Book and book chapters
M. Sachdev, �Digital CMOS Fault Modeling and Inductive Fault Analysis,�
pp. 43 -84, chapter in book, Integrated Circuit Manufacturability: The
Art of Process and Design Integration, IEEE Press, ISBN 0-7803- 3447-7,
M. Sachdev, �Defect Oriented Testing,� pp. 15 - 54, chapter in book, Analog
and Mixed-Signal Test, Printice Hall, ISBN 0-13-786310-1, 1998.
M. Sachdev, �Defect Oriented Testing for CMOS Analog and Digital Circuits,�
Kluwer Academic Publishers, ISBN 0-7923-8083-5, 1998, Complete book, pp.
Manoj Sachdev, �IDDQ Testable Programmable Logic Array,� US Patent No.
6127838, granted October 2000.
J. Tsachnz, M. Sachdev, S. Narendra and V. De, �High Performance
Flip- flops with SNP,� Invention disclosure, December 1999.
M. Sachdev, S. Narendra, J. Tsachnz and V. De, �Novel Dual Edge Triggered
Flip-flops,� Invention disclosure, November 1999.
M. Sachdev and Narendra Siva, �Impulse Triggered Flip-flops,� Invention
disclosure, November 1999.
M. Sachdev, �Testing control signals in A/D converters�, US Patent No.
5,969, 653, granted Oct. 1999.
Manoj Sachdev, �A Built-In Design For Test Strategy for High Speed Testing�,
Invention disclosure, University of Waterloo. July 1998.
Manoj Sachdev, �Fault-Tolerant Memory Address Decoder�, US Patent No. 5,831,986,
granted November 1998.
Manoj Sachdev, �MOS Master-slave Flip-flop with Reduced Number of Pass
Gates�, US Patent No. 5,831,463, granted November 1998.
Manoj Sachdev and Botjo Atzema, �Method for Testing Electronic Circuit
by Logically Combining Clock Signals and an Electronic Circuit Provided
with Facilities for such Testing�, U.S. Patent 5,781,025, granted July
Manoj Sachdev and Botjo Atzema, �IDDQ Testing of Bias Generator Circuit,�
U.S. Patent No. 5,751,141, May 1998.
Manoj Sachdev, ��Separate IDDQ Testing of Signal Path and Bias Path in
an IC��, U.S. Patent No. 5,625,300, April 1997.
Manoj Sachdev, ��Memory Testing Through Cumulative Wordline Activation�,
U.S. Patent No. 5,495,448, February 1996.
Manoj Sachdev, �IDDQ Testable RAM�, U.S. Patent No. 5,491,665, February
Manoj Sachdev, ��Testing Sequential Logic Circuits upon Changing into Combinatorial
Logic Circuits��, European Patent application no. 93202027.4, July 1993.
(granted in Taiwan).
Journal papers
O. Semenov, A. Pradzynski, and M. Sachdev, �Impact of Gate Induced
Drain Leakage on Overall Leakage of sub-micron CMOS VLSI Circuits,� IEEE
Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing, Accepted for publication,
October 2001.
M. Sachdev, �Current-Based Testing for Deep Submicron VLSIs,� IEEE Design
& Test of Computers, pp. 77 - 84, March 2001.
M. Shashaani and M. Sachdev, �Detection of High Performance Failures with
a Low Performance VLSI Tester,� IEEE Transactions on VLSI, (16 pages),
Accepted for publication, December 2000.
H. Speek, H.G. Kerkhoff, M. Sachdev and M. Shashaani, �Design for Testability
for High-Speed Digital ICs,� accepted for publication, Journal of Electronic
Testing: Theory and Applications (JETTA), Kluwer Academic Publishers, to
appear in 2001.
M. Sachdev and Hans Kerkhoff, �IDDQ Testable PLA Configurations and Their
Design Implications,� IEEE Design & Test of Computers, pp. 58 - 65,
April- June 1999.
R. Rosing, H. Kerkhoff, R. Tangelder, and M. Sachdev, �Off-Chip Diagnosis
of Aperture Jitter in Full Flash Analog to Digital Converters, Journal
of Electronic Testing: Theory and Applications (JETTA), 14, pp. 67 - 74,
June 1999.
M. Sachdev, �Open Defects in CMOS RAM Address Decoders,� IEEE Design &
Test of Computers, pp. 26-33, June 1997.
M. Sachdev, �Separate IDDQ Testing of Signal Path and Bias Path in CMOS
ICs�, Journal of Electronic Testing: Theory and Applications (JETTA), vol.
8, pp. 203-214, June 1996.
M. Sachdev, ��Testing Defects in Scan Chains��, IEEE Design and Test of
Computers, pp. 45-51, winter 1995.
M. Sachdev, ��A Realistic Defect Oriented Testability Methodology for Analog
Circuits,�� Journal of Electronic Testing: Theory and Applications (JETTA),
no. 3, pp. 265-276, June 1995.
M. Sachdev, ��Reducing the CMOS RAM Test Complexity with IDDQ and Voltage
Testing,�� Journal of Electronic Testing: Theory and Applications (JETTA),
No. 2, pp. 191-202, April 1995.
E. Bruls, M. Sachdev, and K. Baker, Comments on ��Totally self-checking
CMOS Circuit Design for Breaks and Stuck-on Faults,�� Journal of Solid-State
Circuits, pp. 1056-1057, 1993.
Refereed conference papers
A. Vassighi, O. Semenov, and M. Sachdev, �Impact of Leakage Current on
Burn-in Test Environment for Sub-micron Technologies,� IEEE Yield Optimization
and Test Workshop, November 2001.
O. Semenov, A. Pradzynski, and M. Sachdev, �Contribution of Gate Induced
Drain Leakage on Overall Leakage and Yield of sub-micron Digital CMOS VLSIs,�
IEEE International Integrated Reliability Workshop, October 2001.
M. Elgebaly, and M. Sachdev, �A Sub-0.5 V Dynamic Threshold PMOS (DTPMOS)
Scheme for Low Voltage Applications,� International Conference on Microelectronics,
October 2001.
J. Tschanz, S. Narendra, Z. Chen, S. Borkar, M. Sachdev and V. De, �Comparative
Delay and Energy of Single Edge-Triggered & Dual Edge Triggered Pulsed
FFs for High Performance Microprocessors,� Proc. of International Symposium
on Low Power Electronics and Design, August 2001.
N. Masoumi, S. Safavi-Naeini, M.I. Elmasry and M. Sachdev, �A Methodology
for Analysis of Substrate Coupling in VLSI Using an Image Based Green�s
Function for Modeling,� IEEE Electro/Information Technology Conference,
Rochester, Michigan, June 2001.
M. Nummer, and M. Sachdev, �High Performance Circuit Testing at Arbitrarily
Low Clock Frequency,� Proc. of IEEE International VLSI Test Symposium,
pp. 68 - 74, May 2001.
O. Semenov, and M. Sachdev, �Technology Scaling and Detection of Bridging
Fault Resistance,� Proc. of IEEE International Defect Based Test Methods
Workshop, pp. 45 - 50, April 2001.
A. Keshavarzi, K. Roy, M. Sachdev, C. Hawkins, K. Somyanath and V. De,
�Multiple-Parameter CMOS IC Testing with Increased Sensitivity for IDDQ,�
Proc. of IEEE International Test Conference, Atlantic City, pp. 1051 -
1059, USA, September 2000.
W. M. Chung, and M. Sachdev, �A Comparative Analysis of Dual Edge Triggered
Flip-flops,� IEEE CCECE 2000, pp. 564 - 569, May 2000, Halifax, Canada.
O. Semenov, and M. Sachdev, �Impact of Technology Scaling on Bridging Fault
Detection in Sequential and Combinational CMOS Circuits,� IEEE CCECE 2000,
pp. 199 - 203, May 2000, Halifax, Canada.
H. Speek, H.G. Kerkhoff, M. Sachdev and M. Shashaani, �Bridging the Testing
Speed Gap: Design for Delay Testability,� Proceedings of IEEE European
Test Workshop, May 2000, Portugal.
H. Speek, H.G. Kerkhoff, M. Shashaani, and M. Sachdev, �A Low Speed BIST
Framework for High Speed Circuit Testing,� Proc. of IEEE VLSI Test Symposium,
pp. 349- 355, May 2000, Montreal, Canada.
O. Semenov and M. Sachdev, �Technology Scaling and Bridging Fault Detection,�
IEEE International Workshop on Current and Defect Based Testing, pp. 36-41,
April 2000, Montreal, Canada.
M. Shashaani and M. Sachdev, �A Design For Test Technique for High Performance
Circuit Testing,� IEEE International Test Conference, Atlantic City, September
1999, pp. 276-285, USA.
M. Shashaani and M. Sachdev, �A Comparative Analysis of High Speed Digital
Test Techniques,� Proceedings of IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical
and Computer Engineering, Edmonton, May 1999, pp. 379- 384, Canada.
R.J.W.T. Tangelder, H. de Vries, R.Rosing, H.G. Kerkhoff, M. Sachdev, �Jitter
and Decision-level Noise Separation in A/D Converters,� Proceedings of
16th IEEE Intstrumentation and measurement Technology Conference, May 1999,
pp. 1558 - 1562.
M. Sachdev, �Feasibility of Deep Sub-micron Current Testing: Issues &
Options,� IEEE International Workshop on IDDQ Testing, April 1999, Dana
point, USA (Invited paper).
M. Sachdev, P. Jansen, and V. Zieren, �Defect Detection with Transient
Current Testing and its Potential for Deep Sub-micron ICs,� Proceedings
of IEEE International Test Conference, pp. 204-213, October, 1998, Washington
DC, USA (Honorable Mention Award).
R. Rosing, H. Kerkhoff, R. Tangelder, and M. Sachdev, �Jitter Diagnosis
in Analogue-to-Digital Converters, Proceedings of IEEE International Mixed-Signal
Test Workshop, pp. 215-220, June 1998, Den Hague, The Netherlands.
R. Rosing, H. Kerkhoff, R. Tangelder, and M. Sachdev, �Off-Chip Diagnosis
of Aperture Jitter in Full Flash Analog to Digital Converters, Proceedings
of IEEE European Test Workshop, May 1998, Barcelona, Spain.
M. Sachdev and H. Kerkhoff, �IDDQ Testable Dynamic PLAs,� Proceedings of
IEEE International Workshop on IDDQ Testing,� November 1997, pp. 17-22,
Washington DC, USA.
H.G. Kerkhoff, M. Sachdev, and H. Speek, �Accurate Delay-Fault ATPG in
High-Speed CPLDs�, Proceedings of IEEE European Test Workshop, June 1997,
M. Sachdev, �Deep Sub-micron IDDQ Testing: Issues and Solutions�, Proceedings
of IEEE European Design and Test Conference, pp. 271- 278, 1997, Paris,
France (Best paper award).
M. Sachdev, �Deep Sub-micron IDDQ Test Options,� Proceedings of IEEE International
Test Conference, 1996, pp. 942, Washington DC, USA.
R. Peset Llopis, and M. Sachdev, �Low Power, Testable Dual Edge Triggered
Flip-Flops�, Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Low Power Electronics
and Design, August 1996, Montray, USA.
H. Kerkhoff, M. Sachdev, G. van Brakel, and C. Klaasen, �Delay-Fault ATPG
for High-Speed Electrically Erasable PLDs�, Proceedings of IEEE European
Test Workshop, June 1996, Montpellier, France.
M. Sachdev, ��Test and Testability Techniques for Open Defects in RAM Decoders�,
Proceedings IEEE European Design & Test Conference, March 1996, pp.
428-434, Paris, France.
M. Sachdev, �IDDQ Test and Diagnosis in Deep Sub-micron,� Proceedings of
1st International Workshop on Current Testing, pp. 84-89, October 1995.
M. Sachdev, ��IDDQ and Voltage Testable CMOS Flip-flop configurations,��
Proceedings of International Test Conference, pp. 534-543, October 1995.
M. Sachdev and B. Atzema, ��Industrial Relevance of Analog IFA: A Fact
or a Fiction,�� Proceedings of International Test Conference, pp. 61-70,
October 1995.
V. Kaal, H.Kerkhoff, M. Sachdev, �Rule Driven Mixed-Signal Test Generation,�
Proceedings of International Mixed Signal Testing Workshop, June 1995.
B. Atzema, E. Bruls, M. Sachdev, and T. Zwemstra, �Computer Aided Testability
Analysis for Analog Circuits,� Proceedings of workshop on Advances in Analog
Circuit Design, April 1995. (invited paper).
F.C.M. Kuijstermans, M. Sachdev, and A.P. Thijssen, ��Defect Oriented Test
Methodology for Complex Mixed-Signal Circuits,�� Proceedings of European
Design and Test Conference, pp. 18-23, March 1995.
M. Sachdev, �Reducing the Test Time for RAMs,� Philips Research Bulletin
on IC Design, No. 21, pp. 10-11, September 1994.
M. Sachdev, ��Defect Oriented Analog Testing: Strengths and Weaknesses��,
Proceedings of European Solid State Circuits Conference, pp. 224-227, September
M. Sachdev, ��Transforming Sequential Logic in Digital CMOS ICs for Voltage
and IDDQ Testing,�� Proceedings of European Design and Test Conference,
pp. 361-365, 1994.
M. Sachdev, ��Catastrophic Defect Oriented Testability Analysis of a Class
AB Amplifier,��, Proceedings of International Workshop on Defect and Fault
Tolerance in VLSI systems, pp. 319-326, 1993.
M. Sachdev, and M. Verstraelen, ��Development of a Fault Model and Test
Algorithms for Embedded DRAMs��, Proceedings of International Test Conference,
pp. 815-824, October 1993.
M. Sachdev, ��Flip-flop Fault Model for CMOS ASIC Libraries��, VLSI Design
Conference, London, Oct. 1991.
M. Sachdev, ��A Formal Method of Designing Corecell Architecture for Channelless
Gate Arrays��, National symposium on circuits and systems, Roorkee (India)
November 1989.
M. Sachdev, ��A Novel Gate Array Corecell Architecture for CMOS Channelless
Gate Arrays��, Proceedings of 31st Midwest symposium on circuits and systems,
St. Louis, August 1988.
Non-Refereed publications
M. Sachdev, ��Better Testable CMOS Flip-Flops,�� Philips Research
Newsletter, No. 155, April 1995.
International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (ITRS)