Organic Optoelectronic Materials & Devices Laboratory������������������������������������������������������������������������



Intelvac PVD System

The vacuum system is a dual-chamber thermal vacuum evaporation and electron beam evaporation system. It is designed for dual chamber evaporation in a high vacuum loadlock with material handling in an atmosphere-controlled glovebox. The first chamber is capable of evaporating by resistance evaporation from six different evaporation sources.� Co-evaporation allows material mixing . The second chamber is configured for co-evaporation between two 15cc single pocket electron beam guns with a gridless and filamentless ion source that provides an oxygen or argon ion beam for assistance.




Karl Suss MA6 Mask Aligner

The SUSS MA6 Mask Aligner is regarded as the benchmark from semiconductor submicron research to 3D micro-system production. The system is available with bottom-side-alignment microscopes for accurate backside processes, which is an important feature, especially in Microsystem Technology. For all classic lithography and topside alignment a dual video microscope is available. The maximum wafer size exposed is 6 h square. The system is used for bottom electrode patterning.



Wet Processing Station

Wet processing stations (wet benches) by FineLine Fabrications, Inc., are equipped with magnetically stirred� hot plates, ultrasound bath, DI water resistivity controllers, and Laurell spinners.


Device Fabrication:


Device fabrication is carried out in Giga-to-Nanoelectronics (G2N) laboratory, a class 10,000 clean room facility. The clean room hosts a wide range of micro and nano fabrication facilities.� The following equipment is routinely used by our group:�



WVASE32 Spectroscopic Ellipsometer

This system uses polarized light to characterize thin films, surfaces, and material microstructure. It allows measuring optical constants (n, k), thin film thickness, surface roughness, etc.)

Device Electrical & Optoelectronic Characterization:


Our device characterization lab includes customized setups to carry out electrical and optoelectronic measurements including:��




J-V-L Optoelectronic Characterization and Color Measurements

The setup utilizes a Semiconductor Parameter Analyzer and a Minolta chromameter

Electroluminescence/ Photoluminescence/Photoconductivity Spectral Characterization

The system is equipped with a high sensitivity Ocean Optics CCD fibre optic spectrometer, Oriel optical excitation source,� monochromator, and� a current source/meter�


Delayed Electroluminescence

This in-house built setup allows resolving the prompt and delayed components of electroluminescence, and detecting changes in decay rates of delayed electroluminescence� under various electrical driving conditions.

Materials Characterization:


An array of state of the art materials characterization equipment (SEM, AFM, UV-Vis, FTIR, XRD, Ellipsometer, etc.) dedicated to G2N lab users is available to our group.� Ones that are particularly relevant to our group�s work are:

UV-2501PC Spectrophotometer

UV-2501PC is a UV-VIS spectrophotometer by Shimadzu. This system is used to acquire UV spectra of materials. It uses a double-blazed, double monochromator; the wavelength range is 190-1100nm, resolution 0.1 nm, accuracy �0.3 in diameter.

OLED Accelerated Lifetime Testing Setup

The setup, which was provided to our lab courtesy of Xerox Research Centre of Canada, is an 8 channel current source equipped for� measuring electroluminescence stability of OLEDs under AC/DC driving with various frequencies and duty cycles.

Photoluminescence Stability Module

The setup, which was provided to our lab courtesy of Xerox Research Centre of Canada, allows measuring changes in the photoluminescence quantum yield of luminescent materials under various stress conditions over extended periods of time.