ECE tentative graduate course offering

S2024ECE 608Quantitative Methods In BMEXie,LL
S2024ECE 614Fading Dispersive ChannelsXie,LL
S2024ECE 632Photovoltaic Energy ConversionSivoththaman,S
S2024ECE 649Nano Circ & Sys ProjctSachdev,M
S2024ECE 652Safety-crit. Embedded SoftwareFischmeister,S
S2024ECE 653Software Test/QualAssur& MaintDietl,WM
S2024ECE 657Tools of Intellgnt Systm DsgnKarimi,Amir-Hossein
S2024ECE 659Inllgnt Snsrs&Wrlss Snsr NtwrkAmar,H
S2024ECE 663Energy ProcessingKazerani,M
S2024ECE 699Master of Engineering ProjectXie,LL
S2024ECE 700 T10Distributed OptimizationFisher,M
S2024ECE 730 T10Adv Tech for Semi ProcSivoththaman,S
S2024ECE 750 T27Computer SecurityVaniea,Kami
S2024ECE 750 T38Usable Security and PrivacyVaniea,Kami
S2024ECE 765PowerSys Protection & RelayingAzad,SP
S2024ECE 770 T23Radio-Wave SystemsRamahi,O
S2024ECE 780 T03Robot Dynamics & ControlNotomista,G
S2024NANO 601Char of NanomaterialsMiao,G-X
F2024ECE 601Foundations of Biology in EngNahas,H
F2024ECE 603Statistical Signal ProcessingMichailovich,OOV
F2024ECE 604Stochastic ProcessesMazumdar,R
F2024ECE 606Algorithm Design and AnalysisTripunitara,MV
F2024ECE 630Phys&Mod of Semiconductor DevBajcsy,M
F2024ECE 633NanoelectronicsYoon,YK
F2024ECE 635Fab Nanoscale: Tech & ApplsMiao,G-X
F2024ECE 636Adv Analog Integrated CircuitsLevine,PM
F2024ECE 637Digital Integrated CircuitsGaudet,VC
F2024ECE 650Methods&Tools for Software EngWasef,AMT (L)
F2024ECE 654Software Reliability EngDietl,WM
F2024ECE 655Prot, Soft, Iss Mob SystemsNaik,K
F2024ECE 660Operation & Control Future IESKazerani,M
F2024ECE 662Power Sys Analysis and ControlEl-Shatshat,RA
F2024ECE 665High Voltage Eng ApplicationsJayaram,S
F2024ECE 671Microwave and RF EngineeringMansour,RR
F2024ECE 675Rad & Prop of Elect FieldsRamahi,O
F2024ECE 682Multivariable Control SystemsNielsen,C
F2024ECE 699Master of Engineering ProjectXie,LL
F2024ECE 710 T23Optical Comm&Inter-networkingHo,P-H
F2024ECE 720 T07On-Chip InterconnectKapre,N
F2024ECE 730 T30Advanced VLSI DevicesWei,L
F2024ECE 730 T36Quantum Machine LearningKim,NY
F2024ECE 750 T32Biology and ComputationNehaniv,CL
F2024ECE 750 T37Eng. SelfAdaptive Software SysTahvildari,L
F2024ECE 750 T39Scalable Comp System DesignReza,Tahsin
F2024ECE 750 T40Advanced Reinforcement LearninCrowley,M
F2024ECE 750 T41Software Analysis & Eng w LLMsZhang,J
F2024ECE 760 T10Operation & Control Future IESKazerani,M
W2025ECE 602Intro to OptimizationMichailovich,OOV
W2025ECE 610Broadband Commun NetworksWasef,AMT (L)
W2025ECE 612Information TheoryMitran,P
W2025ECE 613Image Procsng & Visl CommnictnWang,Z
W2025ECE 621Computer OrganizationHuang,ZP
W2025ECE 627RTL Digital SystemsKapre,N
W2025ECE 628Computer Network SecurityGong,G
W2025ECE 631Microelectronic Proc TechWong,WS
W2025ECE 634Organic ElectronicsAziz,H
W2025ECE 650Methods&Tools for Software EngGurfinkel,A
W2025ECE 651Foundations Software EngCzarnecki,K
W2025ECE 656Database SystemsZhang,J
W2025ECE 657Tools of Intellgnt Systm DsgnKarimi,Amir-Hossein
W2025ECE 666Power Systems OperationBhattacharya,K
W2025ECE 668Distribution System EngineerinEl-Shatshat,RA
W2025ECE 672Optoelectronic DevicesBan,D
W2025ECE 676CQuantum Computing AlgorithmsKim,NY
W2025ECE 676DSuperconductingQuantumCircuitsMiao,G-X
W2025ECE 676Quantum Info Procesng DevicesKim,NY
W2025ECE 686Stochastic ControlSmith,SL
W2025ECE 699Master of Engineering ProjectXie,LL
W2025ECE 700 T09Ultrasound in Medicine&BiologyXiao,D
W2025ECE 730 T34Biosensing: Fundamental & ApplPoudineh,M
W2025ECE 750 T35Social RoboticsDautenhahn,K
W2025ECE 750 T36Foundations of Multiagent SysZahedi,SM
W2025ECE 750 T42Mining & Analysis of SE DataShang,W
W2025ECE 770 T22Radio and Wireless SystemsLong,JR
S2025ECE 608Quantitative Methods In BMEXie,LL
S2025ECE 614Fading Dispersive ChannelsGong,G
S2025ECE 632Photovoltaic Energy ConversionGhosh,H
S2025ECE 652Safety-crit. Embedded SoftwareFischmeister,S
S2025ECE 653Software Test/QualAssur& MaintDietl,WM
S2025ECE 657ADta & Knwldg Modling & AnlysisCrowley,M
S2025ECE 659Inllgnt Snsrs&Wrlss Snsr NtwrkBasir,O
S2025ECE 663Energy ProcessingKazerani,M
S2025ECE 676BExperimental Quantum EngBajcsy,M
S2025ECE 676ELow Temp Quantum Tech&NanofabWilson,CCM
S2025ECE 677Applied Quantum MechanicsMajedi,AH
S2025ECE 699Master of Engineering ProjectXie,LL
S2025ECE 700 T10Distributed OptimizationFisher,M
S2025ECE 700 T11Physics of Medical ImagingMichailovich,OOV
S2025ECE 715Wireless Communication NetworkShen,XS
S2025ECE 720 T02Cryptographic ComputationsHasan,MA
S2025ECE 720 T__Advanced ArchitectureKapre,N
S2025ECE 730 T10Adv Tech for Semi ProcSadeghimakki,B (L)
S2025ECE 730 T__Quantum SensingHauer,Bradley
S2025ECE 740 T06_to_be_determined_Su,S
S2025ECE 750 T27Computer SecurityVaniea,Kami
S2025ECE 750 T38Usable Security and PrivacyVaniea,Kami
S2025ECE 765PowerSys Protection & RelayingAzad,SP
S2025ECE 770 T23Radio-Wave SystemsRamahi,O
S2025ECE 780 T03Robot Dynamics & ControlNotomista,G
S2025NANO 601Char of NanomaterialsMiao,G-X
F2025BME 603Eng Analysis of Living CellsXie,LL
F2025ECE 601Foundations of Biology in EngNahas,H
F2025ECE 604Stochastic ProcessesZhuang,W
F2025ECE 606Algorithm Design and AnalysisTripunitara,MV
F2025ECE 609Eng Analysis of Living CellsXie,LL
F2025ECE 620Computer ArchitecturePatel,HD
F2025ECE 630Phys&Mod of Semiconductor DevWei,L
F2025ECE 633NanoelectronicsWasilewski,Z
F2025ECE 635Fab Nanoscale: Tech & ApplsSchulz,Sebastian
F2025ECE 636Adv Analog Integrated CircuitsLevine,PM
F2025ECE 637Digital Integrated CircuitsGaudet,VC
F2025ECE 650Methods&Tools for Software EngLi,Chunxiao
F2025ECE 654Software Reliability EngDietl,WM
F2025ECE 655Prot, Soft, Iss Mob SystemsNaik,K
F2025ECE 660Operation & Control Future IESEl-Hag,AH
F2025ECE 662Power Sys Analysis and ControlCanizares,CA
F2025ECE 665High Voltage Eng ApplicationsJayaram,S
F2025ECE 671Microwave and RF EngineeringBoumaiza,S
F2025ECE 675Rad & Prop of Elect FieldsRamahi,O
F2025ECE 682Multivariable Control SystemsNielsen,C
F2025ECE 699Master of Engineering ProjectXie,LL
F2025ECE 730 T36Quantum Machine LearningKim,NY
F2025ECE 750 T37Eng. SelfAdaptive Software SysTahvildari,L
F2025ECE 750 T39Scalable Comp System DesignReza,Tahsin
F2025ECE 750 T40Advanced Reinforcement LearninCrowley,M
F2025ECE 750 T41Software Analysis & Eng w LLMsZhang,J
F2025ECE 751Dist.&Ntwrk Centric ComputingGolab,W
F2025ECE 760 T10Operation & Control Future IESEl-Hag,AH
F2025ECE 770 T21Quantum Optics & NanophotonicsBajcsy,M
W2026ECE 602Intro to OptimizationMichailovich,OOV
W2026ECE 610Broadband Commun NetworksShen,XS
W2026ECE 612Information TheoryMitran,P
W2026ECE 613Image Procsng & Visl CommnictnMichailovich,OOV
W2026ECE 621Advanced uP ArchitecturePatel,HD
W2026ECE 627RTL Digital SystemsKapre,N
W2026ECE 628Computer Network SecurityGong,G
W2026ECE 631Microelectronic Proc TechWong,WS
W2026ECE 634Organic ElectronicsAziz,H
W2026ECE 650Methods&Tools for Software EngWasef,AMT (L)
W2026ECE 651Foundations Software EngCzarnecki,K
W2026ECE 656Database SystemsZhang,J
W2026ECE 657ADta & Knwldg Modling & AnlysisCrowley,M
W2026ECE 666Power Systems OperationBhattacharya,K
W2026ECE 667Sustainable Distributed PowerEl-Shatshat,RA
W2026ECE 668Distribution System EngineerinSalama,MMA
W2026ECE 672Optoelectronic DevicesSaini,SS
W2026ECE 676CQuantum Computing AlgorithmsKim,NY
W2026ECE 676DSuperconductingQuantumCircuitsMiao,G-X
W2026ECE 676Quantum Info Procesng DevicesReimer,ME
W2026ECE 677Applied Quantum MechanicsMajedi,AH
W2026ECE 686Stochastic ControlSmith,SL
W2026ECE 699Master of Engineering ProjectXie,LL
W2026ECE 700 T09Ultrasound in Medicine&BiologyXiao,D
W2026ECE 715Wireless Communication NetworkShen,XS
W2026ECE 720 T__AI/ML HardwareBoutros,A
W2026ECE 730 T34Biosensing: Fundamental & ApplPoudineh,M
W2026ECE 750 T29Automated Program VerificationGurfinkel,A
W2026ECE 750 T33Embodied IntelligenceDautenhahn,K
W2026ECE 750 T35Social RoboticsDautenhahn,K
W2026ECE 750 T36Foundations of Multiagent SysZahedi,SM
W2026ECE 750 T__Explainable AI or HC MLKarimi,Amir-Hossein
W2026ECE 770 T07Micro Filters for Cmnctn SystMansour,RR
W2026ECE 770 T22Radio and Wireless SystemsLong,JR
W2026ECE 780 T11Model Predictive ControlPant,YV
last updated: Thu 25 Jul 2024 06:24:56 PM EDT