Partial List - Have worked as a consultant to:
Law Firms as an expert witness for patent and copyright cases.
Texas Instruments, Dallas, in the area of Low-Power VLSI
design, 1989-present.
Hitachi Corp., in the area of Low-Energy design, 1996-2000
Actel Corp., in the area of Low-Power FPGA, 1996-2000
Conexant (Rockwell Corp.) California, in the area of VLSI
design, 1994-present.
AT&T Bell Labs, in the area of ASIC design for low-voltage
low- power application, 1994-1996.
MITEL Corporation, in the area of BiCMOS
Process/Device/Circuit Interaction, 1989-1992.
Control Data Corporation, in the area of Hardware Accelerated
Coprocessors, 1987-1989.
Northern Telecom (Nortel Networks), in the area of Digital
Circuit Structures for BiCMOS Technologies, 1988-present.
Bell-Northern Research (Nortel Networks), Ottawa, Ontario in
the area of LSI applications to signal processing, 1974-1977;
and VLSI design, 1984-present.
Linear Technology Ltd. (Gennum), Burlington, Ontario in the
area of LSI circuit design, 1977-1980.
Xerox Research Centre of Canada, Mississauga, Ontario, in the
area of LSI Circuit design, 1979-1980.
Bell Telephone Laboratories, Murray Hill, New Jersey, in the
area of LSI applications to signal processing, 1979-1984.
General Electric VLSI Group, Schenectady, N.Y., in the area of
VLSI design, 1984-1989.
Ford Microelectronics, Dearborn, Michigan, in the area of chip
design, 1981-1982.
Conference Chair, Guest Editor, and Reviewer -Partial List
NSERC Review Committee for grants
Reviewer to IEEE: JSSC, Transactions on ED and Transactions on
Circuits and Systems
Reviewer to IEEE Conferences: Custom Integrated Circuits,
ISCAS, Great Lakes Symposium
Reviewer to tenure and promotion cases in U.S. and Canada
Chair, Technical Program Committee; International Conference
on Microelectronics (IEEE-ED)
Member, Technical Program Committee (IEEE Bipolar/BiCMOS
Circuits and Technology Meeting (BTCM)
Member, Editorial Board, Neural, Parallel & Scientific
Member Technical Review Committee, Provincial Research Centre
of Excellence (CITO)
Member, IEEE Great Lakes Symposium
Member of the International Advisory Committee for ICSE�2000
Reviewer to research grant applications by NSERC, NSF
Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Neural,
Parallel and Scientific Computations from 1995 onwards.
Member of the 1995 BCTM Digital Design Subcommittee.
Member of the Technical Program Committee on VLSI; 5th Great
Lakes Symposium on VLSI, Buffalo, New York, 1995.
Technical Editor of the Theme Issue of the Arabian Journal for
Science and Engineering in the area of Microelectronics
October 1994.
Member of the Program Committee of the International
Conference on Signals and Systems, University of Science and
Technology, Institute of Electronics, Algiers, Algeria,
September 24-26, 1994.
Member of the Steering Committee, Canadian Conference on VLSI,
Co-Chair of the International Conference on Microelectronics (ICM),
held in co-operation with the IEEE Electron Devices Society,
1988 - present
Lecturer, Short Course on CMOS VLSI Design, Electronics
Laboratory, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne,
Switzerland, August 29-September 9, 1988
Reviewer to NSERC for strategic grant entitled "Structured
Design for VLSI", applied for by the Department of Computer
Science, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, 1984
Organizer of short course entitled "MOS VLSI 84", held at the
Waterloo Motor Inn, July 2-6, 1984
Guest Editor to the Special Issue on VLSI of the IEE
Proceedings on Solid State and Electron Devices, June 1983
Reviewer to IEEE Trans. on Electron Devices, IEEE Trans. on
Education, IEEE Journal of Solid State Circuits, IEEE Electron
Devices Letters, Solid State Electronics, IEEE Trans. on
Circuits and Systems, IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided
Design of Integrated Circuits & Systems, the Canadian
Electrical Engineering Journal, the National Science
Foundation and the International Journal of Modeling and
Organizer and Technical Program Chairman for the first
Canadian Conference on VLSI; held at the University of
Waterloo, November 1983
Member of the Technical Program Committee of the International
Workshop on Symbolic Layout and Compaction, Chapel Hill, North
Carolina, U.S.A., September, 1986
Member of the Steering Committee of the International Workshop
on Symbolic Layout and Compaction. Chapel Hill, North
Carolina, U.S.A., September, 1986
Member of the Technical and Organizing Committee of the
Canadian Conference on VLSI, 1983-Present