The microstrip antenna has since dominated the class of low-prole, conformal antennas. By simply printing the required pattern with a conductor over a planar dielectric, a wide range of antenna patterns and parameters can be generated. From electromagnetic parameters like directivity and polarisation, to circuit parameters like impedance, the microstrip antenna is extremely versatile in antenna design. There is an ever-growing growing interest in the 60 GHz band for wireless data communication. This is intended to support High Defnition Video, and over 7 Gbit/s data rates. The microstrip antenna offers the advantage of requiring a very small area (4 mm-squared) which can be expanded to an antenna array for unique applications like beam-forming desired in MIMO (Multiple-Input-Multiple-Output) systems. This report documents the analysis and development of such an antenna. The basic patch antenna will be designed to resonate at 60 GHz and then modied to satisfy feed structure requirements. A 2x1 and 4x1 uniform array network will be designed to give insight into its eect on directivity and beam-width. Finally, a brief study and design of the aperture feed network will be discussed as well as its comparisons with the conventional feed structure: