A Convex Optimization Approach to Smooth Trajectories for Motion Planning with Car-Like Robots


Problem Formulation

Given collision-free waypoints in a maze, our goal is to drive a robot along this trajectory. However, though collision-free is achieved, some parts of the trajectory may be impractical and(or) inefficient for the real robot to move along. Thus, we need to smooth the trajectory, in this demonstration, using convex optimization.

Proposed Solution

Image Initialization

clc;clear;close all;
I = imread('maze.jpg');
I2 = imbinarize(I(:,:,1), 0.8); % Convert to 0-1 image
% I3 = image_to_binary_map(I2);
I4 = flipud(I2); % To make Y-axis correspond to startpos and endpos
I5 = padarray(flipud(I2),[1,1],0);

Calculate Collision-free Radius of Each Point

load('P.mat'); % load original waypoints
P = flipud(P);
for i = 1 : 1 : length(P)
    [r_temp, p_trouble, P(i,:)]= findRadius(P(i,:), I5); % find collision-free circles
    r = [r r_temp];% radius of cicles

Sort Out Necessary Points

r_shrkRate = 0.40; % shrink radius of circles by this rate
r_pos = find(r >= (1/2) * max(r));
r(r_pos)= r_shrkRate * max(r);
[sortedPoint, sortedRadius] = sortEffectivePoint(P, r); % sort out necessary points
[P, r] = intervalCheck(sortedPoint, sortedRadius, I5);% check if there is interval
--- 16% points are sorted out!

Initialization of Optimizaiton

d = 0;
n = length(P);
for i = 2 : 1 : n
    d = d + norm(P(i,:) - P(i-1,:), 2);
d = d * 1./(n-1); % average distance between two points

R_min = 0.5; % Minimum turning raidus of the vehicle
alpha_k = 3; % coefficient
v_k = [0.5 0.8]; % x and y velocities of the vehicle
friction_cstr = alpha_k * (d/ norm(v_k, 2)).^2; % friction constraints
radius_cstr = d.^2 ./ R_min; % turning radius constraints

Convex Optimization

    variables Q(n,2) % waypoints to be obtained from optimization
    Q(1,:) == P(1,:);
    Q(2,:) == P(1,:) + d .* 0.6;
    Q(n,:) == P(n,:);
    Q(n-1,:) == P(n,:) - d .* 0.6;
    sum = 0;

    for k = 2 : 1 : n-1
       norm(Q(k, :) - P(k, :), 2) <= r(k); % restrict points inside the collision-free circles
       N_k(k-1) = norm(2.* Q(k, :) - Q(k-1, :) - Q(k+1, :), 2);
       N_k(k-1) <= min(friction_cstr, radius_cstr);
       sum = sum + pow_pos(N_k(k-1),2); % sum of "forces"
       minimize sum
Calling SDPT3 4.0: 6513 variables, 3010 equality constraints

 num. of constraints = 3010
 dim. of sdp    var  = 1002,   num. of sdp  blk  = 501
 dim. of socp   var  = 3006,   num. of socp blk  = 1002
 dim. of linear var  = 2004
   SDPT3: Infeasible path-following algorithms
 version  predcorr  gam  expon  scale_data
   HKM      1      0.000   1        0    
it pstep dstep pinfeas dinfeas  gap      prim-obj      dual-obj    cputime
 0|0.000|0.000|5.6e+01|8.7e+01|1.6e+08| 7.872158e+04  0.000000e+00| 0:0:00| spchol  1  1 
 1|0.140|0.228|4.8e+01|6.7e+01|2.0e+08| 2.473138e+05 -2.766712e+06| 0:0:00| spchol  1  1 
 2|0.152|0.631|4.1e+01|2.5e+01|1.6e+08| 1.565051e+06 -5.027564e+06| 0:0:00| spchol  1  1 
 3|0.879|1.000|4.9e+00|1.3e-01|3.1e+07| 4.143031e+06 -4.699389e+06| 0:0:00| spchol  1  1 
 4|0.916|1.000|4.1e-01|6.2e-02|4.1e+06| 5.432318e+05 -2.117849e+06| 0:0:00| spchol  1  1 
 5|0.841|0.875|6.5e-02|3.5e-02|7.7e+05| 2.468226e+05 -3.568037e+05| 0:0:00| spchol  1  1 
 6|0.914|0.850|5.6e-03|3.2e-02|1.7e+05| 4.312772e+04 -1.198722e+05| 0:0:00| spchol  1  1 
 7|1.000|0.902|6.6e-10|8.4e-03|5.5e+04| 2.061117e+04 -3.375167e+04| 0:0:00| spchol  1  1 
 8|0.968|0.991|1.8e-10|1.5e-03|1.6e+04| 5.851150e+03 -9.864357e+03| 0:0:01| spchol  1  1 
 9|0.946|0.940|1.4e-10|4.9e-04|4.8e+03| 2.830499e+03 -1.995117e+03| 0:0:01| spchol  1  1 
10|0.970|0.995|4.1e-12|1.3e-04|1.2e+03| 1.531419e+03  3.495598e+02| 0:0:01| spchol  1  1 
11|0.913|0.960|3.5e-13|4.2e-05|4.0e+02| 1.238319e+03  8.344531e+02| 0:0:01| spchol  1  1 
12|0.939|1.000|2.2e-14|1.1e-05|1.2e+02| 1.126902e+03  1.006499e+03| 0:0:01| spchol  1  1 
13|0.965|1.000|3.3e-15|3.4e-06|3.5e+01| 1.089702e+03  1.054873e+03| 0:0:01| spchol  1  1 
14|0.969|0.996|3.8e-15|1.0e-06|1.1e+01| 1.079545e+03  1.068587e+03| 0:0:01| spchol  1  1 
15|0.970|1.000|3.5e-15|3.1e-07|3.4e+00| 1.076284e+03  1.072876e+03| 0:0:01| spchol  1  1 
16|0.915|0.931|9.8e-15|1.1e-07|1.2e+00| 1.075300e+03  1.074092e+03| 0:0:01| spchol  1  1 
17|1.000|1.000|4.3e-14|2.8e-08|4.6e-01| 1.074962e+03  1.074500e+03| 0:0:01| spchol  1  1 
18|0.976|0.963|2.7e-14|9.0e-09|1.0e-01| 1.074800e+03  1.074700e+03| 0:0:01| spchol  1  1 
19|1.000|1.000|4.6e-13|1.0e-12|3.8e-02| 1.074773e+03  1.074734e+03| 0:0:01| spchol  1  1 
20|0.887|0.970|1.6e-13|1.0e-12|9.8e-03| 1.074760e+03  1.074750e+03| 0:0:01| spchol  1  1 
21|1.000|1.000|3.9e-12|1.0e-12|3.5e-03| 1.074757e+03  1.074753e+03| 0:0:01| spchol  1  2 
22|1.000|0.976|5.7e-14|1.0e-12|1.1e-03| 1.074755e+03  1.074754e+03| 0:0:01| spchol  2  1 
23|0.710|0.763|1.2e-12|1.2e-12|6.2e-04| 1.074755e+03  1.074755e+03| 0:0:01| spchol  2  2 
24|1.000|0.721|9.8e-14|1.3e-12|2.7e-04| 1.074755e+03  1.074755e+03| 0:0:01| spchol  2  1 
25|1.000|0.641|1.8e-11|1.5e-12|1.3e-04| 1.074755e+03  1.074755e+03| 0:0:01| spchol  2  2 
26|1.000|0.623|2.3e-13|2.1e-12|6.6e-05| 1.074755e+03  1.074755e+03| 0:0:01| spchol  2  2 
27|1.000|0.613|2.3e-13|1.8e-12|3.4e-05| 1.074755e+03  1.074755e+03| 0:0:01| spchol  2  2 
28|1.000|0.607|3.6e-13|1.7e-12|1.8e-05| 1.074755e+03  1.074755e+03| 0:0:01|
  stop: max(relative gap, infeasibilities) < 1.49e-08
 number of iterations   = 28
 primal objective value =  1.07475489e+03
 dual   objective value =  1.07475487e+03
 gap := trace(XZ)       = 1.79e-05
 relative gap           = 8.34e-09
 actual relative gap    = 8.32e-09
 rel. primal infeas (scaled problem)   = 3.58e-13
 rel. dual     "        "       "      = 1.71e-12
 rel. primal infeas (unscaled problem) = 0.00e+00
 rel. dual     "        "       "      = 0.00e+00
 norm(X), norm(y), norm(Z) = 1.8e+03, 3.2e+02, 3.4e+02
 norm(A), norm(b), norm(C) = 1.1e+02, 1.8e+03, 2.3e+01
 Total CPU time (secs)  = 1.47  
 CPU time per iteration = 0.05  
 termination code       =  0
 DIMACS: 8.0e-12  0.0e+00  2.0e-11  0.0e+00  8.3e-09  8.3e-09
Status: Solved
Optimal value (cvx_optval): +1074.75

Plot Results

title('Overview of result');
hold on
axis on
plot(P(:,1), P(:,2),'r-*');
plot(Q(:,1), Q(:,2),'b-o');
for i = 1 : 1 : length(r)
    drawCircle( P(i,:),r(i) );
legend('original waypoints','optimized waypoints');

% * *inefficient original trajectory*
hold on
axis on
title('inefficient original trajectory');
plot(P(:,1), P(:,2),'r-*');
plot(Q(:,1), Q(:,2),'b-o');
legend('original waypoints','optimized waypoints');
axis([100 260 80 180]);

% * *rugged original trajectory*
hold on
axis on
title('rugged original trajectory');
plot(P(:,1), P(:,2),'r-*');
plot(Q(:,1), Q(:,2),'b-o');
legend('original waypoints','optimized waypoints');
axis([180 240 595 630]);

title('Gap between adjacent points');
title('New point on the gap');
Warning: Image is too big to fit on screen; displaying at 67% 
Warning: Image is too big to fit on screen; displaying at 67% 
Warning: Image is too big to fit on screen; displaying at 67% 

Analysis and Conclusions

This algorithm succeeds in reproducing the result in the original paper. The origianl paper has two optimization process. One of them is on the trajectory, which we demonstrate in this report, the other process is on the velocity of the vehicle. It, indeed, obtains a smoothed trajectory after the implementation of the algorithm but there are still some points to rethink.

Links and References

[1] Zhijie Zhu, Edward Schmerling, Marco Pavone, "A Convex Optimization Approach to Smooth Trajectories for Motion Planning with Car-Like Robots"

Sources files