e+06| 0:0:00| chol 2 2 12|0.648|0.647|9.7e-05|9.5e+00|2.2e+08| 1.859116e+07 -1.215759e+06| 0:0:00| chol 2 2 13|0.691|0.686|3.0e-05|3.0e+00|8.6e+07| 1.931836e+07 -1.269804e+06| 0:0:00| chol 2 2 14|0.878|0.842|3.7e-06|4.7e-01|2.5e+07| 1.557062e+07 -1.027706e+06| 0:0:00| chol 2 2 15|0.690|0.656|1.1e-06|1.6e-01|7.8e+06| 6.253619e+06 -3.932139e+05| 0:0:00| chol 2 2 16|0.613|0.680|4.4e-07|5.2e-02|4.1e+06| 3.542441e+06 -2.982106e+05| 0:0:00| chol 2 2 17|1.000|0.190|2.4e-11|4.3e-02|1.1e+06| 8.110500e+05 -2.435122e+05| 0:0:00| chol 2 2 18|1.000|0.751|1.8e-11|1.1e-02|2.3e+05| 1.818276e+05 -4.927168e+04| 0:0:00| chol 2 2 19|0.874|0.747|7.4e-12|2.8e-03|4.9e+04| 3.929262e+04 -9.676887e+03| 0:0:00| chol 2 2 20|0.937|0.324|6.1e-12|1.9e-03|1.8e+04| 1.157351e+04 -5.880733e+03| 0:0:00| chol 2 2 21|1.000|0.474|6.2e-11|9.9e-04|6.5e+03| 4.175787e+03 -2.326542e+03| 0:0:00| chol 2 2 22|0.997|0.534|3.5e-11|4.6e-04|2.5e+03| 2.139575e+03 -3.180563e+02| 0:0:00| chol 2 * 2 23|0.971|0.479|1.3e-10|2.4e-04|1.1e+03| 1.632500e+03 5.028731e+02| 0:0:00| chol * 2 * 2 24|0.992|0.451|3.5e-11|1.3e-04|5.7e+02| 1.466895e+03 9.000776e+02| 0:0:00| chol * 2 * 2 25|1.000|0.438|1.9e-12|7.4e-05|3.0e+02| 1.411955e+03 1.110160e+03| 0:0:00| chol * 2 * 2 26|1.000|0.438|2.4e-10|4.2e-05|1.6e+02| 1.390935e+03 1.227489e+03| 0:0:00| chol * 2 * 2 27|1.000|0.691|3.2e-10|1.3e-05|4.8e+01| 1.379057e+03 1.331028e+03| 0:0:00| chol * 2 * 2 28|1.000|0.507|2.0e-11|6.3e-06|2.3e+01| 1.377400e+03 1.354294e+03| 0:0:00| chol 2 * 2 29|0.991|0.953|5.6e-11|3.0e-07|1.1e+00| 1.376923e+03 1.375856e+03| 0:0:01| chol 2 2 30|0.976|0.983|6.5e-13|5.0e-09|1.8e-02| 1.376913e+03 1.376895e+03| 0:0:01| chol 2 2 31|0.947|0.928|8.4e-14|7.1e-06|1.5e-03| 1.376913e+03 1.376912e+03| 0:0:01| chol * 2 * 2 32|0.979|0.965|1.7e-15|6.0e-07|5.2e-05| 1.376913e+03 1.376913e+03| 0:0:01| chol * 2 * 2 33|0.640|0.976|6.2e-16|2.2e-08|1.9e-06| 1.376913e+03 1.376913e+03| 0:0:01| chol * 2 * 2 34|0.597|0.940|3.0e-15|8.1e-10|4.2e-07| 1.376913e+03 1.376913e+03| 0:0:01| stop: max(relative gap, infeasibilities) < 1.49e-08 ------------------------------------------------------------------- number of iterations = 34 primal objective value = 1.37691309e+03 dual objective value = 1.37691309e+03 gap := trace(XZ) = 4.24e-07 relative gap = 1.54e-10 actual relative gap = 1.52e-10 rel. primal infeas (scaled problem) = 2.99e-15 rel. dual " " " = 8.05e-10 rel. primal infeas (unscaled problem) = 0.00e+00 rel. dual " " " = 0.00e+00 norm(X), norm(y), norm(Z) = 2.7e+03, 1.4e+03, 1.4e+03 norm(A), norm(b), norm(C) = 2.0e+15, 2.3e+15, 9.5e+00 Total CPU time (secs) = 0.58 CPU time per iteration = 0.02 termination code = 0 DIMACS: 3.0e-15 0.0e+00 3.8e-09 0.0e+00 1.5e-10 1.5e-10 ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ Status: Solved Optimal value (cvx_optval): +1376.91 Results: With Faults in CB ISH180 and CS IT180 ISH180 fails (opens) and current sensor IT180 continues to show that it is closed. ========================================================== Branches Currents (A) J = [ 0.0000 0.0000 -0.0000 -5.7174 -5.6016 -4.8211 -4.0407 -0.0000 -2.2595 -13.2002 -13.0844 -7.2512 -0.0000 -7.1353 -5.9153 -5.8852 -1.1900 -1.1751 ] Branches Voltages (V) V = [ -0.0000 -0.0000 1.9562 -0.0095 -0.0349 -0.1301 24.1139 0.3211 22.8206 1.3226 -0.0013 0.0018 1.9787 -0.0011 -0.0075 23.5335 0.0014 23.5021 ] Node Voltages (V) E = [ 25.4800 25.4800 25.4800 23.5238 23.5936 23.8538 -0.1301 23.2725 0.2259 24.8274 23.5023 23.5048 23.5013 23.5034 23.5184 -0.0075 23.5006 -0.0007 ] Faults in the branches Fg = [ 0.0000 0.0000 -0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 -0.0000 -0.0000 0.0000 -0.0000 -0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 -0.0000 0.0000 ] Fault offsets in Current Fi = [ -0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 -0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 -1.3499 0.0000 -0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 ] Fault offsets in Voltages Fv = [ 0.0000 -0.0000 -0.0000 -0.0000 -0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 -0.0000 -0.0000 -0.0000 -0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 -0.0000 0.0000 ] Fault offsets in Sources Fs = [ -0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 ]
. The main purpose of this paper is to estimate the faults occuring in a DC circuits via an optimization problem. The objective function is considered to be of quadratic type subject to equality constraints which are achieved by popular STA model. The ADAPT circuit from NASA is considered as the test case. The convex optimization problem is solved thruogh powerful CVX optimization tool in MATLAB. Two case studies are considered. First case study is the base case with no fault in the system. The two other cases study are optimally solved cosidering multiple faults in the system. The simulation results show that the optimization problem solved by the CVX tool can optimally estimate the faults of the system by identifying the faulted component and the fault value.
[1] D. Gorinevsky, S. Boyd and S. Poll, "Estimation of faults in DC electrical power system," 2009 American Control Conference, St. Louis, MO, 2009, pp. 4334-4339.