In [9]:
import random
import math

prime = 1035418103

while True:
    var_a = random.randint(1, prime)
    var_b = random.randint(1, prime)
    value = 4*math.pow(var_a, 3) + 27*math.pow(var_b, 2)
    if value != 0:

# overwriting the values
prime = 1035418103
var_a = 45181635
var_b = 124806060

E = EllipticCurve(GF(prime), [1, 0, 0, var_a,var_b])

P = E.gen(0);
print('P: %s, n: %d' %(P, P.order()))
P: (299835419 : 368012477 : 1), n: 1035437671
In [10]:
import time

current_milli_time = lambda: int(round(time.time() * 1000))


Reference for Pollard rho algorithm specific to ECDLP:

In [11]:
import hashlib
import struct

def hash_function(point):
    bytes = struct.pack('f'*len(point), *point)
    return hashlib.md5(bytes).hexdigest()

def get_set(P, number_of_sets):
    hashdigest = hash_function(P)
    hash_as_int = int(hashdigest, 16)
    return 1 + (hash_as_int % number_of_sets)
In [12]:
import random

def get_nextR(P, Q, R):
    if get_set(R, 3) == 1:
        nextR = Q + R
    elif get_set(R, 3) == 2:
        nextR = 2*R
    elif get_set(R, 3) == 3:
        nextR = P + R
    return nextR

def get_next_a_and_b(P, Q, a, b):
    n = P.order()
    R = a*P + b*Q
    if get_set(R, 3) == 1:
        next_a = a
        next_b = b + 1
    elif get_set(R, 3) == 2:
        next_a = 2*a % n
        next_b = 2*b % n
    elif get_set(R, 3) == 3:
        next_a = a + 1
        next_b = b
    return next_a, next_b

def pollards_rho_algorithm(P, Q):
    R = P
    a = 1
    b = 0

    R1 = get_nextR(P, Q, R)
    R2 = get_nextR(P, Q, R1)

    a1, b1 = get_next_a_and_b(P, Q, a, b)
    a2, b2 = get_next_a_and_b(P, Q, a1, b1)

    while True:
        R1 = get_nextR(P, Q, R1)
        R2 = get_nextR(P, Q, get_nextR(P, Q, R2))

        a1, b1 = get_next_a_and_b(P, Q, a1, b1)
        a, b = get_next_a_and_b(P, Q, a2, b2)
        a2, b2 = get_next_a_and_b(P, Q, a, b)

        if R1 == R2:

    diff_a = a2 - a1
    diff_b = b1 - b2
    return (diff_a / diff_b) % P.order()

k = random.randint(0, prime)
Q = k*P

print('k: %d, Q: %s' %(k,Q))
start_timestamp = current_milli_time()
x = pollards_rho_algorithm(P, Q)
end_timestamp = current_milli_time()

print('Time elapsed', end_timestamp - start_timestamp)
print('Solution: %s, Collision successful? %s' %(x, x*P == Q))
k: 884158742, Q: (830731058 : 402455075 : 1)
('Time elapsed', 145706)
Solution: 884158742, Collision successful? True
In [ ]: