Director, UW Faculty Association
Chair, Compensation Committee, UW Faculty Association
Chief Negotiator, Salary Committee, UW Faculty Association (successfully
negotiating the highest percentage increase in 9 years for
Faculty), 2000-2001
Representative, Canadian Microelectronics Corporation
Representative, Micronet Center Federal Center of Excellence
Co-ordinator, Micronet Center
Advisor, Middle East Studies Option
Member, UW Middle East Studies Program
Member, Promotion Committee
Director, VLSI Research Group
Member, Hiring Committee (Hardware DACA)
Engineering Faculty Council, E & CE Representative
Member, Microelectronics Course Committee
Member, VLSI Lab Upgrades Committee
Member of the Electrical Engineering Department Committee on
graduate studies, 1982-present
Member of Faculty of Engineering Committee on Graduate
Studies, 1982-present
Departmental Representative on SFF Industrial Visitor
Committee, 1982-1999
Held a cross appointment with the Dept. of Computer Science,
Co-chairman of UW Committee on Microelectronics, 1981-1991
Member of the Founding Committee of the University of Waterloo
s Institute for Computer Research, from September 1981-1991
Originator and Director of the Waterloo VLSI Group, from
September 1981-present
Member of Electrical Engineering Departmental Committee on
Tenure and Promotion, 1981-1982
Class Professor of 2A: September 1978 - May 1980 and 1998-
Member of the Electrical Engineering Departmental Committee on
Promotion and Appeals, September 1978-May 1980
Member of the Donations and Pledges Committee, The Sanford
Fleming Foundation of the Faculty of Engineering at the
University of Waterloo. (December 1976-May 1980)
Project co-ordinator of 4th year EE 499 projects. (September
1975-May 1980)
Member of the Faculty Undergraduate Studies Committee.
(September 1975-May 1980)
Chairman of the 30 s and 50 s Undergraduate Course Committee.
(September 1974-March 1977)
Member of the EE Undergraduate Studies Committee. (September
1974-March 1977)
University of Waterloo Advisor, Middle East Studies Option