Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Waterloo, 200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
Phone: +1 519 888 4567 ext. 35018
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Office: EIT 4169
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Nanophotonics and Integrated Optoelectronics Group Publications

  • M. Khorasaninejad, and S. S. Saini �All optical logic gates using nonlinear effects in silicon on insulator waveguides,� to be appeared in J. of Applied Optics.
  • S. Taebi, and S. S. Saini, �L-Band Polarization-Independent Reflective SOA for WDM-PON Applications�, Photonics Technology Letter, VOL. 21, NO. 5, 2009.


  • S. Taebi, M. Khorasaninejad, and S. S. Saini �Modified Fabry�Perot interferometric method for waveguide loss measurement� J. of applied Optics, Vol. 47, No. 35, 2008.

  • M. Khorasaninejad and S. S. Saini �All Optical Switching in Silicon on Insulator Waveguides Using Plasma Dispersion Effect,� Photonics North, Quebec Canada, 2009.
  • Taebi S., Saini S. S., Injection locked FP lasers with integrated phase modulators for WDM-PON applications, IEEE IPRM 2009, Long Beach, CA 2009.
  • M. Khorasaninejad and S. S. Saini �All Optical Switch Using Stimulated Raman Scattering and Free Carrier Absorption in Silicon,� IEEE LEOS Winter Topicals, Innsbruck Austria, 2009.


  • M. Khorasaninejad, H. Kaatuzian and S. S. Saini �Improved Efficiency of Silicon Raman Lasers with Tapered Waveguides,� in 21th IEEE/LEOS Annual Lasers and Electro Optics Society Conference, paper ThT2, Newport Beach CA 2008.
  • M. Khorasaninejad, S. S. Saini, and A. Hashemi �All Optical Logic Gates Using Stimulated Raman Scattering in Silicon Waveguides,� International Conference on Fiber Optics and Photonics, 2008.
  • S. Taebi , S.S.Saini,  �Theory and practice of a polarization independent reflective SOA for WDM-PON applications", Asia Optical Fiber Communication and Optoelectronic Conference, 2008.
Journal Papers
Conference Proceedings
  • S. S. Saini, J. Bowser, P. J. S. Heim, and M. Dagenais, �A Semiconductor Optical Amplifier having a non-uniform injection current density�, Patent application 20060268397, Applied Nov. 30, 2006. This is the patent for improvement in the performance of optical amplifiers. The technology described in this patent is used by Covega for its commercial line of amplifiers.
  • P. J. S. Heim, S. S. Saini, and M. Dagenais, �Semiconductor devices with curved waveguides and mode transformers,� US 7,190,852, Applied Oct. 2002, granted March 2007. This patent describes devices that use PARC platform for relaxed alignment tolerances and increased coupling.
  • S. S. Saini, P. J. S. Heim, S. Merritt, and M. Dagenais, �Low polarization gain dependent semiconductor optical amplifier with variable residual cladding thickness�, US 7,158,291, Applied Jan. 2004, granted Jan. 2007. This patent describes a method to achieve low polarization dependent gain by optimizing the confinement factor differently in different parts of the waveguide.
  • P. J. S. Heim, M. Dagenais, S. S. Saini and Xun Li, �Semiconductor optical amplifier with low polarization gain dependency�, US 7,126,749, Applied Dec. 2002, granted Oct., 2006. This patent describes a way to use monolithically integrated polarization rotator to achieve a low polarization dependent optical amplifier.
  • S. S. Saini, and P. J. S. Heim, �Semiconductor optical device with improved efficiency and beam characteristics�, US 6,600,847, Applied Nov. 2001, granted July 2003. This patent describes a method to increase the maximum optical power of a laser and an amplifier by reducing the loss in the optical cavity.
  • S.S. Saini, V. Vusirikala, P. J. S. Heim, R. E. Bartolo, and M. Dagenais, �Resonant coupled waveguides using a taper�, US 6,310,995, Applied Nov. 1999, granted October 2001. This is the primary patent for the PARC platform and describes the method for integration using vertical coupling. It also describes a method to achieve a low voltage optical switch. Covega was funded based on this patent and uses it for its commercial line of products.