IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 15, no. 6, pp. 1680-1689, June 2006
Quality-Aware Images
Wang1, Guixing Wu2, Hamid R. Sheikh3, Eero P. Simoncelli1 En-Hui Yang2, and Alan C. Bovik4
1Laboratory for Computational Vision (LCV),
2Dept. of Electrical and Computer
3Texas Instrument, Inc.
4Laboratory for Image and Video Engineering
(LIVE), The
propose the concept of quality-aware
image, in which certain extracted features of the original (high-quality)
image are embedded into the image data as invisible hidden messages. When a
distorted version of such an image is received, users can decode the hidden
messages and use them to provide an objective measure of the quality of the
distorted image. To demonstrate the idea, we build a practical quality-aware
image encoding, decoding and quality analysis system, which employs 1) a novel
reduced-reference image quality assessment algorithm based on a statistical
model of natural images, and 2) a previously developed quantization
watermarking-based data hiding technique in the wavelet transform domain. A MATLAB implementation of the proposed
algorithm is available online at
Index Terms � quality-aware
image, image quality assessment, reduced-reference image quality assessment, natural
image statistics, generalized Gaussian density, information hiding, image
watermarking, image communication