Term | Task | Title | Name |
W2025 | ECE 602 | Intro to Optimization | Michailovich,OOV |
W2025 | ECE 610 | Broadband Commun Networks | Wasef,AMT (L) |
W2025 | ECE 612 | Information Theory | Mitran,P |
W2025 | ECE 613 | Image Procsng & Visl Commnictn | Wang,Z |
W2025 | ECE 621 | Computer Organization | Patel,HD |
W2025 | ECE 627 | RTL Digital Systems | Kapre,N |
W2025 | ECE 628 | Computer Network Security | Gong,G |
W2025 | ECE 631 | Microelectronic Proc Tech | Wong,WS |
W2025 | ECE 634 | Organic Electronics | Aziz,H |
W2025 | ECE 650 | Methods&Tools for Software Eng | Ward,PAS |
W2025 | ECE 651 | Foundations Software Eng | Czarnecki,K |
W2025 | ECE 656 | Database Systems | Golab,W |
W2025 | ECE 657A | Intro to Artificial Intlignce | Crowley,M |
W2025 | ECE 659 | Inllgnt Snsrs&Wrlss Snsr Ntwrk | Basir,O |
W2025 | ECE 666 | Power Systems Operation | Bhattacharya,K |
W2025 | ECE 668 | Distribution System Engineerin | El-Shatshat,RA |
W2025 | ECE 672 | Optoelectronic Devices | Ban,D |
W2025 | ECE 676 | Quantum Info Procesng Devices | Kim,NY |
W2025 | ECE 677 | Applied Quantum Mechanics | Majedi,AH |
W2025 | ECE 686 | Stochastic Control | Smith,SL |
W2025 | ECE 688 | Nonlinear Systems | Nielsen,C |
W2025 | ECE 699 | Master of Engineering Project | Xie,LL |
W2025 | ECE 700 T09 | Ultrasound in Medicine&Biology | Xiao,D |
W2025 | ECE 730 T25 | Microfluidic & Nanobiotech Sys | Poudineh,M |
W2025 | ECE 730 T37 | Quantum Computing Algorithms | Kim,NY |
W2025 | ECE 730 T38 | SuperconductingQuantumCircuits | Miao,G-X |
W2025 | ECE 750 T35 | Social Robotics | Dautenhahn,K |
W2025 | ECE 750 T36 | Foundations of Multiagent Sys | Zahedi,SM |
W2025 | ECE 750 T42 | Mining & Analysis of SE Data | Shang,W |
W2025 | ECE 770 T22 | Radio and Wireless Systems | Boumaiza,S |
Term | Task | Title | Name |
S2025 | ECE 608 | Quantitative Methods In BME | Xie,LL |
S2025 | ECE 614 | Fading Dispersive Channels | Gong,G |
S2025 | ECE 632 | Photovoltaic Energy Conversion | Ghosh,H |
S2025 | ECE 652 | Safety-crit. Embedded Software | Fischmeister,S |
S2025 | ECE 653 | Software Test/QualAssur& Maint | Dietl,WM |
S2025 | ECE 657 | Intro to Machine Learning | Karimi,Amir-Hossein |
S2025 | ECE 663 | Energy Processing | Kazerani,M |
S2025 | ECE 676B | Experimental Quantum Eng | Bajcsy,M |
S2025 | ECE 676E | Low Temp Quantum Tech&Nanofab | Wilson,CCM |
S2025 | ECE 699 | Master of Engineering Project | Xie,LL |
S2025 | ECE 700 T11 | Principles Biomedical Imaging | Michailovich,OOV |
S2025 | ECE 720 T08 | ML for Chip Design | Kapre,N |
S2025 | ECE 720 T12 | On-Chip Interconnect | Kapre,N |
S2025 | ECE 730 T39 | Quantum Sensing | Hauer,Bradley |
S2025 | ECE 740 T06 | Mixed-Signal Integrated Circuits | Su,S |
S2025 | ECE 750 T27 | Computer Security | Vaniea,Kami |
S2025 | ECE 750 T38 | Usable Security and Privacy | Vaniea,Kami |
S2025 | ECE 765 | PowerSys Protection & Relaying | Azad,SP |
S2025 | ECE 770 T23 | Radio-Wave Systems | Ramahi,O |
S2025 | ECE 780 T01 | Sampled Data Controlled System | Notomista,G |
S2025 | ECE 780 T03 | Robot Dynamics & Control | Notomista,G |
S2025 | NANO 601 | Char of Nanomaterials | Miao,G-X |
Term | Task | Title | Name |
F2025 | BME 603 | Eng Analysis of Living Cells | Xie,LL |
F2025 | ECE 601 | Foundations of Biology in Eng | Nahas,H |
F2025 | ECE 604 | Stochastic Processes | Zhuang,W |
F2025 | ECE 606 | Algorithm Design and Analysis | Tripunitara,MV |
F2025 | ECE 609 | Eng Analysis of Living Cells | Xie,LL |
F2025 | ECE 621 | Computer Architecture | Huang,ZP |
F2025 | ECE 630 | Phys&Mod of Semiconductor Dev | Wei,L |
F2025 | ECE 635 | Fab Nanoscale: Tech & Appls | Schulz,Sebastian |
F2025 | ECE 636 | Adv Analog Integrated Circuits | Levine,PM |
F2025 | ECE 637 | Digital Integrated Circuits | Gaudet,VC |
F2025 | ECE 650 | Methods&Tools for Software Eng | Li,Chunxiao |
F2025 | ECE 655 | Prot, Soft, Iss Mob Systems | Naik,K |
F2025 | ECE 660 | Operation & Control Future IES | Kazerani,M |
F2025 | ECE 662 | Power Sys Analysis and Control | Canizares,CA |
F2025 | ECE 665 | High Voltage Eng Applications | Jayaram,S |
F2025 | ECE 671 | Microwave and RF Engineering | Boumaiza,S |
F2025 | ECE 675 | Rad & Prop of Elect Fields | Ramahi,O |
F2025 | ECE 676A | Quantum Info Procesng Devices | Hauer,Bradley |
F2025 | ECE 682 | Multivariable Control Systems | Nielsen,C |
F2025 | ECE 699 | Master of Engineering Project | Xie,LL |
F2025 | ECE 733 | Quantum Machine Learning | Kim,NY |
F2025 | ECE 750 T37 | Eng. SelfAdaptive Software Sys | Tahvildari,L |
F2025 | ECE 750 T39 | Scalable Comp System Design | Reza,Tahsin |
F2025 | ECE 751 | Dist.&Ntwrk Centric Computing | Golab,W |
F2025 | ECE 760 T10 | Operation & Control Future IES | Kazerani,M |
F2025 | ECE 770 T21 | Quantum Optics & Nanophotonics | Bajcsy,M |
Term | Task | Title | Name |
W2026 | ECE 602 | Intro to Optimization | Michailovich,OOV |
W2026 | ECE 610 | Broadband Commun Networks | Rosenberg,C |
W2026 | ECE 612 | Information Theory | Mitran,P |
W2026 | ECE 613 | Image Procsng & Visl Commnictn | Michailovich,OOV |
W2026 | ECE 627 | RTL Digital Systems | Kapre,N |
W2026 | ECE 628 | Computer Network Security | Gong,G |
W2026 | ECE 631 | Microelectronic Proc Tech | Wong,WS |
W2026 | ECE 633 | Nanoelectronics | Wasilewski,Z |
W2026 | ECE 634 | Organic Electronics | Aziz,H |
W2026 | ECE 650 | Methods&Tools for Software Eng | Crowley,M |
W2026 | ECE 651 | Foundations Software Eng | Czarnecki,K |
W2026 | ECE 656 | Database Systems | Zhang,J |
W2026 | ECE 657A | Intro to Artificial Intlignce | Crowley,M |
W2026 | ECE 657B | Neurl Netwrks & Deep Learning | |
W2026 | ECE 666 | Power Systems Operation | Bhattacharya,K |
W2026 | ECE 668 | Distribution System Engineerin | Salama,MMA |
W2026 | ECE 672 | Optoelectronic Devices | Saini,SS |
W2026 | ECE 676C | Quantum Computing Algorithms | Kim,NY |
W2026 | ECE 676D | SuperconductingQuantumCircuits | Miao,G-X |
W2026 | ECE 676 | Quantum Info Procesng Devices | Reimer,ME |
W2026 | ECE 677 | Applied Quantum Mechanics | Majedi,AH |
W2026 | ECE 699 | Master of Engineering Project | Xie,LL |
W2026 | ECE 700 T09 | Ultrasound in Medicine&Biology | Xiao,D |
W2026 | ECE 720 T10 | AI/ML Hardware | |
W2026 | ECE 730 T25 | Microfluidic & Nanobiotech Sys | Poudineh,M |
W2026 | ECE 750 T29 | Automated Program Verification | Gurfinkel,A |
W2026 | ECE 752 | Fndatins of Mltiagent Systm | Zahedi,SM |
W2026 | ECE 757A | Embodied Intelligence | Dautenhahn,K |
W2026 | ECE 765 | PowerSys Protection & Relaying | Azad,SP |
W2026 | ECE 770 T07 | Micro Filters for Cmnctn Syst | Mansour,RR |
W2026 | ECE 774 | Radio and Wireless Systems | Boumaiza,S |
W2026 | ECE 787 | Social Robotics | Dautenhahn,K |
Term | Task | Title | Name |
S2026 | ECE 608 | Quantitative Methods In BME | Xie,LL |
S2026 | ECE 614 | Fading Dispersive Channels | Gong,G |
S2026 | ECE 632 | Photovoltaic Energy Conversion | Ghosh,H |
S2026 | ECE 652 | Safety-crit. Embedded Software | Fischmeister,S |
S2026 | ECE 653 | Software Test/QualAssur& Maint | Lam,P |
S2026 | ECE 657 | Intro to Machine Learning | Karimi,Amir-Hossein |
S2026 | ECE 659 | Inllgnt Snsrs&Wrlss Snsr Ntwrk | Basir,O |
S2026 | ECE 663 | Energy Processing | Kazerani,M |
S2026 | ECE 676B | Experimental Quantum Eng | Bajcsy,M |
S2026 | ECE 676E | Low Temp Quantum Tech&Nanofab | Wilson,CCM |
S2026 | ECE 687 | Robot Dynamics & Control | Notomista,G |
S2026 | ECE 699 | Master of Engineering Project | Xie,LL |
S2026 | ECE 710 T23 | Optical Comm&Inter-networking | Ho,P-H |
S2026 | ECE 716 | Communication Security | Gong,G |
S2026 | ECE 720 T09 | Computer Arithmetic Hardware | Kapre,N |
S2026 | ECE 720 T11 | Microarch | Kapre,N |
S2026 | ECE 730 T39 | Quantum Sensing | Hauer,Bradley |
S2026 | ECE 730 T__ | _to_be_determined_ | Schulz,Sebastian |
S2026 | ECE 732 | Advanced VLSI Devices | Wei,L |
S2026 | ECE 740 T06 | Mixed-Signal Integrated Circuits | Su,S |
S2026 | ECE 750 T27 | Computer Security | Vaniea,Kami |
S2026 | ECE 750 T38 | Usable Security and Privacy | Vaniea,Kami |
S2026 | ECE 750 T41 | Software Analysis & Eng w LLMs | Zhang,J |
S2026 | ECE 750 T__ | _to_be_determined_ | Creager,Elliot |
S2026 | ECE 770 T23 | Radio-Wave Systems | Ramahi,O |
S2026 | ECE 780 T01 | Sampled Data Controlled System | Nielsen,C |
S2026 | NANO 601 | Char of Nanomaterials | Miao,G-X |
Term | Task | Title | Name |
F2026 | BME 603 | Eng Analysis of Living Cells | Xie,LL |
F2026 | ECE 601 | Foundations of Biology in Eng | Nahas,H |
F2026 | ECE 604 | Stochastic Processes | Damen,MO |
F2026 | ECE 606 | Algorithm Design and Analysis | Tripunitara,MV |
F2026 | ECE 609 | Eng Analysis of Living Cells | Xie,LL |
F2026 | ECE 621 | Computer Architecture | Huang,ZP |
F2026 | ECE 630 | Phys&Mod of Semiconductor Dev | Wei,L |
F2026 | ECE 633 | Nanoelectronics | Yoon,YK |
F2026 | ECE 635 | Fab Nanoscale: Tech & Appls | Schulz,Sebastian |
F2026 | ECE 636 | Adv Analog Integrated Circuits | Levine,PM |
F2026 | ECE 637 | Digital Integrated Circuits | Sachdev,M |
F2026 | ECE 650 | Methods&Tools for Software Eng | Wasef,AMT (L) |
F2026 | ECE 655 | Prot, Soft, Iss Mob Systems | Naik,K |
F2026 | ECE 660 | Operation & Control Future IES | Kazerani,M |
F2026 | ECE 662 | Power Sys Analysis and Control | El-Shatshat,RA |
F2026 | ECE 665 | High Voltage Eng Applications | Jayaram,S |
F2026 | ECE 671 | Microwave and RF Engineering | |
F2026 | ECE 675 | Rad & Prop of Elect Fields | Ramahi,O |
F2026 | ECE 676A | Quantum Info Procesng Devices | Wilson,CCM |
F2026 | ECE 682 | Multivariable Control Systems | Nielsen,C |
F2026 | ECE 699 | Master of Engineering Project | Xie,LL |
F2026 | ECE 700 T10 | Distributed Optimization | Fisher,M |
F2026 | ECE 720 T13 | Real-time Systems HW | Pellizzoni,R |
F2026 | ECE 733 | Quantum Machine Learning | Kim,NY |
F2026 | ECE 750 T37 | Eng. SelfAdaptive Software Sys | Tahvildari,L |
F2026 | ECE 750 T39 | Scalable Comp System Design | Reza,Tahsin |
F2026 | ECE 750 T42 | Mining & Analysis of SE Data | Shang,W |
F2026 | ECE 760 T10 | Operation & Control Future IES | Kazerani,M |
F2026 | ECE 770 T21 | Quantum Optics & Nanophotonics | Bajcsy,M |
F2026 | ECE 780 T__ | _to_be_determined_ | Firoozi,RF |