Weighted least squares support vector machines: robustness and sparse approximation

NAME: Weiqi Jiang(w83jiang@uwaterloo.ca) student number:20730283

Yujia Guo(y337guo@uwaterloo.ca) student number:20738560

Date: April 23,2018


Problem Formulation

To optimal a linear Karush-Kuhn-Tucker system, Least squares support vector machines with a least squares cost function is considered as an optimal choice. Since the SVM involves equality instead of inequality which is a good option to solve the problem of KKT. Two problems we solved through the algorithm.One is the lost of sparseness in LS-SVM, another is how to removed the restrictions of error which must Gaussian distribution in the traditional LS-SVM algorithm. Using a pruning method with RBF kernals we obtain robust estimates, thus the two problem shown above has been solved. These two algorithms are based on the physical meaning of the sorted support values, according the results of Hessian matrix or its inverse.


LS-SVM for nonlinear function estimation: Optimization problem in primal weight space:

\{f(x)\frac{1}{2}w^{T}w+\frac{1}{2}\gamma\sum_{k=1}^{N}e_{k}^{2},\qquad k=1,...,N $$

Such that

$$y_{k}=w^{T}\varphi (x_{k})+b+e_{k} $$

Where $$ \varphi (.):\Re^{n}\rightarrow \Re^{n_{k}} $$ maps the input space into a higher dimensional feature space. $$ w $$ is the weight vector in primal weight space, $$ e_{k} $$ are error variables and $$ b $$ is the bias, $$ \gamma $$ is ridge regression which related to the training of MLP's.

Since the formulations have been investigated independently,the function is changed as follow:

$$y_{k}=w^{T}\varphi (x_{k})+b $$.

To making the caculate possible,$$ w $$ couldn't be infnite dimensional. Thus the dual space function could Lagrangian as:

$$ L(w,b,e;\alpha )=J(w,e)-\sum_{k=1}^{N}\alpha_{k}
\{w^{T}\varphi (x_{k})+b+e_{k}-y_{k}\} $$

Where $$ \alpha $$ are Lagrange multipliers.At $$ \alpha_{k}=\gamma e_{k} $$ where the spareness property in LS-SVM is lost. After $$ w $$ and $$ e $$ are deleted,we can get the solution. The mapping of $$ \varphi $$ is:

$$ K(x,y)=\sum_{i}\varphi_(i)(x)\varphi_(i)(y) $$

If and only if for any $$ g(x) $$ the function of $$ \int g(x)^{2} dx $$ is finite, then we could get:

$$ \int K(x,y)g(x)g(y) dxdy \geq 0 $$

Choose a kernal $$ K(.,.) $$ which follow the function as:

$$ K(x_{k},x_{l})= \varphi (x_{k})^{T}  \varphi (x_{l}), \qquad k,l=1,...,N. $$

Finally the result of the LS-SVM model is shown as follow:

$$ y(x)=\sum_{k=1}^{N} \varphi_(k)K(x,x_{k})+b $$

Where the RBF kernel is define as:

$$ K(x_{k},x_{l}) = - exp\left \{\left \| x_{k}-x_{l} \right \| _{2}^{2}/ \sigma ^{2} \right \}$$

Function select

close all;
controller=1; % factor to decide which function is about to be estimated

Algorithm 1 -- weighted LS-SVM

%generate train data 1
if controller==1
X = (-15:0.1:15)';
Y = sinc(X)+0.05.*randn(length(X),1);
%generate train data 2
if controller==2
X = (-15:0.1:15)';
a=2; % degree of freedom
Y = sinc(X)+noise;

%fixed parameters
type = 'function estimation';

%standard SVM%
global p1
p1=3; % sigma
[nsv alpha bias] = svr(X,Y,ker,C,loss,0);
title('standard SVM')

%non-weighted ls-svm%
plotlssvm({X,Y,type,gam,sig2,'RBF_kernel'}); hold on;
%compute ek
 figure(3); scatter(xe,ek);
 title('ek(non-weightd LS-SVM)')
 figure(4); hist(ek);
title('histogram of ek(non-weighted LS-SVM)')

%weighted ls-svm%
%train and plot weighted LS-SVM
figure(5);plotlssvm(model);hold on;
%compute weighted ek
 figure(6); scatter(w_xe,w_ek);
 title('ek(weightd LS-SVM)')
 figure(7); hist(w_ek,20);
title('histogram of ek(weighted LS-SVM)')
Support Vector Regressing ....
Constructing ...
Optimising ...
The interior-point-convex algorithm does not accept an initial point.
Ignoring X0.

 Iter            Fval  Primal Infeas    Dual Infeas  Complementarity  
    0    3.010049e-08   0.000000e+00   3.939866e+00     3.222369e-03  
    1   -4.390119e+01   0.000000e+00   2.003383e+00     9.155863e-04  
    2   -5.117431e+02   0.000000e+00   1.917048e+00     1.072805e-03  
    3   -2.556926e+03   7.656543e-02   1.909020e+00     1.075880e-03  
    4   -3.709204e+04   0.000000e+00   1.896389e+00     1.081235e-03  
    5   -1.757491e+05   2.927369e-02   1.894697e+00     1.118509e-03  
    6   -6.201325e+05   0.000000e+00   1.893686e+00     1.166607e-03  
    7   -6.942134e+05   0.000000e+00   1.893644e+00     1.166894e-03  
    8   -1.065970e+06   2.970431e-03   1.893457e+00     1.176833e-03  
    9   -3.131076e+06   4.118901e-02   1.892809e+00     1.190269e-03  
   10   -1.168847e+07   1.995485e-02   1.891960e+00     1.182746e-03  
   11   -2.263736e+07   0.000000e+00   1.891661e+00     1.555648e-03  
   12   -2.769495e+07   3.905531e-02   1.891582e+00     1.555411e-03  
   13   -4.838074e+07   6.179712e-02   1.891304e+00     1.692315e-03  
   14   -9.738000e+07   1.184867e-02   1.890840e+00     2.932938e-03  
   15   -1.366960e+08   0.000000e+00   1.890554e+00     2.979173e-03  
   16   -2.405034e+08   0.000000e+00   1.889830e+00     3.065508e-03  
   17   -3.198139e+08   0.000000e+00   1.889246e+00     3.064995e-03  
   18   -5.689553e+08   2.264947e-02   1.887266e+00     3.060178e-03  
   19   -6.600897e+08   0.000000e+00   1.886384e+00     3.047473e-03  
   20   -9.437668e+08   0.000000e+00   1.883518e+00     3.035491e-03  
   21   -1.214982e+09   0.000000e+00   1.880422e+00     3.017624e-03  
   22   -1.216738e+09   0.000000e+00   1.880401e+00     3.017253e-03  
   23   -1.235258e+09   0.000000e+00   1.880176e+00     3.013693e-03  
   24   -1.661112e+09   0.000000e+00   1.874917e+00     2.893645e-03  
   25   -2.147261e+09   0.000000e+00   1.868538e+00     2.677439e-03  
   26   -2.916352e+09   0.000000e+00   1.858474e+00     2.885105e-03  
   27   -5.388784e+09   0.000000e+00   1.822483e+00     2.818174e-03  
   28   -6.287136e+09   0.000000e+00   1.803467e+00     2.780736e-03  
   29   -1.137655e+10   0.000000e+00   1.679552e+00     2.751661e-03  
 Iter            Fval  Primal Infeas    Dual Infeas  Complementarity  
   30   -1.335625e+10   0.000000e+00   1.628126e+00     2.684993e-03  
   31   -1.996132e+10   0.000000e+00   1.565479e+00     3.039355e-03  
   32   -3.749911e+10   0.000000e+00   1.003762e+00     3.018449e-03  
   33   -4.267654e+10   0.000000e+00   8.116512e-01     3.030037e-03  
   34   -4.762023e+10   0.000000e+00   6.383527e-01     3.044114e-03  
   35   -5.495192e+10   0.000000e+00   2.722781e-01     3.006255e-03  
   36   -5.822379e+10   0.000000e+00   1.034234e-01     3.023123e-03  
   37   -5.919506e+10   0.000000e+00   1.626997e-04     3.022757e-03  
   38   -5.936290e+10   0.000000e+00   1.367446e-04     3.022688e-03  
   39   -5.936679e+10   0.000000e+00   1.647416e-04     3.022674e-03  
   40   -5.936748e+10   0.000000e+00   1.436687e-04     5.592194e-04  
   41   -5.936722e+10   0.000000e+00   1.533792e-04     3.227892e-05  
   42   -5.936736e+10   0.000000e+00   1.478360e-04     1.497169e-06  
   43   -5.936748e+10   0.000000e+00   1.164154e-04     4.185911e-07  
   44   -5.936661e+10   0.000000e+00   1.141765e-04     4.679121e-07  
   45   -5.936736e+10   1.034037e-13   1.015911e-04     5.949638e-11  
   46   -5.936613e+10   0.000000e+00   1.324233e-04     1.386995e-14  
   47   -5.936698e+10   1.113857e-12   1.124900e-04     1.217612e-16  
   48   -5.936703e+10   1.667349e-12   9.744649e-05     4.693399e-17  
   49   -5.936645e+10   7.155606e-13   1.019105e-04     6.180843e-17  
   50   -5.936729e+10   3.735314e-13   9.460641e-05     1.335508e-16  
   51   -5.936702e+10   7.569430e-14   8.609663e-05     6.937696e-17  
   52   -5.936715e+10   1.701894e-13   7.883927e-05     4.820593e-17  
   53   -5.936701e+10   1.098108e-12   1.041074e-04     3.452344e-16  
   54   -5.936656e+10   3.807203e-13   1.129298e-04     1.695750e-16  
   55   -5.936639e+10   9.510000e-13   1.023030e-04     6.212046e-17  
   56   -5.936761e+10   6.183159e-13   1.168069e-04     1.334242e-16  
   57   -5.936768e+10   2.193302e-13   1.113076e-04     3.890947e-17  
   58   -5.936629e+10   3.522258e-13   1.060362e-04     1.394250e-16  
   59   -5.936729e+10   1.147502e-12   1.098231e-04     3.631530e-16  
 Iter            Fval  Primal Infeas    Dual Infeas  Complementarity  
   60   -5.936749e+10   2.282088e-13   9.932570e-05     8.752477e-18  
   61   -5.936718e+10   5.983152e-14   1.172931e-04     1.675311e-17  
   62   -5.936715e+10   4.458016e-13   1.104876e-04     1.725367e-16  
   63   -5.936663e+10   8.602483e-13   9.096707e-05     2.299143e-16  
   64   -5.936717e+10   5.138187e-14   1.047750e-04     1.960113e-17  
   65   -5.936711e+10   7.382097e-13   1.050288e-04     2.082654e-16  
   66   -5.936649e+10   2.138973e-13   1.288394e-04     7.027582e-17  
   67   -5.936676e+10   9.284365e-14   1.192756e-04     2.681065e-17  
   68   -5.936655e+10   2.186380e-13   9.493314e-05     3.354706e-17  
   69   -5.936755e+10   1.852643e-12   9.705127e-05     1.376573e-16  
   70   -5.936683e+10   1.112466e-13   9.411382e-05     6.416306e-17  
   71   -5.936763e+10   2.229191e-12   8.940296e-05     8.692732e-17  
   72   -5.936765e+10   1.848255e-13   1.074898e-04     2.447334e-17  
   73   -5.936648e+10   1.264176e-13   1.124399e-04     4.434556e-17  
   74   -5.936697e+10   4.461357e-13   1.095779e-04     1.632308e-16  
   75   -5.936655e+10   2.380998e-13   1.021471e-04     3.401218e-17  
   76   -5.936675e+10   3.218114e-13   9.183454e-05     8.673062e-17  
   77   -5.936670e+10   5.478551e-13   1.310068e-04     1.991177e-16  
   78   -5.936638e+10   2.817159e-13   1.107436e-04     3.605461e-17  
   79   -5.936665e+10   2.065208e-13   1.122811e-04     3.192890e-17  
   80   -5.936730e+10   2.002070e-13   1.518040e-04     1.427791e-17  
   81   -5.936766e+10   5.465445e-14   1.192956e-04     3.019607e-17  
   82   -5.936613e+10   2.129837e-13   1.159733e-04     1.062836e-16  
   83   -5.936682e+10   2.751876e-14   1.243435e-04     5.163785e-17  
   84   -5.936677e+10   4.324113e-13   1.362199e-04     1.503734e-17  
   85   -5.936658e+10   3.201374e-13   1.270892e-04     5.553528e-17  
   86   -5.936709e+10   1.048023e-13   1.111799e-04     5.704076e-17  
   87   -5.936635e+10   5.831619e-13   9.617887e-05     2.914995e-17  
   88   -5.936680e+10   1.903951e-12   1.059217e-04     1.411724e-17  
   89   -5.936644e+10   3.492288e-13   9.839992e-05     1.055226e-16  
 Iter            Fval  Primal Infeas    Dual Infeas  Complementarity  
   90   -5.936682e+10   3.252700e-13   1.002387e-04     3.250861e-17  
   91   -5.936686e+10   3.346942e-13   1.234960e-04     6.077549e-17  
   92   -5.936682e+10   4.277920e-13   1.215758e-04     1.401584e-16  
   93   -5.936738e+10   1.100430e-13   1.322330e-04     4.546026e-17  
   94   -5.936752e+10   1.888845e-13   1.075332e-04     9.023341e-17  
   95   -5.936743e+10   5.002467e-13   1.272003e-04     2.034916e-17  
   96   -5.936739e+10   3.434026e-13   9.924766e-05     1.009952e-16  
   97   -5.936683e+10   6.690146e-13   1.045393e-04     3.139818e-16  
   98   -5.936668e+10   6.298459e-14   1.376937e-04     1.055787e-17  
   99   -5.936733e+10   2.032519e-13   9.114954e-05     2.120792e-17  
  100   -5.936653e+10   8.670582e-14   1.020582e-04     2.754086e-17  
  101   -5.936718e+10   5.895609e-13   9.471732e-05     1.925387e-16  
  102   -5.936704e+10   7.474548e-15   9.624132e-05     7.114982e-17  
  103   -5.936734e+10   1.108364e-12   1.088579e-04     7.106930e-17  
  104   -5.936692e+10   1.539292e-13   8.326867e-05     6.876274e-17  
  105   -5.936643e+10   6.996261e-13   1.288167e-04     1.472576e-16  
  106   -5.936657e+10   1.389480e-14   1.172887e-04     1.449375e-16  
  107   -5.936657e+10   8.865199e-15   8.793801e-05     4.452276e-17  
  108   -5.936683e+10   4.012208e-13   9.699339e-05     1.320642e-16  
  109   -5.936592e+10   2.691852e-13   1.066988e-04     1.102143e-16  
  110   -5.936712e+10   1.943582e-13   1.172173e-04     1.292704e-17  
  111   -5.936747e+10   3.751637e-13   1.093058e-04     1.591895e-16  
  112   -5.936759e+10   3.183882e-13   8.366119e-05     4.119419e-17  
  113   -5.936815e+10   3.831453e-13   9.234087e-05     1.600605e-16  
  114   -5.936682e+10   9.303230e-14   1.129820e-04     1.029178e-16  
  115   -5.936792e+10   3.107733e-13   9.463202e-05     8.519498e-17  
  116   -5.936679e+10   7.491397e-13   8.539803e-05     2.191660e-16  
  117   -5.936676e+10   9.982534e-13   1.071318e-04     4.073319e-16  
  118   -5.936702e+10   1.883177e-13   1.168263e-04     5.719266e-17  
  119   -5.936729e+10   1.031580e-12   1.011198e-04     1.996246e-16  
 Iter            Fval  Primal Infeas    Dual Infeas  Complementarity  
  120   -5.936737e+10   3.244130e-13   9.918187e-05     1.642074e-16  
  121   -5.936713e+10   1.764195e-13   1.265210e-04     8.139052e-17  
  122   -5.936680e+10   4.022720e-13   1.127123e-04     3.839350e-17  
  123   -5.936707e+10   5.944504e-13   1.147199e-04     1.698111e-16  
  124   -5.936728e+10   6.281500e-13   1.289720e-04     3.882318e-17  
  125   -5.936738e+10   4.885689e-13   1.067934e-04     1.586051e-16  
  126   -5.936728e+10   3.227236e-13   8.171782e-05     1.133210e-16  
  127   -5.936670e+10   1.676871e-13   1.352402e-04     3.798516e-17  
  128   -5.936608e+10   1.305804e-13   9.859851e-05     8.124890e-17  
  129   -5.936688e+10   6.918591e-14   1.037053e-04     1.649088e-16  
  130   -5.936786e+10   2.789988e-13   1.046892e-04     1.215757e-16  
  131   -5.936661e+10   1.853029e-13   1.042452e-04     7.219697e-17  
  132   -5.936666e+10   9.970103e-13   8.985182e-05     2.694450e-16  
  133   -5.936640e+10   2.513830e-13   8.698689e-05     4.956170e-18  
  134   -5.936698e+10   1.112260e-13   1.093061e-04     2.976871e-17  
  135   -5.936740e+10   3.741146e-13   1.015070e-04     7.960243e-18  
  136   -5.936749e+10   2.140567e-15   8.900840e-05     6.800681e-17  
  137   -5.936714e+10   3.011221e-13   9.028349e-05     1.030479e-16  
  138   -5.936750e+10   3.394433e-13   1.194139e-04     2.975732e-17  
  139   -5.936614e+10   6.592450e-13   1.163740e-04     2.707962e-17  
  140   -5.936635e+10   3.807789e-14   9.526855e-05     2.483675e-17  
  141   -5.936709e+10   2.873327e-13   8.614835e-05     8.861991e-17  
  142   -5.936744e+10   3.868722e-13   1.281879e-04     1.412827e-16  
  143   -5.936646e+10   1.989561e-13   1.046621e-04     9.202374e-17  
  144   -5.936723e+10   1.062089e-14   1.047246e-04     1.031790e-16  
  145   -5.936680e+10   3.021803e-14   1.056665e-04     6.217269e-18  
  146   -5.936667e+10   4.071431e-13   1.029944e-04     2.551950e-16  
  147   -5.936727e+10   5.777259e-13   7.896193e-05     2.798850e-16  
  148   -5.936655e+10   1.588494e-13   1.194685e-04     6.325186e-17  
  149   -5.936732e+10   8.582802e-13   9.981098e-05     1.963770e-17  
 Iter            Fval  Primal Infeas    Dual Infeas  Complementarity  
  150   -5.936737e+10   1.316821e-13   1.161332e-04     2.428830e-17  
  151   -5.936743e+10   1.929278e-13   9.047427e-05     1.097137e-16  
  152   -5.936692e+10   1.879696e-13   1.040618e-04     4.820941e-17  
  153   -5.936711e+10   5.529286e-13   1.109897e-04     9.110248e-17  
  154   -5.936708e+10   6.399912e-13   1.192935e-04     6.405437e-18  
  155   -5.936702e+10   4.295515e-13   9.183893e-05     1.807117e-16  
  156   -5.936682e+10   2.125472e-13   1.106210e-04     1.397357e-16  
  157   -5.936706e+10   6.195347e-13   1.396576e-04     3.794106e-18  
  158   -5.936742e+10   4.061555e-13   1.001909e-04     1.268082e-16  
  159   -5.936701e+10   6.009676e-13   1.311680e-04     2.279778e-17  
  160   -5.936716e+10   1.396288e-13   1.162096e-04     5.972984e-17  
  161   -5.936737e+10   3.479024e-13   1.177297e-04     1.727157e-16  
  162   -5.936679e+10   8.629445e-13   9.609460e-05     2.318615e-16  
  163   -5.936698e+10   1.922582e-13   1.140215e-04     5.631675e-17  
  164   -5.936659e+10   1.944679e-13   1.075566e-04     6.531167e-17  
  165   -5.936671e+10   1.266959e-13   8.942537e-05     4.611473e-17  
  166   -5.936678e+10   1.162732e-13   1.114296e-04     4.922109e-17  
  167   -5.936726e+10   2.218675e-14   9.264508e-05     2.835209e-17  
  168   -5.936686e+10   5.175128e-13   9.691404e-05     7.394006e-17  
  169   -5.936668e+10   1.580539e-13   1.243448e-04     2.900833e-17  
  170   -5.936666e+10   7.881330e-14   1.165441e-04     6.702597e-17  
  171   -5.936675e+10   2.865745e-13   1.015051e-04     1.203430e-16  
  172   -5.936644e+10   2.412228e-13   8.976762e-05     1.260207e-23  
  173   -5.936692e+10   4.732956e-13   1.540647e-04     1.921320e-16  
  174   -5.936685e+10   4.670933e-13   1.247362e-04     1.343749e-16  
  175   -5.936671e+10   1.774685e-13   1.283056e-04     8.414485e-17  
  176   -5.936713e+10   1.249322e-13   1.206260e-04     8.398560e-17  
  177   -5.936701e+10   4.118710e-13   1.099680e-04     2.000339e-16  
  178   -5.936593e+10   1.188290e-13   1.098031e-04     2.048570e-17  
  179   -5.936668e+10   3.290321e-14   1.032994e-04     4.081771e-17  
 Iter            Fval  Primal Infeas    Dual Infeas  Complementarity  
  180   -5.936686e+10   1.392809e-13   1.097109e-04     1.116055e-16  
  181   -5.936679e+10   1.238262e-13   1.089728e-04     2.561779e-17  
  182   -5.936698e+10   6.287815e-13   8.950926e-05     9.462464e-17  
  183   -5.936684e+10   1.288248e-12   1.285201e-04     5.060757e-16  
  184   -5.936697e+10   1.102251e-13   1.056162e-04     5.906255e-17  
  185   -5.936683e+10   5.906636e-13   1.255769e-04     1.990573e-16  
  186   -5.936745e+10   2.285230e-13   1.193795e-04     6.266540e-17  
  187   -5.936700e+10   1.313994e-12   9.744246e-05     3.293992e-17  
  188   -5.936666e+10   2.102083e-14   1.112847e-04     5.650280e-17  
  189   -5.936705e+10   2.713366e-13   1.216511e-04     1.231261e-16  
  190   -5.936698e+10   2.370613e-13   9.826011e-05     9.385813e-17  
  191   -5.936674e+10   1.748337e-13   1.382735e-04     9.062993e-17  
  192   -5.936672e+10   1.077449e-12   1.065232e-04     4.401942e-16  
  193   -5.936790e+10   6.839041e-13   1.116365e-04     2.994774e-16  
  194   -5.936681e+10   3.003279e-13   1.028058e-04     1.054642e-16  
  195   -5.936710e+10   2.307670e-13   9.867643e-05     7.960291e-17  
  196   -5.936679e+10   8.696696e-13   1.172054e-04     3.223771e-16  
  197   -5.936739e+10   1.476717e-13   1.102862e-04     4.215649e-17  
  198   -5.936663e+10   1.609265e-13   1.003946e-04     3.817830e-17  
  199   -5.936648e+10   2.377727e-13   8.840507e-05     8.327534e-17  
  200   -5.936734e+10   1.564798e-13   9.311681e-05     4.955674e-17  
  201   -5.936683e+10   1.760468e-12   8.735995e-05     1.328208e-18  

Solver stopped prematurely.

quadprog stopped because it exceeded the iteration limit,
options.MaxIterations = 200 (the default value).

Execution time : 17.4 seconds
Status :  
|w0|^2    : 974985526.138330
Sum beta : 4858.566246
Support Vectors : 301 (100.0%)

   Determine initial tuning parameters for simplex...: # cooling cycle(s) 1
  |-                                              -|
  ************************************************** done

 1. Coupled Simulated Annealing results:  [gam]         1.1366
                                          [sig2]        0.0012725
                                          F(X)=         0.081736
 TUNELSSVM: chosen specifications:
 2. optimization routine:           simplex
    cost function:                  crossvalidatelssvm
    kernel function                 RBF_kernel

 3. starting values:                   1.1366   0.0012725

 Iteration   Func-count    min f(x)    log(gamma)    log(sig2)    Procedure

     1           3     8.137146e-02     0.1281        -5.4667      initial 
     2           5     8.137146e-02     0.1281        -5.4667      contract inside 
     3           7     8.137146e-02     0.1281        -5.4667      contract outside 
     4           9     8.088347e-02     0.3531        -5.4292      contract inside 
     5          13     8.062419e-02     0.3906        -5.8230      shrink 
     6          14     8.062419e-02     0.3906        -5.8230      reflect 
     7          18     8.047025e-02     0.3718        -5.6261      shrink 
     8          19     8.047025e-02     0.3718        -5.6261      reflect 
     9          23     8.047025e-02     0.3718        -5.6261      shrink 
    10          27     8.043997e-02     0.3765        -5.6753      shrink 
optimisation terminated sucessfully (MaxFunEvals criterion)

Simplex results: 
X=1.457176   0.003430, F(X)=8.043997e-02 

Obtained hyper-parameters: [gamma sig2]: 1.4572   0.0034295
Start Plotting...finished

   Determine initial tuning parameters for simplex...: # cooling cycle(s) 1
  |-                                              -|
  ************************************************** done

 1. Coupled Simulated Annealing results:  [gam]         18.1223
                                          [sig2]        0.0073926
                                          F(X)=         0.061807
 TUNELSSVM: chosen specifications:
 2. optimization routine:           simplex
    cost function:                  rcrossvalidatelssvm
    kernel function                 RBF_kernel

    weight function:                whampel 

 3. starting values:                   18.1223    0.0073926

 Iteration   Func-count    min f(x)    log(gamma)    log(sig2)    Procedure

     1           3     6.170838e-02     4.0971        -4.9073      initial 
     2           5     6.170838e-02     4.0971        -4.9073      contract outside 
     3           7     6.170838e-02     4.0971        -4.9073      contract inside 
     4           8     6.170838e-02     4.0971        -4.9073      reflect 
     5          10     6.170838e-02     4.0971        -4.9073      contract inside 
     6          12     6.161215e-02     3.3846        -4.9823      reflect 
     7          16     6.160617e-02     3.5159        -5.0948      shrink 
     8          18     6.144690e-02     2.8690        -5.2260      expand 
     9          22     6.144690e-02     2.8690        -5.2260      shrink 
    10          24     6.144690e-02     2.8690        -5.2260      contract inside 
    11          26     6.144690e-02     2.8690        -5.2260      contract inside 
optimisation terminated sucessfully (MaxFunEvals criterion)

Simplex results: 
X=17.619732   0.005375, F(X)=6.144690e-02 

Obtained hyper-parameters: [gamma sig2]: 17.6197   0.00537484
Converged after 5 iteration(s)Start Plotting...finished

Algorithm 2 -- weighted LS-SVM pruning

%generate train data
X = (-15:0.1:15)';
Y = sinc(X)+0.05.*randn(length(X),1);
%fixed parameters
type = 'function estimation';
% model=initlssvm(X,Y,'f',[],[],'RBF_kernel');
for i=1:16
% train weigthed ls svm
% sort the absolute value of alpha
% remove n_remove points and form a new index vector
removed_index=sort(index (n_remove+1:end));
% retain N - n_remove points
for k=1:length(removed_index)
   Determine initial tuning parameters for simplex...: # cooling cycle(s) 1
  |-                                              -|
  ************************************************** done

 1. Coupled Simulated Annealing results:  [gam]         2.6372
                                          [sig2]        0.001676
                                          F(X)=         0.04522
 TUNELSSVM: chosen specifications:
 2. optimization routine:           simplex
    cost function:                  rcrossvalidatelssvm
    kernel function                 RBF_kernel

    weight function:                whampel 

 3. starting values:                   2.6372    0.001676

 Iteration   Func-count    min f(x)    log(gamma)    log(sig2)    Procedure

     1           3     4.196173e-02     0.9697        -5.1913      initial 
     2           7     4.196173e-02     0.9697        -5.1913      shrink 
     3          11     4.163937e-02     1.2697        -5.4913      shrink 
     4          13     4.163937e-02     1.2697        -5.4913      contract inside 
     5          14     4.163937e-02     1.2697        -5.4913      reflect 
     6          16     4.121743e-02     1.3447        -5.3413      reflect 
     7          17     4.121743e-02     1.3447        -5.3413      reflect 
     8          18     4.121743e-02     1.3447        -5.3413      reflect 
     9          20     4.117819e-02     1.4197        -5.1913      reflect 
    10          24     4.117819e-02     1.4197        -5.1913      shrink 
    11          28     4.106985e-02     1.4759        -5.2288      shrink 
optimisation terminated sucessfully (MaxFunEvals criterion)

Simplex results: 
X=4.375190   0.005360, F(X)=4.106985e-02 

Obtained hyper-parameters: [gamma sig2]: 4.3752   0.0053598
Converged after 3 iteration(s)Start Plotting...finished

   Determine initial tuning parameters for simplex...: # cooling cycle(s) 1
  |-                                              -|
  ************************************************** done

 1. Coupled Simulated Annealing results:  [gam]         2529.9356
                                          [sig2]        0.023679
                                          F(X)=         0.041576
 TUNELSSVM: chosen specifications:
 2. optimization routine:           simplex
    cost function:                  rcrossvalidatelssvm
    kernel function                 RBF_kernel

    weight function:                whampel 

 3. starting values:                   2529.9356    0.023678888

 Iteration   Func-count    min f(x)    log(gamma)    log(sig2)    Procedure

     1           3     4.157576e-02     7.8359        -3.7432      initial 
     2           5     4.157576e-02     7.8359        -3.7432      contract outside 
     3           7     4.157576e-02     7.8359        -3.7432      contract inside 
     4           9     4.157576e-02     7.8359        -3.7432      contract outside 
     5          11     4.138554e-02     8.3609        -3.5932      reflect 
     6          13     4.138554e-02     8.3609        -3.5932      contract inside 
     7          17     4.138554e-02     8.3609        -3.5932      shrink 
     8          21     4.138554e-02     8.3609        -3.5932      shrink 
     9          25     4.138134e-02     8.2953        -3.6119      shrink 
    10          27     4.138102e-02     8.3574        -3.6049      contract outside 
optimisation terminated sucessfully (MaxFunEvals criterion)

Simplex results: 
X=4261.742952   0.027190, F(X)=4.138102e-02 

Obtained hyper-parameters: [gamma sig2]: 4261.743     0.02719043
Converged after 40 iteration(s)Start Plotting...finished

   Determine initial tuning parameters for simplex...: # cooling cycle(s) 1
  |-                                              -|
  ************************************************** done

 1. Coupled Simulated Annealing results:  [gam]         23.0318
                                          [sig2]        0.0018435
                                          F(X)=         0.046424
 TUNELSSVM: chosen specifications:
 2. optimization routine:           simplex
    cost function:                  rcrossvalidatelssvm
    kernel function                 RBF_kernel

    weight function:                whampel 

 3. starting values:                   23.0318   0.00184352

 Iteration   Func-count    min f(x)    log(gamma)    log(sig2)    Procedure

     1           3     4.265305e-02     3.1369        -5.0961      initial 
     2           5     4.251202e-02     1.9369        -5.0961      reflect 
     3           7     4.251202e-02     1.9369        -5.0961      contract inside 
     4           9     4.251202e-02     1.9369        -5.0961      contract inside 
     5          11     4.246661e-02     2.3869        -4.7961      reflect 
     6          15     4.244327e-02     2.7619        -4.9461      shrink 
     7          17     4.244327e-02     2.7619        -4.9461      contract outside 
     8          21     4.241785e-02     2.5744        -4.8711      shrink 
     9          22     4.241785e-02     2.5744        -4.8711      reflect 
    10          24     4.241785e-02     2.5744        -4.8711      contract outside 
    11          26     4.241785e-02     2.5744        -4.8711      contract inside 
optimisation terminated sucessfully (MaxFunEvals criterion)

Simplex results: 
X=13.123145   0.007665, F(X)=4.241785e-02 

Obtained hyper-parameters: [gamma sig2]: 13.1231   0.00766508
Converged after 1 iteration(s)Start Plotting...finished

   Determine initial tuning parameters for simplex...: # cooling cycle(s) 1
  |-                                              -|
  ************************************************** done

 1. Coupled Simulated Annealing results:  [gam]         32.8353
                                          [sig2]        0.013576
                                          F(X)=         0.043669
 TUNELSSVM: chosen specifications:
 2. optimization routine:           simplex
    cost function:                  rcrossvalidatelssvm
    kernel function                 RBF_kernel

    weight function:                whampel 

 3. starting values:                   32.8353    0.0135756

 Iteration   Func-count    min f(x)    log(gamma)    log(sig2)    Procedure

     1           3     4.363709e-02     4.6915        -4.2995      initial 
     2           5     4.363709e-02     4.6915        -4.2995      contract outside 
     3           9     4.356806e-02     4.0915        -4.2995      shrink 
     4          11     4.350840e-02     4.3165        -4.1495      contract inside 
     5          13     4.350840e-02     4.3165        -4.1495      contract inside 
     6          14     4.350840e-02     4.3165        -4.1495      reflect 
     7          16     4.342922e-02     4.9634        -4.0182      expand 
     8          20     4.342922e-02     4.9634        -4.0182      shrink 
     9          22     4.341943e-02     5.0290        -4.0745      reflect 
    10          24     4.340346e-02     5.2868        -3.9526      reflect 
    11          26     4.337542e-02     5.5470        -4.0042      expand 
optimisation terminated sucessfully (MaxFunEvals criterion)

Simplex results: 
X=256.459711   0.018239, F(X)=4.337542e-02 

Obtained hyper-parameters: [gamma sig2]: 256.4597     0.0182394
Converged after 1 iteration(s)Start Plotting...finished

   Determine initial tuning parameters for simplex...: # cooling cycle(s) 1
  |-                                              -|
  ************************************************** done

 1. Coupled Simulated Annealing results:  [gam]         689.3217
                                          [sig2]        0.016945
                                          F(X)=         0.045956
 TUNELSSVM: chosen specifications:
 2. optimization routine:           simplex
    cost function:                  rcrossvalidatelssvm
    kernel function                 RBF_kernel

    weight function:                whampel 

 3. starting values:                   689.3217    0.01694462

 Iteration   Func-count    min f(x)    log(gamma)    log(sig2)    Procedure

     1           3     4.595646e-02     6.5357        -4.0778      initial 
     2           7     4.595646e-02     6.5357        -4.0778      shrink 
     3           9     4.595646e-02     6.5357        -4.0778      contract outside 
     4          11     4.540656e-02     6.6857        -3.7778      reflect 
     5          12     4.540656e-02     6.6857        -3.7778      reflect 
     6          16     4.540656e-02     6.6857        -3.7778      shrink 
     7          20     4.540656e-02     6.6857        -3.7778      shrink 
     8          22     4.539975e-02     6.7326        -3.8341      contract outside 
     9          24     4.538897e-02     6.7396        -3.7825      contract outside 
    10          26     4.538721e-02     6.7613        -3.8235      contract inside 
optimisation terminated sucessfully (MaxFunEvals criterion)

Simplex results: 
X=863.759220   0.021851, F(X)=4.538721e-02 

Obtained hyper-parameters: [gamma sig2]: 863.7592    0.02185101
Converged after 1 iteration(s)Start Plotting...finished

   Determine initial tuning parameters for simplex...: # cooling cycle(s) 1
  |-                                              -|
  ************************************************** done

 1. Coupled Simulated Annealing results:  [gam]         8.5437
                                          [sig2]        0.0063445
                                          F(X)=         0.047035
 TUNELSSVM: chosen specifications:
 2. optimization routine:           simplex
    cost function:                  rcrossvalidatelssvm
    kernel function                 RBF_kernel

    weight function:                whampel 

 3. starting values:                   8.5437   0.0063445

 Iteration   Func-count    min f(x)    log(gamma)    log(sig2)    Procedure

     1           3     4.703544e-02     2.1452        -5.0602      initial 
     2           5     4.703544e-02     2.1452        -5.0602      contract outside 
     3           7     4.703544e-02     2.1452        -5.0602      contract outside 
     4          11     4.703095e-02     2.7452        -5.0602      shrink 
     5          13     4.703095e-02     2.7452        -5.0602      contract outside 
     6          17     4.702303e-02     2.4452        -5.0602      shrink 
     7          19     4.702076e-02     2.3139        -5.0977      reflect 
     8          21     4.701708e-02     2.2624        -5.0695      contract inside 
     9          22     4.701708e-02     2.2624        -5.0695      reflect 
    10          26     4.701570e-02     2.1968        -5.0883      shrink 
optimisation terminated sucessfully (MaxFunEvals criterion)

Simplex results: 
X=8.995790   0.006169, F(X)=4.701570e-02 

Obtained hyper-parameters: [gamma sig2]: 8.9958   0.0061686
Converged after 1 iteration(s)Start Plotting...finished

   Determine initial tuning parameters for simplex...: # cooling cycle(s) 1
  |-                                              -|
  ************************************************** done

 1. Coupled Simulated Annealing results:  [gam]         14.9477
                                          [sig2]        0.011227
                                          F(X)=         0.048999
 TUNELSSVM: chosen specifications:
 2. optimization routine:           simplex
    cost function:                  rcrossvalidatelssvm
    kernel function                 RBF_kernel

    weight function:                whampel 

 3. starting values:                   14.9477    0.0112267

 Iteration   Func-count    min f(x)    log(gamma)    log(sig2)    Procedure

     1           3     4.899899e-02     2.7046        -4.4895      initial 
     2           5     4.899899e-02     2.7046        -4.4895      contract outside 
     3           9     4.899617e-02     3.3046        -4.4895      shrink 
     4          11     4.899617e-02     3.3046        -4.4895      contract inside 
     5          13     4.899617e-02     3.3046        -4.4895      contract inside 
     6          15     4.896702e-02     2.9671        -4.4145      reflect 
     7          17     4.894112e-02     3.5671        -4.4145      reflect 
     8          18     4.894112e-02     3.5671        -4.4145      reflect 
     9          20     4.887872e-02     3.8296        -4.3395      reflect 
    10          24     4.885932e-02     3.5296        -4.3395      shrink 
    11          26     4.883872e-02     3.6608        -4.3020      reflect 
optimisation terminated sucessfully (MaxFunEvals criterion)

Simplex results: 
X=38.892658   0.013542, F(X)=4.883872e-02 

Obtained hyper-parameters: [gamma sig2]: 38.8927     0.013542
Converged after 1 iteration(s)Start Plotting...finished

   Determine initial tuning parameters for simplex...: # cooling cycle(s) 1
  |-                                              -|
  ************************************************** done

 1. Coupled Simulated Annealing results:  [gam]         19758.6534
                                          [sig2]        0.029658
                                          F(X)=         0.05113
 TUNELSSVM: chosen specifications:
 2. optimization routine:           simplex
    cost function:                  rcrossvalidatelssvm
    kernel function                 RBF_kernel

    weight function:                whampel 

 3. starting values:                   19758.6534    0.0296580299

 Iteration   Func-count    min f(x)    log(gamma)    log(sig2)    Procedure

     1           3     5.113047e-02     9.8913        -3.5180      initial 
     2           5     5.113047e-02     9.8913        -3.5180      contract outside 
     3           9     5.113047e-02     9.8913        -3.5180      shrink 
     4          11     5.113047e-02     9.8913        -3.5180      contract inside 
     5          13     5.113047e-02     9.8913        -3.5180      contract inside 
     6          15     5.111330e-02     9.5351        -3.5555      reflect 
     7          19     5.107512e-02     9.6476        -3.4805      shrink 
     8          21     5.105673e-02     9.4695        -3.4993      reflect 
     9          23     5.105673e-02     9.4695        -3.4993      contract inside 
    10          24     5.105673e-02     9.4695        -3.4993      reflect 
    11          26     5.105494e-02     9.3687        -3.5415      reflect 
optimisation terminated sucessfully (MaxFunEvals criterion)

Simplex results: 
X=11715.764058   0.028971, F(X)=5.105494e-02 

Obtained hyper-parameters: [gamma sig2]: 11715.7641    0.0289710024
Converged after 1 iteration(s)Start Plotting...finished

   Determine initial tuning parameters for simplex...: # cooling cycle(s) 1
  |-                                              -|
  ************************************************** done

 1. Coupled Simulated Annealing results:  [gam]         17.6355
                                          [sig2]        0.011929
                                          F(X)=         0.053497
 TUNELSSVM: chosen specifications:
 2. optimization routine:           simplex
    cost function:                  rcrossvalidatelssvm
    kernel function                 RBF_kernel

    weight function:                whampel 

 3. starting values:                   17.6355     0.011929

 Iteration   Func-count    min f(x)    log(gamma)    log(sig2)    Procedure

     1           3     5.349699e-02     2.8699        -4.4288      initial 
     2           5     5.349699e-02     2.8699        -4.4288      contract outside 
     3           7     5.349699e-02     2.8699        -4.4288      contract inside 
     4          11     5.344575e-02     3.0949        -4.2788      shrink 
     5          13     5.344575e-02     3.0949        -4.2788      contract inside 
     6          15     5.344575e-02     3.0949        -4.2788      contract outside 
     7          17     5.343934e-02     3.3293        -4.2225      reflect 
     8          21     5.341467e-02     3.2168        -4.2975      shrink 
     9          23     5.340894e-02     3.3340        -4.2694      reflect 
    10          25     5.340894e-02     3.3340        -4.2694      contract inside 
    11          26     5.340894e-02     3.3340        -4.2694      reflect 
optimisation terminated sucessfully (MaxFunEvals criterion)

Simplex results: 
X=28.049736   0.013990, F(X)=5.340894e-02 

Obtained hyper-parameters: [gamma sig2]: 28.0497    0.0139901
Converged after 1 iteration(s)Start Plotting...finished

   Determine initial tuning parameters for simplex...: # cooling cycle(s) 1
  |-                                              -|
  ************************************************** done

 1. Coupled Simulated Annealing results:  [gam]         0.001609
                                          [sig2]        0.0028363
                                          F(X)=         0.096608
 TUNELSSVM: chosen specifications:
 2. optimization routine:           simplex
    cost function:                  rcrossvalidatelssvm
    kernel function                 RBF_kernel

    weight function:                whampel 

 3. starting values:                   0.001609   0.0028363

 Iteration   Func-count    min f(x)    log(gamma)    log(sig2)    Procedure

     1           3     9.653180e-02     -5.2321        -5.8653      initial 
     2           5     9.646722e-02     -4.6321        -8.2653      expand 
     3           7     9.584613e-02     -1.9321        -9.4653      expand 
     4           9     9.584613e-02     -1.9321        -9.4653      contract inside 
     5          10     9.584613e-02     -1.9321        -9.4653      reflect 
     6          12     9.242655e-02     -0.0196        -8.7153      expand 
     7          14     9.242655e-02     -0.0196        -8.7153      contract outside 
     8          15     9.242655e-02     -0.0196        -8.7153      reflect 
     9          17     5.995247e-02     2.5070        -6.9715      expand 
    10          18     5.995247e-02     2.5070        -6.9715      reflect 
    11          20     5.382317e-02     2.4366        -4.7403      reflect 
    12          21     5.382317e-02     2.4366        -4.7403      reflect 
    13          23     5.382317e-02     2.4366        -4.7403      contract inside 
    14          27     5.373998e-02     3.3929        -4.3653      shrink 
optimisation terminated sucessfully (MaxFunEvals criterion)

Simplex results: 
X=29.751758   0.012711, F(X)=5.373998e-02 

Obtained hyper-parameters: [gamma sig2]: 29.7518    0.0127114
Converged after 1 iteration(s)Start Plotting...finished

   Determine initial tuning parameters for simplex...: # cooling cycle(s) 1
  |-                                              -|
  ************************************************** done

 1. Coupled Simulated Annealing results:  [gam]         6.2144
                                          [sig2]        0.004346
                                          F(X)=         0.055959
 TUNELSSVM: chosen specifications:
 2. optimization routine:           simplex
    cost function:                  rcrossvalidatelssvm
    kernel function                 RBF_kernel

    weight function:                whampel 

 3. starting values:                   6.2144    0.004346

 Iteration   Func-count    min f(x)    log(gamma)    log(sig2)    Procedure

     1           3     5.595901e-02     1.8269        -5.4385      initial 
     2           5     5.595901e-02     1.8269        -5.4385      contract outside 
     3           6     5.595901e-02     1.8269        -5.4385      reflect 
     4           8     5.595901e-02     1.8269        -5.4385      contract inside 
     5          10     5.595901e-02     1.8269        -5.4385      contract outside 
     6          12     5.581609e-02     2.2394        -5.2135      reflect 
     7          14     5.581609e-02     2.2394        -5.2135      contract inside 
     8          16     5.581609e-02     2.2394        -5.2135      contract inside 
     9          18     5.573039e-02     2.6882        -5.1596      expand 
    10          20     5.573039e-02     2.6882        -5.1596      contract inside 
    11          22     5.573039e-02     2.6882        -5.1596      contract inside 
    12          24     5.565920e-02     3.1609        -5.0151      expand 
    13          25     5.565920e-02     3.1609        -5.0151      reflect 
    14          27     5.565920e-02     3.1609        -5.0151      contract inside 
optimisation terminated sucessfully (MaxFunEvals criterion)

Simplex results: 
X=23.592814   0.006637, F(X)=5.565920e-02 

Obtained hyper-parameters: [gamma sig2]: 23.5928   0.00663707
Converged after 1 iteration(s)Start Plotting...finished

   Determine initial tuning parameters for simplex...: # cooling cycle(s) 1
  |-                                              -|
  ************************************************** done

 1. Coupled Simulated Annealing results:  [gam]         24.5974
                                          [sig2]        0.012978
                                          F(X)=         0.060271
 TUNELSSVM: chosen specifications:
 2. optimization routine:           simplex
    cost function:                  rcrossvalidatelssvm
    kernel function                 RBF_kernel

    weight function:                whampel 

 3. starting values:                   24.5974     0.012978

 Iteration   Func-count    min f(x)    log(gamma)    log(sig2)    Procedure

     1           3     6.027114e-02     3.2026        -4.3445      initial 
     2           5     6.027114e-02     3.2026        -4.3445      contract outside 
     3           9     6.018747e-02     3.8026        -4.3445      shrink 
     4          13     6.018747e-02     3.8026        -4.3445      shrink 
     5          15     6.018747e-02     3.8026        -4.3445      contract inside 
     6          17     6.018747e-02     3.8026        -4.3445      contract inside 
     7          18     6.018747e-02     3.8026        -4.3445      reflect 
     8          20     6.015690e-02     4.1495        -4.2882      expand 
     9          24     6.015690e-02     4.1495        -4.2882      shrink 
    10          26     6.013568e-02     4.1097        -4.2461      expand 
optimisation terminated sucessfully (MaxFunEvals criterion)

Simplex results: 
X=60.926771   0.014321, F(X)=6.013568e-02 

Obtained hyper-parameters: [gamma sig2]: 60.9268    0.0143205
Converged after 1 iteration(s)Start Plotting...finished

   Determine initial tuning parameters for simplex...: # cooling cycle(s) 1
  |-                                              -|
  ************************************************** done

 1. Coupled Simulated Annealing results:  [gam]         2.5668
                                          [sig2]        0.0021724
                                          F(X)=         0.065968
 TUNELSSVM: chosen specifications:
 2. optimization routine:           simplex
    cost function:                  rcrossvalidatelssvm
    kernel function                 RBF_kernel

    weight function:                whampel 

 3. starting values:                   2.5668   0.0021724

 Iteration   Func-count    min f(x)    log(gamma)    log(sig2)    Procedure

     1           3     6.343699e-02     0.9427        -4.9319      initial 
     2           5     6.245812e-02     2.7427        -4.3319      expand 
     3           9     6.245812e-02     2.7427        -4.3319      shrink 
     4          13     6.239264e-02     2.2927        -4.4819      shrink 
     5          17     6.224387e-02     2.4427        -4.6319      shrink 
     6          18     6.224387e-02     2.4427        -4.6319      reflect 
     7          22     6.222566e-02     2.3677        -4.5569      shrink 
     8          24     6.221718e-02     2.4802        -4.5194      reflect 
     9          28     6.221320e-02     2.4614        -4.5757      shrink 
optimisation terminated sucessfully (MaxFunEvals criterion)

Simplex results: 
X=11.721546   0.010299, F(X)=6.221320e-02 

Obtained hyper-parameters: [gamma sig2]: 11.7215    0.0102992
Converged after 1 iteration(s)Start Plotting...finished

   Determine initial tuning parameters for simplex...: # cooling cycle(s) 1
  |-                                              -|
  ************************************************** done

 1. Coupled Simulated Annealing results:  [gam]         3477.5233
                                          [sig2]        0.023887
                                          F(X)=         0.065165
 TUNELSSVM: chosen specifications:
 2. optimization routine:           simplex
    cost function:                  rcrossvalidatelssvm
    kernel function                 RBF_kernel

    weight function:                whampel 

 3. starting values:                   3477.5233    0.023887206

 Iteration   Func-count    min f(x)    log(gamma)    log(sig2)    Procedure

     1           3     6.516503e-02     8.1541        -3.7344      initial 
     2           5     6.516503e-02     8.1541        -3.7344      contract outside 
     3           9     6.512440e-02     8.7541        -3.7344      shrink 
     4          11     6.512440e-02     8.7541        -3.7344      contract inside 
     5          13     6.512440e-02     8.7541        -3.7344      contract outside 
     6          15     6.512440e-02     8.7541        -3.7344      contract inside 
     7          17     6.510181e-02     9.0353        -3.6969      reflect 
     8          21     6.508981e-02     8.7353        -3.6969      shrink 
     9          23     6.508531e-02     8.8760        -3.6782      reflect 
    10          27     6.508443e-02     8.9556        -3.6875      shrink 
optimisation terminated sucessfully (MaxFunEvals criterion)

Simplex results: 
X=7751.472716   0.025034, F(X)=6.508443e-02 

Obtained hyper-parameters: [gamma sig2]: 7751.4727    0.025033577
Converged after 1 iteration(s)Start Plotting...finished

   Determine initial tuning parameters for simplex...: # cooling cycle(s) 1
  |-                                              -|
  ************************************************** done

 1. Coupled Simulated Annealing results:  [gam]         15.2874
                                          [sig2]        0.0065002
                                          F(X)=         0.069417
 TUNELSSVM: chosen specifications:
 2. optimization routine:           simplex
    cost function:                  rcrossvalidatelssvm
    kernel function                 RBF_kernel

    weight function:                whampel 

 3. starting values:                   15.2874   0.00650017

 Iteration   Func-count    min f(x)    log(gamma)    log(sig2)    Procedure

     1           3     6.941687e-02     2.7270        -5.0359      initial 
     2           5     6.941687e-02     2.7270        -5.0359      contract outside 
     3           7     6.887432e-02     3.0270        -4.4359      reflect 
     4           9     6.887432e-02     3.0270        -4.4359      contract inside 
     5          13     6.887432e-02     3.0270        -4.4359      shrink 
     6          17     6.881960e-02     2.9520        -4.5859      shrink 
     7          18     6.881960e-02     2.9520        -4.5859      reflect 
     8          22     6.875434e-02     2.9895        -4.5109      shrink 
     9          23     6.875434e-02     2.9895        -4.5109      reflect 
    10          27     6.875434e-02     2.9895        -4.5109      shrink 
optimisation terminated sucessfully (MaxFunEvals criterion)

Simplex results: 
X=19.876337   0.010988, F(X)=6.875434e-02 

Obtained hyper-parameters: [gamma sig2]: 19.8763    0.0109883
Converged after 1 iteration(s)Start Plotting...finished

   Determine initial tuning parameters for simplex...: # cooling cycle(s) 1
  |-                                              -|
  ************************************************** done

 1. Coupled Simulated Annealing results:  [gam]         10097.3756
                                          [sig2]        5.2887e-05
                                          F(X)=         0.073754
 TUNELSSVM: chosen specifications:
 2. optimization routine:           simplex
    cost function:                  rcrossvalidatelssvm
    kernel function                 RBF_kernel

    weight function:                whampel 

 3. starting values:                   10097.3756  5.28869302e-05

 Iteration   Func-count    min f(x)    log(gamma)    log(sig2)    Procedure

     1           3     7.375220e-02     10.4200        -9.8474      initial 
     2           5     7.375220e-02     10.4200        -9.8474      contract outside 
     3           7     7.375220e-02     10.4200        -9.8474      contract outside 
     4          11     7.364135e-02     10.0450        -9.6974      shrink 
     5          13     7.362433e-02     11.0575        -9.6224      expand 
     6          17     7.362433e-02     11.0575        -9.6224      shrink 
     7          18     7.362433e-02     11.0575        -9.6224      reflect 
     8          20     7.362152e-02     11.3575        -9.6224      contract inside 
     9          24     7.362152e-02     11.3575        -9.6224      shrink 
    10          26     7.362152e-02     11.3575        -9.6224      contract inside 
optimisation terminated sucessfully (MaxFunEvals criterion)

Simplex results: 
X=85607.726908   0.000066, F(X)=7.362152e-02 

Obtained hyper-parameters: [gamma sig2]: 85607.7269  6.62315041e-05
Converged after 2 iteration(s)Start Plotting...finished


Robust training

Robust training in the case of non-Gaussian noise or outliers (only possible with the object oriented interface) model = robustlssvm(model)

function [model,b] = robustlssvm(model,ab,X,Y)
if iscell(model),
    func = 1;
    model = initlssvm(model{:});
    func = 0;
if model.type(1)~='f',
    error('Robustly weighted least squares only implemented for regression case...');
if nargin>1,
    if iscell(ab) && ~isempty(ab),
        model.alpha = ab{1};
        model.b = ab{2};
        model.status = 'trained';
        if nargin>=4,
            model = trainlssvm(model,X,Y);
        model = trainlssvm(model,ab,X);
    model = trainlssvm(model);
model errors
  ek = model.alpha./model.gam';
  g = model.gam;
robust estimation of the variance
for j=1:500
    vare = 1.483*median(abs((ek)-median(ek)));
    alphaold = model.alpha;
  robust re-estimation of the alpha's and the b
     cases = reshape((ek./vare),1,model.nb_data);
     W = weightingscheme(cases,model.weights,delta);
     W = g*W;
    model = changelssvm(model,'gam',W);
    model = changelssvm(model,'implementation','MATLAB');
    model = trainlssvm(model);
    ek = model.alpha./model.gam';
     if norm(abs(alphaold-model.alpha),'fro')<=1e-4,
         fprintf('Converged after %.0f iteration(s)', j);
         if func && nargout~=1,
             b = model.b;
             model = model.alpha;
     model.status = 'changed';

Tune function

The function aims to tune the hyperparameters of the model with respect to the given performance measure. There are two steeps to obtain parameters.The irst is using the functional interface, and the second is using the object oriented interface Code shows blow

function [model,cost,O3] = tunelssvm(model, varargin)
initiate variables
if iscell(model),
    model = initlssvm(model{:});
if length(varargin)>=1, optfun = varargin{1}; else optfun='gridsearch';end
if length(varargin)>=2, costfun = varargin{2}; else costfun ='crossvalidatelssvm'; end
if length(varargin)>=3, costargs = varargin{3}; else costargs ={}; end
if strcmp(costfun,'crossvalidatelssvm') || strcmp(costfun,'rcrossvalidatelssvm') || strcmp(costfun,'crossvalidatesparselssvm')
  if size(costargs,2)==1, error('Specify the number of folds for CV'); end
  [Y,omega] = helpkernel(model.xtrain,model.ytrain,model.kernel_type,costargs{2},0);
  costargs = {Y,costargs{1},omega,costargs{2}};
if strcmp(costfun,'crossvalidate2lp1')
  disp('-->> Cross-Validation for Correlated Errors: Determine optimal ''l'' for leave (2l+1) out CV')
  % if user specifies 'l'
  if numel(costargs)==1, luser = NaN; else luser = costargs{2};end
  [l,index] = cvl(model.xtrain,model.ytrain,luser); % First determine the 'l' for the CV
  fprintf(['\n -->> Optimal l = ' num2str(l)]);
  [Y,omega] = helpkernel(model.xtrain,model.ytrain,model.kernel_type,[],1);
  costargs = {Y,index,omega,costargs{1}};
if strcmp(costfun,'gcrossvalidatelssvm') || strcmp(costfun,'leaveoneoutlssvm')
  [Y,omega] = helpkernel(model.xtrain,model.ytrain,model.kernel_type,[],0);
  costargs = {Y,omega,costargs{1}};
if strcmp(costfun,'rcrossvalidatelssvm')
  eval('model.weights = varargin{4};','model.weights = ''wmyriad''; ')
if strcmp(costfun,'crossvalidatelssvm_SIM')
  [Y,omega] = helpkernel(model.xtrain,model.ytrain,model.kernel_type,[],1);
  costargs = {model.xtrain,Y,costargs{1},omega,costargs{2}};

Change the coding type for multiclass and set default 'OneVsOne' if no coding type specified

if length(varargin)>=5 && ~isempty(varargin{5})
if model.type(1) =='c' && ~(sum(unique(model.ytrain))==1 || sum(unique(model.ytrain))==0)
  eval('coding = varargin{4};','coding = ''code_OneVsOne''; ')
  varargin{5}= coding;
  model = changelssvm(model,'codetype',coding);
  [yc,cb,oldcb] = code(model.ytrain,coding);
  y_dimold = model.y_dim;
  model.ytrain = yc; model.y_dim = size(yc,2);
  varargin{end} = []; clear yc

multiple outputs

if (model.y_dim>1)% & (size(model.kernel_pars,1)==model.y_dim |size(model.gam,1)==model.y_dim |prod(size(model.kernel_type,1))==model.y_dim))
  disp('-->> tune individual outputs');
  if model.type(1) == 'c'
      disp(['-->> Encoding scheme: ',coding]);
  costs = zeros(model.y_dim,1); gamt = zeros(1,model.y_dim);
  for d=1:model.y_dim,
      sel = ~isnan(model.ytrain(:,d));
      fprintf(['\n\n -> dim ' num2str(d) '/' num2str(model.y_dim) ':\n']);
      try kernel = model.kernel_type{d}; catch, kernel=model.kernel_type;end
      [g,s,c] = tunelssvm({model.xtrain(sel,:),model.ytrain(sel,d),model.type,[],[],kernel,'original'},varargin{:});
      gamt(:,d) = g;
      try kernel_part(:,d) = s; catch, kernel_part = [];end
      costs(d) = c;
  model.gam = gamt;
  model.kernel_pars = kernel_part;
  if func,
      O3 = costs;
      cost = model.kernel_pars;
      model = model.gam;
% decode to the original model.yfull
  if model.code(1) == 'c', % changed
      model.ytrain = code(model.ytrain, oldcb, [], cb, 'codedist_hamming');
      model.y_dim = y_dimold;
   % The first step:
 if strcmp(model.kernel_type,'lin_kernel'),
   if ~strcmp(model.weights,'wmyriad') && ~strcmp(model.weights,'whuber')
       [par,fval] = csa(rand(1,5),@(x)simanncostfun1(x,model,costfun,costargs));
       [par,fval] = csa(rand(2,5),@(x)simanncostfun1(x,model,costfun,costargs));
       model.delta = exp(par(2));
   model = changelssvm(changelssvm(model,'gam',exp(par(1))),'kernel_pars',[]); clear par
   disp([' 1. Coupled Simulated Annealing results:  [gam]         ' num2str(model.gam)]);
   disp(['                                          F(X)=         ' num2str(fval)]);
   disp(' ')
elseif strcmp(model.kernel_type,'RBF_kernel') || strcmp(model.kernel_type,'sinc_kernel') || strcmp(model.kernel_type,'RBF4_kernel')
  if ~strcmp(model.weights,'wmyriad') && ~strcmp(model.weights,'whuber')
      [par,fval] = csa(rand(2,5),@(x)simanncostfun2(x,model,costfun,costargs));
      [par,fval] = csa(rand(3,5),@(x)simanncostfun2(x,model,costfun,costargs));
      model.delta = exp(par(3));
  model = changelssvm(changelssvm(model,'gam',exp(par(1))),'kernel_pars',exp(par(2)));
   disp([' 1. Coupled Simulated Annealing results:  [gam]         ' num2str(model.gam)]);
   disp(['                                          [sig2]        ' num2str(model.kernel_pars)]);
   disp(['                                          F(X)=         ' num2str(fval)]);
   disp(' ')
elseif strcmp(model.kernel_type,'poly_kernel'),
  warning off
  if ~strcmp(model.weights,'wmyriad') && ~strcmp(model.weights,'whuber')
      [par,fval] = simann(@(x)simanncostfun3(x,model,costfun,costargs),[0.5;0.5;1],[-5;0.1;1],[10;3;1.9459],1,0.9,5,20,2);
      [par,fval] = simann(@(x)simanncostfun3(x,model,costfun,costargs),[0.5;0.5;1;0.2],[-5;0.1;1;eps],[10;3;1.9459;1.5],1,0.9,5,20,2);
      model.delta = exp(par(4));
  warning on
  %[par,fval] = csa(rand(3,5),@(x)simanncostfun3(x,model,costfun,costargs));
  model = changelssvm(changelssvm(model,'gam',exp(par(1))),'kernel_pars',[exp(par(2));round(exp(par(3)))]);
   disp([' 1. Simulated Annealing results:          [gam]         ' num2str(model.gam)]);
   disp(['                                          [t]           ' num2str(model.kernel_pars(1))]);
   disp(['                                          [degree]      ' num2str(round(model.kernel_pars(2)))]);
   disp(['                                          F(X)=         ' num2str(fval)]);
   disp(' ')
 elseif strcmp(model.kernel_type,'wav_kernel'),
   if ~strcmp(model.weights,'wmyriad') && ~strcmp(model.weights,'whuber')
       [par,fval] = csa(rand(4,5),@(x)simanncostfun4(x,model,costfun,costargs));
       [par,fval] = csa(rand(5,5),@(x)simanncostfun4(x,model,costfun,costargs));
       model.delta = exp(par(5));
   model = changelssvm(changelssvm(model,'gam',exp(par(1))),'kernel_pars',[exp(par(2));exp(par(3));exp(par(4))]);
   disp([' 1. Coupled Simulated Annealing results:  [gam]         ' num2str(model.gam)]);
   disp(['                                          [sig2]        ' num2str(model.kernel_pars')]);
   disp(['                                          F(X)=         ' num2str(fval)]);
   disp(' ')
   model.implementation = 'matlab';
   % The second steep:
 if length(model.gam)>1,
   error('Only one gamma per output allowed');
if fval ~= 0
  % lineare kernel
  if strcmp(model.kernel_type,'lin_kernel'),
       if ~strcmp(optfun,'simplex'),optfun = 'linesearch';end
       disp(' TUNELSSVM: chosen specifications:');
       disp([' 2. optimization routine:           ' optfun]);
       disp(['    cost function:                  ' costfun]);
       disp(['    kernel function                 ' model.kernel_type]);
       if strcmp(costfun,'rcrossvalidatelssvm')
           if strcmp(model.weights,'wmyriad') && strcmp(model.weights,'whuber')
               fprintf('\n    weight function:                %s, delta = %2.4f',model.weights,model.delta)
               fprintf('\n    weight function:                %s', model.weights)
       disp(' ');
       eval('startvalues = log(startvalues);','startvalues = [];');
       % construct grid based on CSA start values
       startvalues = log(model.gam)+[-5;10];
  if ~strcmp(optfun,'simplex')
   et = cputime;
   c = costofmodel1(startvalues(1),model,costfun,costargs);
   et = cputime-et;
   disp([' 3. starting values:                   ' num2str(exp(startvalues(1,:)))]);
   disp(['    cost of starting values:           ' num2str(c)]);
   disp(['    time needed for 1 evaluation (sec):' num2str(et)]);
   disp(['    limits of the grid:   [gam]         ' num2str(exp(startvalues(:,1))')]);
   disp(' ');
   optfun = 'linesearch';
   [gs, cost] = feval(optfun, @costofmodel1,startvalues,{model, costfun,costargs});
   c = fval;
   disp([' 3. starting value:                   ' num2str(model.gam)]);
   if ~strcmp(model.weights,'wmyriad') && ~strcmp(model.weights,'whuber')
    [gs,cost] = simplex(@(x)simplexcostfun1(x,model,costfun,costargs),log(model.gam),model.kernel_type);
    fprintf('Simplex results: \n')
    fprintf('X=%f  , F(X)=%e \n\n',exp(gs(1)),cost)
    [gs,cost] = rsimplex(@(x)simplexcostfun1(x,model,costfun,costargs),[log(model.gam) log(model.delta)],model.kernel_type);
     fprintf('Simplex results: \n')
     fprintf('X=%f,  delta=%.4f, F(X)=%e \n\n',exp(gs(1)),exp(gs(2)),cost)
       gamma = exp(gs(1));
       try delta = exp(gs(2)); catch ME,'';ME.stack;end
       % RBF kernel
   elseif strcmp(model.kernel_type,'RBF_kernel') || strcmp(model.kernel_type,'sinc_kernel') || strcmp(model.kernel_type,'RBF4_kernel'),
       disp(' TUNELSSVM: chosen specifications:');
       disp([' 2. optimization routine:           ' optfun]);
       disp(['    cost function:                  ' costfun]);
       disp(['    kernel function                 ' model.kernel_type]);
       if strcmp(costfun,'rcrossvalidatelssvm')
           if strcmp(model.weights,'wmyriad') && strcmp(model.weights,'whuber')
               fprintf('\n    weight function:                %s, delta = %2.4f',model.weights,model.delta)
               fprintf('\n    weight function:                %s', model.weights)
       disp(' ');
       eval('startvalues = log(startvalues);','startvalues = [];');
       % construct grid based on CSA start values
       startvalues = [log(model.gam)+[-3;5] log(model.kernel_pars)+[-2.5;2.5]];
if ~strcmp(optfun,'simplex')
 et = cputime;
 c = costofmodel2(startvalues(1,:),model,costfun,costargs);
 %et = toc;
  et = cputime-et;
  disp([' 3. starting values:                   ' num2str(exp(startvalues(1,:)))]);
  disp(['    cost of starting values:           ' num2str(c)]);
  disp(['    time needed for 1 evaluation (sec):' num2str(et)]);
  disp(['    limits of the grid:   [gam]         ' num2str(exp(startvalues(:,1))')]);
  disp(['                          [sig2]        ' num2str(exp(startvalues(:,2))')]);
  disp(' ');
  [gs, cost] = feval(optfun,@costofmodel2,startvalues,{model, costfun,costargs});
          c = fval;
          disp([' 3. starting values:                   ' num2str([model.gam model.kernel_pars])]);
          if ~strcmp(model.weights,'wmyriad') && ~strcmp(model.weights,'whuber')
              [gs,cost] = simplex(@(x)simplexcostfun2(x,model,costfun,costargs),[log(model.gam) log(model.kernel_pars)],model.kernel_type);
              fprintf('Simplex results: \n')
              fprintf('X=%f   %f, F(X)=%e \n\n',exp(gs(1)),exp(gs(2)),cost)
   [gs,cost] = rsimplex(@(x)simplexcostfun2(x,model,costfun,costargs),[log(model.gam) log(model.kernel_pars) log(model.delta)],model.kernel_type);
   fprintf('Simplex results: \n')
   fprintf('X=%f   %f, delta=%.4f, F(X)=%e \n\n',exp(gs(1)),exp(gs(2)),exp(gs(3)),cost);
gamma = exp(gs(1));
kernel_pars = exp(gs(2));
       % polynoom kernel
 elseif strcmp(model.kernel_type,'poly_kernel'),
       dg = model.kernel_pars(2);
       disp(' TUNELSSVM: chosen specifications:');
       disp([' 2. optimization routine:           ' optfun]);
       disp(['    cost function:                  ' costfun]);
       disp(['    kernel function                 ' model.kernel_type]);
       if strcmp(costfun,'rcrossvalidatelssvm')
           if strcmp(model.weights,'wmyriad') && strcmp(model.weights,'whuber')
               fprintf('\n    weight function:                %s, delta = %2.4f',model.weights,model.delta)
               fprintf('\n    weight function:                %s', model.weights)
       disp(' ');
       eval('startvalues = log(startvalues);','startvalues = [];');
       % construct grid based on CSA start values
       startvalues = [log(model.gam)+[-3;5] log(model.kernel_pars(1))+[-2.5;2.5]];
       if ~strcmp(optfun,'simplex')
           et = cputime;
           warning off
           c = costofmodel3(startvalues(1,:),dg,model,costfun,costargs);
           warning on
           et = cputime-et;
           disp([' 3. starting values:                   ' num2str([exp(startvalues(1,:)) dg])]);
           disp(['    cost of starting values:           ' num2str(c)]);
           disp(['    time needed for 1 evaluation (sec):' num2str(et)]);
           disp(['    limits of the grid:   [gam]         ' num2str(exp(startvalues(:,1))')]);
           disp(['                          [t]           ' num2str(exp(startvalues(:,2))')]);
           disp(['                          [degree]      ' num2str(dg)]);
           disp('OPTIMIZATION IN LOG SCALE...');
           warning off
           [gs, cost] = feval(optfun,@costofmodel3,startvalues,{dg,model, costfun,costargs});
           warning on
           gamma = exp(gs(1));
           kernel_pars = [exp(gs(2:end));dg];
           c = fval;
           disp([' 3. starting values:                   ' num2str([model.gam model.kernel_pars'])]);
           warning off
           if ~strcmp(model.weights,'wmyriad') && ~strcmp(model.weights,'whuber')
               [gs,cost] = simplex(@(x)simplexcostfun3(x,model,costfun,costargs),[log(model.gam) log(model.kernel_pars(1))],model.kernel_type);
               fprintf('Simplex results: \n')
               fprintf('X=%f   %f    %d, F(X)=%e \n\n',exp(gs(1)),exp(gs(2)),model.kernel_pars(2),cost)
               [gs,cost] = rsimplex(@(x)simplexcostfun3(x,model,costfun,costargs),[log(model.gam) log(model.kernel_pars(1)) log(model.delta)],model.kernel_type);
               fprintf('Simplex results: \n')
               fprintf('X=%f   %f    %d, delta=%.4f, F(X)=%e \n\n',exp(gs(1)),exp(gs(2)),model.kernel_pars(2),exp(gs(3)),cost)
           warning on
           gamma = exp(gs(1));
           kernel_pars = [exp(gs(2)) model.kernel_pars(2)];
           try delta = exp(gs(3)); catch ME,'';ME.stack;end
       warning('MATLAB:ambiguousSyntax','Tuning for other kernels is not actively supported,  see ''gridsearch'' and ''linesearch''.')
if cost <= fval % gridsearch found lower value
      model.gam = gamma; eval('model.kernel_pars = kernel_pars;','model.kernel_pars = [];')
      eval('model.delta = delta;','')
else %fval = 0 --> CSA already found lowest possible value
  %disp(['Obtained hyper-parameters: [gamma sig2]: ' num2str([model.gam model.kernel_pars])]);
  cost = fval;
display final information
if strcmp(model.kernel_type,'lin_kernel')
  disp(['Obtained hyper-parameters: [gamma]: ' num2str(model.gam)]);
elseif strcmp(model.kernel_type,'RBF_kernel')
  disp(['Obtained hyper-parameters: [gamma sig2]: ' num2str([model.gam model.kernel_pars])]);
elseif strcmp(model.kernel_type,'poly_kernel')
  if size(model.kernel_pars,1)~=1, model.kernel_pars = model.kernel_pars';end
  disp(['Obtained hyper-parameters: [gamma t degree]: ' num2str([model.gam model.kernel_pars])]);
elseif strcmp(model.kernel_type,'wav_kernel')
  disp(['Obtained hyper-parameters: [gamma sig2]: ' num2str([model.gam model.kernel_pars'])]);
if func,
  O3 = cost;
  eval('cost = [model.kernel_pars;degree];','cost = model.kernel_pars;');
  model = model.gam;
elseif nargout == 3
  O3 = cost; eval('cost = [model.kernel_pars;degree];','cost = model.kernel_pars;');
  model = model.gam;
elseif nargout == 2
  eval('cost = [model.kernel_pars;degree];','cost = model.kernel_pars;');
  model = model.gam;
  model = changelssvm(changelssvm(model,'gam',model.gam),'kernel_pars',model.kernel_pars);
function [Y,omega] = helpkernel(X,Y,kernel,L,flag)
n = size(X,1);
if flag==0 % otherwise no permutation for correlated errors
  if L==n, p = 1:n; else p = randperm(n); end
  X = X(p,:);
  Y = Y(p,:);
  clear i p
calculate help kernel matrix of the support vectors en training data
if strcmp(kernel,'RBF_kernel') || strcmp(kernel,'RBF4_kernel')
  omega = sum(X.^2,2)*ones(1,n);
  omega = omega+omega'-2*(X*X');
elseif strcmp(kernel,'sinc_kernel')
  omega = sum(X,2)*ones(1,n);
  omega = omega-omega';
elseif strcmp(kernel,'lin_kernel') || strcmp(kernel,'poly_kernel')
  omega = X*X';
elseif strcmp(kernel,'wav_kernel')
  omega = cell(1,2);
  omega{1} = sum(X.^2,2)*ones(1,n);
  omega{1} = omega{1}+omega{1}'-2*(X*X');
   omega{2} = (sum(X,2)*ones(1,n))-(sum(X,2)*ones(1,n))';
    error('kernel not supported')
function cost =  costofmodel1(gs, model,costfun,costargs)
gam = exp(min(max(gs(1),-50),50));
model = changelssvm(model,'gamcsa',gam);
cost = feval(costfun,model,costargs{:});
function cost = simanncostfun1(x0,model,costfun,costargs)
model = changelssvm(changelssvm(model,'gamcsa',exp(x0(1,:))),'kernel_parscsa',[]);
eval('model.deltacsa = exp(x0(2,:));','')
cost = feval(costfun,model,costargs{:});
function cost = simplexcostfun1(x0,model,costfun,costargs)
model = changelssvm(changelssvm(model,'gamcsa',exp(x0(1))),'kernel_parscsa',[]);
try model.deltacsa = exp(x0(2)); catch ME, '';ME.stack;end
cost = feval(costfun,model,costargs{:});
function cost =  costofmodel2(gs, model,costfun,costargs)
gam = exp(min(max(gs(1),-50),50));
sig2 = zeros(length(gs)-1,1);
for i=1:length(gs)-1, sig2(i,1) = exp(min(max(gs(1+i),-50),50)); end
model = changelssvm(changelssvm(model,'gamcsa',gam),'kernel_parscsa',sig2);
cost = feval(costfun,model,costargs{:});
function cost = simanncostfun2(x0,model,costfun,costargs)
model = changelssvm(changelssvm(model,'gamcsa',exp(x0(1,:))),'kernel_parscsa',exp(x0(2,:)));
eval('model.deltacsa = exp(x0(3,:));','')
cost = feval(costfun,model,costargs{:});
function cost = simplexcostfun2(x0,model,costfun,costargs)
model = changelssvm(changelssvm(model,'gamcsa',exp(x0(1))),'kernel_parscsa',exp(x0(2)));
eval('model.deltacsa = exp(x0(3));','')
cost = feval(costfun,model,costargs{:});
function cost =  costofmodel3(gs,d, model,costfun,costargs)
gam = exp(min(max(gs(1),-50),50));
sig2 = exp(min(max(gs(2),-50),50));
model = changelssvm(changelssvm(model,'gamcsa',gam),'kernel_parscsa',[sig2;d]);
cost = feval(costfun,model,costargs{:});
function cost = simanncostfun3(x0,model,costfun,costargs)
model = changelssvm(changelssvm(model,'gamcsa',exp(x0(1,:))),'kernel_parscsa',[exp(x0(2,:));round(exp(x0(3,:)))]);
eval('model.deltacsa = exp(x0(4,:));','')
cost = feval(costfun,model,costargs{:});
function cost = simplexcostfun3(x0,model,costfun,costargs)
model = changelssvm(changelssvm(model,'gamcsa',exp(x0(1))),'kernel_parscsa',[exp(x0(2));model.kernel_pars(2)]);
eval('model.deltacsa = exp(x0(3));','')
cost = feval(costfun,model,costargs{:});

Initiate Function

Initiate the object oriented structure representing the LS-SVM model
% check enough arguments?
if nargin<5,
  error('Not enough arguments to initialize model..');
elseif ~isnumeric(sig2),
  error(['Kernel parameter ''sig2'' needs to be a (array of) reals' ...
	 ' or the empty matrix..']);
if type(1)~='f'
    if type(1)~='c'
        if type(1)~='t'
            if type(1)~='N'
                error('type has to be ''function (estimation)'', ''classification'', ''timeserie'' or ''NARX''');
model.type = type;
% check datapoints
model.x_dim = size(X,2);
model.y_dim = size(Y,2);
if and(type(1)~='t',and(size(X,1)~=size(Y,1),size(X,2)~=0)), error('number of datapoints not equal to number of targetpoints...'); end
model.nb_data = size(X,1);
%if size(X,1)<size(X,2), warning('less datapoints than dimension of a datapoint ?'); end
%if size(Y,1)<size(Y,2), warning('less targetpoints than dimension of a targetpoint ?'); end
if isempty(Y), error('empty datapoint vector...'); end
% initializing kernel type
try model.kernel_type = kernel_type; catch, model.kernel_type = 'RBF_kernel'; end
% using preprocessing {'preprocess','original'}
try model.preprocess=preprocess; catch, model.preprocess='preprocess';end
if model.preprocess(1) == 'p',
% initiate datapoint selector
model.xtrain = X;
model.ytrain = Y;
% regularisation term and kenel parameters
if(gam<=0), error('gam must be larger then 0');end
model.gam = gam;
% initializing kernel type
try model.kernel_type = kernel_type; catch, model.kernel_type = 'RBF_kernel';end
if sig2<=0,
  model.kernel_pars = (model.x_dim);
  model.kernel_pars = sig2;
% dynamic models
model.x_delays = 0;
model.y_delays = 0;
model.steps = 1;
% for classification: one is interested in the latent variables or
% in the class labels
model.latent = 'no';
% coding type used for classification
model.code = 'original';
try model.codetype=codetype; catch, model.codetype ='none';end
% preprocessing step
model = prelssvm(model);
% status of the model: 'changed' or 'trained'
model.status = 'changed';
%settings for weight function
model.weights = [];

Preprocessing Function

These functions should only be called by trainlssvm or by simlssvm. At first the preprocessing assigns a label to each in- and output component (c for continuous, a for categorical or b for binary variables). According to this label each dimension is rescaled:

function [model,Yt] = prelssvm(model,Xt,Yt)
if model.preprocess(1)~='p', % no 'preprocessing
  if nargin>=2, model = Xt;  end
% what to do
if model.preprocess(1)=='p',
  eval('if model.prestatus(1)==''c'',model.prestatus=''unschemed'';end','model.prestatus=''unschemed'';');
if nargin==1, % only model rescaling
  % if UNSCHEMED, redefine a rescaling
  if model.prestatus(1)=='u',% 'unschemed'
    ffx =[];
     for i=1:model.x_dim,
       eval('ffx = [ffx model.pre_xscheme(i)];',...
 	   'ffx = [ffx signal_type(model.xtrain(:,i),inf)];');
     model.pre_xscheme = ffx;
     ff = [];
     for i=1:model.y_dim,
       eval('ff = [ff model.pre_yscheme(i)];',...
 	   'ff = [ff signal_type(model.ytrain(:,i),model.type)];');
     model.pre_yscheme = ff;
   % execute rescaling as defined if not yet CODED
   if model.prestatus(1)=='s',% 'schemed'
     model.prestatus = 'ok';
   % rescaling of the to simulate inputs
 elseif model.preprocess(1)=='p'
   if model.prestatus(1)=='o',%'ok'
     [model,Yt] = premodel(model,Xt,Yt);
     warning('model rescaling inconsistent..redo ''model=prelssvm(model);''..');
function [type,ss] = signal_type(signal,type)
% determine the type of the signal,
% binary classifier ('b'), categorical classifier ('a'), or continuous
% signal ('c')
ss = sort(signal);
dif = sum(ss(2:end)~=ss(1:end-1))+1;
% binary
if dif==2,
  type = 'b';
% categorical
elseif dif<sqrt(length(signal)) || type(1)== 'c',
% continu
  type ='c';
% effective rescaling
function [model,Yt] = premodel(model,Xt,Yt)
if nargin==1,
   for i=1:model.x_dim,
     if model.pre_xscheme(i)=='c',
       model.pre_xstd(i) = std(model.xtrain(:,i));
       model.xtrain(:,i) = pre_zmuv(model.xtrain(:,i),model.pre_xmean(i),model.pre_xstd(i));
     elseif model.pre_xscheme(i)=='a',
       model.pre_xmean(i)= 0;
       model.pre_xstd(i) = 0;
       model.xtrain(:,i) = pre_cat(model.xtrain(:,i),model.pre_xmean(i),model.pre_xstd(i));
     elseif model.pre_xscheme(i)=='b',
       model.pre_xmean(i) = min(model.xtrain(:,i));
       model.pre_xstd(i) = max(model.xtrain(:,i));
       model.xtrain(:,i) = pre_bin(model.xtrain(:,i),model.pre_xmean(i),model.pre_xstd(i));
   for i=1:model.y_dim,
     if model.pre_yscheme(i)=='c',
       model.pre_ystd(i) = std(model.ytrain(:,i),1);
       model.ytrain(:,i) = pre_zmuv(model.ytrain(:,i),model.pre_ymean(i),model.pre_ystd(i));
     elseif model.pre_yscheme(i)=='a',
       model.pre_ystd(i) =0;
       model.ytrain(:,i) = pre_cat(model.ytrain(:,i),model.pre_ymean(i),model.pre_ystd(i));
     elseif model.pre_yscheme(i)=='b',
       model.pre_ymean(i) = min(model.ytrain(:,i));
       model.pre_ystd(i) = max(model.ytrain(:,i));
       model.ytrain(:,i) = pre_bin(model.ytrain(:,i),model.pre_ymean(i),model.pre_ystd(i));
else %if nargin>1, % testdata Xt,
  if ~isempty(Xt),
    if size(Xt,2)~=model.x_dim, warning('dimensions of Xt not compatible with dimensions of support vectors...');end
    for i=1:model.x_dim,
      if model.pre_xscheme(i)=='c',
	Xt(:,i) = pre_zmuv(Xt(:,i),model.pre_xmean(i),model.pre_xstd(i));
      elseif model.pre_xscheme(i)=='a',
	Xt(:,i) = pre_cat(Xt(:,i),model.pre_xmean(i),model.pre_xstd(i));
      elseif model.pre_xscheme(i)=='b',
	Xt(:,i) = pre_bin(Xt(:,i),model.pre_xmean(i),model.pre_xstd(i));
   if nargin>2 & ~isempty(Yt),
     if size(Yt,2)~=model.y_dim, warning('dimensions of Yt not compatible with dimensions of training output...');end
     for i=1:model.y_dim,
       if model.pre_yscheme(i)=='c',
 	Yt(:,i) = pre_zmuv(Yt(:,i),model.pre_ymean(i), model.pre_ystd(i));
       elseif model.pre_yscheme(i)=='a',
 	Yt(:,i) = pre_cat(Yt(:,i),model.pre_ymean(i),model.pre_ystd(i));
       elseif model.pre_yscheme(i)=='b',
 	Yt(:,i) = pre_bin(Yt(:,i),model.pre_ymean(i),model.pre_ystd(i));
   % assign output
 function X = pre_zmuv(X,mean,var)
 % preprocessing a continuous signal; rescaling to zero mean and unit variance
 X = (X-mean)./var;
 function X = pre_cat(X,mean,range)
% preprocessing a categorical signal;
% 'a'
function X = pre_bin(X,min,max)
% preprocessing a binary signal;
% 'b'
if ~sum(isnan(X)) >= 1 %--> OneVsOne encoding
    n = (X==min);
    p = not(n);


According to these two algorithms, the disadvantage of LS-SVM about the lost of sparseness has been fixed.Using the pruning procedure which based on upon theresults of vector itself.This procedure has a portential advantage of making sure the selection of hyperparameter is more localized than conventional LS-SVM algorithms.Also there has a disadvantage of this algorithm, the cost function must statistically optimlal.


[1]J.A.K. Suykens?, J. De Brabanter, L. Lukas, J. Vandewalle Weighted least squares support vector machines: robustness and sparse approximation Department of Electrical Engineering, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, ESAT-SISTA Kasteelpark Arenberg 10, B-3001 Leuven (Heverlee), Belgium