ECE 602 Project: Framework for Link-Level Energy Efficiency Optimization with Informed Transmitter

This report reproduced and analyzed results from [1], titled: Framework for Link-Level Energy Efficiency Optimization with Informed Transmitter

Student name: Raisa Ohana da Costa Hirafuji

Student ID: 20697964


Problem Formulation

The given problem is to maximize the energy efficiency of a time invariant Gaussian channel with K parallel channel. In the paper energy efficiency (EE) is defined as the amount of data transmitted divided by the amount of energy consumed:

$$\mathrm{EE} = \log_{2} e \cdot \frac{\eta}{\xi} \frac{\sum^{K}_{k = 1} \log(1 + \gamma_{k} p_{k})}{\mu + \sum^{K}_{k = 1}p_{k}} = \log_{2} e \cdot \frac{\eta}{\xi} \frac{f_{1}(\mathbf{p})}{f_{2}(\mathbf{p})}$$

Since $\log_{2} e \cdot \eta/\xi$ is constant, our problem is to solve:

$$\max_{\mathbf{p} \in S}~~q(\mathbf{p}) = \frac{f_{1}(\mathbf{p})}{f_{2}(\mathbf{p})}$$

Proposed Solution

Since the problem is a ratio of two real-valued functions, the paper proposes the use of fractional programming to solve the problem. A general nonlinear fractional program has the form:

$$\max_{\mathbf{x} \in S}~~q(\mathbf{x}) = \frac{f_{1}(\mathbf{x})}{f_{2}(\mathbf{x})},$$

The paper presents various algorithms to solve a nonlinear fractional program for when $f_{1}$ is concave and $f_{2}$ is convex. For this project I have picked and implemented only one of the proposed solutions.

Consider the following equivalent form of the fractional program:

$$\max_{\mathbf{x}\in S, \lambda \in R} \lambda$$

$$\mathrm{s.t.}~f_{1}(\mathbf{x}) - \lambda f_{2}(\mathbf{x}) \geq 0$$

This new formulation is not jointly convex in x and $\lambda$, but when $\lambda$ is fixed, the problem will be feasible for x if

$$\max_{\mathbf{x} \in S} f_{1}(\mathbf{x}) - \lambda f_{2}(\mathbf{x}) \geq 0$$

Consider the function

$$F(\lambda) = \max_{\mathbf{x} \in S} f_{1}(\mathbf{x}) - \lambda f_{2}(\mathbf{x})$$

$F(\lambda)$ is convex, continuous and strictly decreasing in $\lambda$. Solving the fractional program is equivalent to finding the root of $F(\lambda)$. Which can be done with the Dinkelbach method [2]:

Data Sources

The problem to be solved is

$$\max_{\mathbf{p} \in S}~~q(\mathbf{p}) =
\frac{\mathbf{1}^{T}\mathbf{r}(\mathbf{p})}{\mu +

where $r_{i}(p_{i}) = \log(1 + \gamma_{i}p_{i})$, $\gamma_{i} = \frac{|h_{i}|^2}{N_{0}}$ is the channel-to-noise ratio (CNR) of subchannel $i$. The $h_{i}$ for a Gaussian channel with parallel channels can be ranmdomly generated following a normal distribution and using singular-value decomposition as described in [3]:

n_t = 1; % Number of transmit antennas
n_r = 1; % Number of receive antennas
Hw = (randn(n_r, n_t) + sqrt(-1) * randn(n_r, n_t)) / sqrt(2);
[U,Lambda,V] = svd(Hw(:,:)); %singular-value decomposition
h = diag(Lambda);
No_dB = -20; %in decibel
No = 10^(No_dB/10);
gamma_value = abs(h).^2/No;

Other informations, such as $N_{0}$, number of transmit and receive antennas, were not given in the paper, and thus I had no way of obtaining the exact same values used in the paper. For the value of $N_{0}$ I consulted refence [4], which stated that computer models typically use something between -20 dB and 0 dB. I assumed 1 transmit antenna and 1 receive antenna, which gives us the number of subchannels K = 1.


In order to solve the problem:

$$\max_{\mathbf{p} \in S}~~q(\mathbf{p}) =
\frac{\mathbf{1}^{T}\mathbf{r}(\mathbf{p})}{\mu +

It is necessary to find the root of:

$$F(\lambda) = \max_{\mathbf{p} \in S} \mathbf{1}^{T}\mathbf{r}(\mathbf{p}) - \lambda(\mu + \mathbf{1}^{T}\mathbf{p})$$

Then we have from the stationary condition that:

$$\lambda = \frac{\gamma_{i}}{1 + \gamma_{i}p_{i}^{*}}$$

Taking the box constraint into account, $p_{i}^{*}(\lambda)$ is given by:

$$p_{i}^{*}(\lambda) = \min\left({p_{max}}, \max\left(0, \frac{1}{\lambda} - \frac{1}{\gamma_{i}}\right)\right)$$

Now we can use the Dinkelbach method to find the root of $F(\lambda)$

mu = 0.001;
tolerance = 0.00000000001; % This just needs to be a very small value
lambda_value = 0.001; % Initial lambda where F>= 0
lambda_value_next = lambda_value;
p_max = 10;
p_value = min(p_max, max(0, 1/lambda_value - 1./gamma_value));
F1 = ones(length(gamma_value),1)'*log10(1 + gamma_value.*p_value);
F2 = mu + ones(length(p_value),1)'*p_value;
F = F1 - lambda_value*F2;
% Making sure that F > 0 for the initial value of lambda
while F < 0
    % In case F < 0 with the initial lambda_value we get a smaller
    % lambda_value
    lambda_value = lambda_value/10;
    p_value = min(p_max, max(0, 1/lambda_value - 1./gamma_value));
    F1 = ones(length(gamma_value),1)'*log10(1 + gamma_value.*p_value);
    F2 = mu + ones(length(p_value),1)'*p_value;
    F = F1 - lambda_value*F2;
% Dinkelbach method
counter = 0;
while abs(F) >= tolerance
    lambda_value = lambda_value_next;
    p_value = min(p_max, max(0, 1/lambda_value - 1./gamma_value));
    F1 = ones(length(gamma_value),1)'*log10(1 + gamma_value.*p_value);
    F2 = mu + ones(length(p_value),1)'*p_value;
    F = F1 - lambda_value*F2;
    lambda_value_next = F1/F2;
    counter = counter + 1;

With the optimum $\lambda^{*}$ and $\mathbf{p}^{*}$, we find the maximum $q(\mathbf{p})$.

In order to reproduce the results presented in the paper [1] we also implemented a constrained case:

lambda_max = 5; %These values were taken from Fig. 2 from [1]
lambda_min = 0.1;
lambda_constrained = 0.1;
p_constrained = min(p_max, max(0, 1/lambda_constrained - 1./gamma_value));
F1 = ones(length(gamma_value),1)'*log10(1 + gamma_value.*p_constrained);
F2 = mu + ones(length(p_constrained),1)'*p_constrained;
F = F1 - lambda_constrained*F2;
% Making sure that F > 0 for the initial value of lambda
while F < 0
    lambda_constrained = lambda_constrained/10;
    p_constrained = min(p_max, max(0, 1/lambda_constrained - 1./gamma_value));
    F1 = ones(length(gamma_value),1)'*log10(1 + gamma_value.*p_constrained);
    F2 = mu + ones(length(p_constrained),1)'*p_constrained;
    F = F1 - lambda_constrained*F2;
lambda_value_next = lambda_constrained;
% Dinkelbach method
counter = 0;
while abs(F) >= tolerance
    lambda_constrained = lambda_value_next;
    p_constrained = min(p_max, max(0, 1/lambda_constrained - 1./gamma_value));
    F1 = ones(length(gamma_value),1)'*log10(1 + gamma_value.*p_constrained);
    F2 = mu + ones(length(p_constrained),1)'*p_constrained;
    F = F1 - lambda_constrained*F2;
    lambda_value_next = min(lambda_max, max(lambda_min, F1/F2));
    counter = counter + 1;
    % Since we have constraints for lambda, we may never find the root of
    % F. Thus, after enough iterations we just exit the loop
    if counter > 10000

Please find bellow the full code to obtain the maxmimum $q(\mathbf{p})$ for $\mu$ varying from 0.0001 to 1000.

close all;
clear all;

graph_size = 100;
mu_vector = logspace(-4,4,graph_size);
q_vector = zeros(1,graph_size);
q_constrained_vector = zeros(1,graph_size);
n_t = 1; % Number of transmit antennas
n_r = 1; % Number of receive antennas
No_dB = -20; %in decibel
No = 10^(No_dB/10);
for mu_counter = 1:graph_size
    mu = mu_vector(mu_counter);
    nsample = 10000;
    Hw = (randn(n_r, n_t, nsample) + sqrt(-1) * randn(n_r, n_t, nsample)) / sqrt(2);
    q_sum = 0;
    q_constrained_sum = 0;
    for h_counter = 1:nsample
        [U,Lambda,V] = svd(Hw(:,:,h_counter));%singular-value decomposition
        h = diag(Lambda);
        gamma_value = abs(h).^2/No;
        tolerance = 0.00000000001;
        lambda_value = 0.001;
        lambda_value_next = lambda_value;
        p_max = 10; %10
        p_value = min(p_max, max(0, 1/lambda_value - 1./gamma_value));
        F1 = ones(length(gamma_value),1)'*log10(1 + gamma_value.*p_value);
        F2 = mu + ones(length(p_value),1)'*p_value;
        F = F1 - lambda_value*F2;
        % Making sure that F > 0 for the initial value of lambda
        while F < 0
            lambda_value = lambda_value/10;
            p_value = min(p_max, max(0, 1/lambda_value - 1./gamma_value));
            F1 = ones(length(gamma_value),1)'*log10(1 + gamma_value.*p_value);
            F2 = mu + ones(length(p_value),1)'*p_value;
            F = F1 - lambda_value*F2;
        % Dinkelbach method
        counter = 0;
        while abs(F) >= tolerance
            lambda_value = lambda_value_next;
            p_value = min(p_max, max(0, 1/lambda_value - 1./gamma_value));
            F1 = ones(length(gamma_value),1)'*log10(1 + gamma_value.*p_value);
            F2 = mu + ones(length(p_value),1)'*p_value;
            F = F1 - lambda_value*F2;
            lambda_value_next = F1/F2;
            counter = counter + 1;
        q = ones(length(gamma_value),1)'*log10(1 + gamma_value.*p_value)/(mu + ones(length(p_value),1)'*p_value);
        q_sum = q_sum + q;
        % Constrained case
        % For when you have a maximum and minimum lambda
        lambda_max = 5;
        lambda_min = 0.1;
        lambda_constrained = 0.1;
        p_constrained = min(p_max, max(0, 1/lambda_constrained - 1./gamma_value));
        F1 = ones(length(gamma_value),1)'*log10(1 + gamma_value.*p_constrained);
        F2 = mu + ones(length(p_constrained),1)'*p_constrained;
        F = F1 - lambda_constrained*F2;
        % Making sure that F > 0 for the initial value of lambda
        while F < 0
            lambda_constrained = lambda_constrained/10;
            p_constrained = min(p_max, max(0, 1/lambda_constrained - 1./gamma_value));
            F1 = ones(length(gamma_value),1)'*log10(1 + gamma_value.*p_constrained);
            F2 = mu + ones(length(p_constrained),1)'*p_constrained;
            F = F1 - lambda_constrained*F2;
        lambda_value_next = lambda_constrained;
        % Dinkelbach method
        counter = 0;
        while abs(F) >= tolerance
            lambda_constrained = lambda_value_next;
            p_constrained = min(p_max, max(0, 1/lambda_constrained - 1./gamma_value));
            F1 = ones(length(gamma_value),1)'*log10(1 + gamma_value.*p_constrained);
            F2 = mu + ones(length(p_constrained),1)'*p_constrained;
            F = F1 - lambda_constrained*F2;
            lambda_value_next = min(lambda_max, max(lambda_min, F1/F2));
            counter = counter + 1;
            if counter > 100
        p_constrained = min(p_max, max(0,1/lambda_constrained - 1./gamma_value));
        q_constrained = ones(length(gamma_value),1)'*log10(1 + gamma_value.*p_constrained)/(mu + ones(length(p_constrained),1)'*p_constrained);
        q_constrained_sum = q_constrained_sum + q_constrained;
    q_vector(mu_counter) = q_sum/nsample;
    q_constrained_vector(mu_counter) = q_constrained_sum/nsample;

Visualization of results

Find bellow the code to print the resulting curves and the resulting Figure.

cc = lines(11);
loglog(mu_vector, q_vector, '-k', 'LineWidth', 1.5)
hold on
loglog(mu_vector, q_constrained_vector, '--b', 'LineWidth', 1.5)
grid on;
legend('Unconstrained solution','Constrained solution', 'Location', 'Southwest');
ylabel('q* (bit/J)');
xlabel('\mu (W)');
ylim([0.0001 100]);
hold off

Analysis and Conclusions

In this project, I have implemented one of the many proposed solutions proposed in [1] to solve a non-linear fractional program.

The resulting Figure, although similar to Fig. 2 presented in [1], is not the same. When comparing the figures, it is possible to see, for example, that for $\mu = 10000$, $q^*$ is smaller on our figures than it is on fig. 2 of [1]. The difference in results is probably due to the fact that the paper did not specify the values used to obtain Fig. 2. Changing the values of $N_{0}$, the number of receiving and transmit antennas ($n_r$ and $n_t$) and $p_{max}$ can drastically change the shape of the curves.

Despite the difference in the results, I believe that I was able to correctly implement the solution presented in [1], as the implemented Dinkelbach algorithm was able to find the root of $F(\lambda)$ for the unconstrained case.

The solution proposed by the authors of the original paper can solve the proposed fraction non-linear program quite fast for a small number of channels, however, for K > 3 the solutions are much slower.

References and Links

[1] C. Isheden, Z. Chong, E. Jorswieck and G. Fettweis, "Framework for Link-Level Energy Efficiency Optimization with Informed Transmitter," in IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications , vol. 11, no. 8, pp. 2946-2957, August 2012.

[2] W. Dinkelbach, "On nonlinear fractional programming," Management Science, vol. 13, no. 7, pp. 492-498, Mar. 1967.

[3] D. Tse and P. Viswanath, Fundamentals of Wireless Communication , 2006.
