Uses of Class

Uses of Octonion in ca.uwaterloo.alumni.dwharder.Numbers

Fields in ca.uwaterloo.alumni.dwharder.Numbers declared as Octonion
static Octonion Octonion.E1
          The constant e'.
static Octonion Octonion.I
          The constant i.
static Octonion Octonion.I1
          The constant i'.
static Octonion Octonion.J
          The constant j.
static Octonion Octonion.J1
          The constant j'.
static Octonion Octonion.K
          The constant k.
static Octonion Octonion.K1
          The constant k'.
static Octonion Octonion.NaN
          The constant NaN + iNaN + jNaN + kNaN + e'NaN + i'NaN + j'NaN + k'NaN.
static Octonion Octonion.ONE
          The constant 1.
static Octonion Octonion.ZERO
          The constant 0.

Methods in ca.uwaterloo.alumni.dwharder.Numbers that return Octonion
 Octonion Octonion.acos()
          Returns the principal inverse cosine of this octonion o.
 Octonion Octonion.acos(Octonion u)
          Returns the principal inverse cosine of this octonion o.
 Octonion Octonion.acosh()
          Returns the principal inverse hyperbolic cosine of this octonion o.
 Octonion Octonion.acosh(Octonion u)
          Returns the principal inverse hyperbolic cosine of this octonion o.
 Octonion Octonion.acot()
          Returns the principal inverse cotangent of this octonion o.
 Octonion Octonion.acot(Octonion u)
          Returns the principal inverse cotangent of this octonion o.
 Octonion Octonion.acoth()
          Returns the principal inverse hyperbolic cotangent of this octonion o.
 Octonion Octonion.acoth(Octonion u)
          Returns the principal inverse hyperbolic cotangent of this octonion o.
 Octonion Octonion.acsc()
          Returns the principal inverse cosecant of this octonion o.
 Octonion Octonion.acsc(Octonion u)
          Returns the principal inverse cosecant of this octonion o.
 Octonion Octonion.acsch()
          Returns the principal inverse hyperbolic cosecant of this octonion o.
 Octonion Octonion.acsch(Octonion u)
          Returns the principal inverse hyperbolic cosecant of this octonion o.
 Octonion Octonion.add(double x)
          Returns the sum of this octonion o and the real number x.
 Octonion Octonion.add(int n, double x)
          Returns this octonion o with x added onto its nth term.
 Octonion Octonion.add(Octonion p)
          Returns the sum of this octonion o and the octonion p = b0 + ib1 + jb2 + kb3 + e'b4 + i'b5 + j'b6 + k'b7.
 Octonion Octonion.asec()
          Returns the principal inverse secant of this octonion o.
 Octonion Octonion.asec(Octonion u)
          Returns the principal inverse secant of this octonion o.
 Octonion Octonion.asech()
          Returns the principal inverse hyperbolic secant of this octonion o.
 Octonion Octonion.asech(Octonion u)
          Returns the principal inverse hyperbolic secant of this octonion o.
 Octonion Octonion.asin()
          Returns the principal inverse sine of this octonion o.
 Octonion Octonion.asin(Octonion u)
          Returns the principal inverse sine of this octonion o.
 Octonion Octonion.asinh()
          Returns the principal inverse hyperbolic sine of this octonion o.
 Octonion Octonion.asinh(Octonion u)
          Returns the principal inverse hyperbolic sine of this octonion o.
 Octonion Octonion.atan()
          Returns the principal inverse tangent of this octonion o.
 Octonion Octonion.atan(Octonion u)
          Returns the principal inverse tangent of this octonion o.
 Octonion Octonion.atanh()
          Returns the principal inverse hyperbolic tangent of this octonion o.
 Octonion Octonion.atanh(Octonion u)
          Returns the principal inverse hyperbolic tangent of this octonion o.
 Octonion Octonion.ceil()
          Returns the ceiling of each of the coefficients of this octonion o.
 Octonion Octonion.conjugate()
          Returns the conjugate of this octonion o.
 Octonion Octonion.cos()
          Returns the cosine of this octonion o.
 Octonion Octonion.cosh()
          Returns the hyperbolic cosine of this octonion o.
 Octonion Octonion.cot()
          Returns the cotangent of this octonion o.
 Octonion Octonion.coth()
          Returns the hyperbolic cotangent of this octonion o.
          Returns the cosecant of this octonion o.
 Octonion Octonion.csch()
          Returns the hyperbolic cosecant of this octonion o.
 Octonion Octonion.divide(Octonion p)
          Returns the quotient of this octonion o over the octonion p = b0 + ib1 + jb2 + kb3 + e'b4 + i'b5 + j'b6 + k'b7.
 Octonion Octonion.exp()
          Returns Euler's number (e) raised to the power of this octonion o.
 Octonion Octonion.floor()
          Returns the floor of each of the coefficients of this octonion o.
 Octonion Octonion.horner(double[] v)
          Evaluate the polynomial with real coefficients, given by the array of doubles v, at this octonion o.
 Octonion Octonion.imag()
          Returns the imaginary part of this octonion o.
 Octonion Octonion.log()
          Returns the natural logarithm of this octonion o.
 Octonion Octonion.log(Octonion u)
          Returns the natural logarithm of this octonion o.
 Octonion Octonion.log10()
          Returns the logarithm base 10 of this octonion o.
 Octonion Octonion.log10(Octonion u)
          Returns the natural logarithm of this octonion o.
 Octonion Octonion.multiply(double x)
          Returns the product of this octonion o and the real number x.
 Octonion Octonion.multiply(Octonion p)
          Returns the product of this octonion o and the octonion p = b0 + ib1 + jb2 + kb3 + e'b4 + i'b5 + j'b6 + k'b7.
 Octonion Octonion.negate()
          Returns the negative of this octonion o.
 Octonion Octonion.pow(double x)
          Returns this octonion o raised to the real number x.
 Octonion Octonion.pow(int n)
          Returns this octonion o raised to the integer n.
 Octonion Octonion.pow(Octonion p)
          Returns this octonion o raised to the octonion p.
 Octonion Octonion.project(boolean[] v)
          Project this octonion o onto the subspace defined by the boolean vector v.
 Octonion Octonion.project(int n)
          Project this octonion o onto the nth term.
static Octonion Octonion.random()
          A factory method for constructing an octonion with a random real and imaginary parts.
 Octonion Octonion.random(boolean[] v)
          A factory method to create a random octonion defined by the boolean vector v.
static Octonion Octonion.random(int n)
          A factory method for constructing an octonion with a random nth coefficient.
static Octonion Octonion.randomImaginary()
          A factory method for constructing an imaginary octonion with random imaginary coefficients.
static Octonion Octonion.randomReal()
          A factory method for constructing an octonion with a random real parts.
 Octonion Octonion.rint()
          Returns each coefficient of the octonion o rounded to the nearest double equal to an integer.
 Octonion Octonion.sec()
          Returns the secant of this octonion o.
 Octonion Octonion.sech()
          Returns the hyperbolic secant of this octonion o.
 Octonion Octonion.signum()
          Returns a normalized form of this octonion o when it is non-zero and o otherwise.
 Octonion Octonion.sin()
          Returns the sine of this octonion o.
 Octonion Octonion.sinh()
          Returns the hyperbolic sine of this octonion o.
 Octonion Octonion.sqr()
          Returns the square of this octonion o.
 Octonion Octonion.sqrt()
          Returns the square root of this octonion o.
 Octonion Octonion.sqrt(Octonion u)
          Returns the square root of this octonion o.
 Octonion Octonion.subtract(Octonion p)
          Returns the difference between this octonion o and the octonion p = b0 + ib1 + jb2 + kb3 + e'b4 + i'b5 + j'b6 + k'b7.
 Octonion Octonion.tan()
          Returns the tangent of this octonion o.
 Octonion Octonion.tanh()
          Returns the hyperbolic tangent of this octonion o.

Methods in ca.uwaterloo.alumni.dwharder.Numbers with parameters of type Octonion
 Octonion Octonion.acos(Octonion u)
          Returns the principal inverse cosine of this octonion o.
 Octonion Octonion.acosh(Octonion u)
          Returns the principal inverse hyperbolic cosine of this octonion o.
 Octonion Octonion.acot(Octonion u)
          Returns the principal inverse cotangent of this octonion o.
 Octonion Octonion.acoth(Octonion u)
          Returns the principal inverse hyperbolic cotangent of this octonion o.
 Octonion Octonion.acsc(Octonion u)
          Returns the principal inverse cosecant of this octonion o.
 Octonion Octonion.acsch(Octonion u)
          Returns the principal inverse hyperbolic cosecant of this octonion o.
 Octonion Octonion.add(Octonion p)
          Returns the sum of this octonion o and the octonion p = b0 + ib1 + jb2 + kb3 + e'b4 + i'b5 + j'b6 + k'b7.
 Octonion Octonion.asec(Octonion u)
          Returns the principal inverse secant of this octonion o.
 Octonion Octonion.asech(Octonion u)
          Returns the principal inverse hyperbolic secant of this octonion o.
 Octonion Octonion.asin(Octonion u)
          Returns the principal inverse sine of this octonion o.
 Octonion Octonion.asinh(Octonion u)
          Returns the principal inverse hyperbolic sine of this octonion o.
 Octonion Octonion.atan(Octonion u)
          Returns the principal inverse tangent of this octonion o.
 Octonion Octonion.atanh(Octonion u)
          Returns the principal inverse hyperbolic tangent of this octonion o.
 Octonion Octonion.divide(Octonion p)
          Returns the quotient of this octonion o over the octonion p = b0 + ib1 + jb2 + kb3 + e'b4 + i'b5 + j'b6 + k'b7.
 Octonion Octonion.log(Octonion u)
          Returns the natural logarithm of this octonion o.
 Octonion Octonion.log10(Octonion u)
          Returns the natural logarithm of this octonion o.
 Octonion Octonion.multiply(Octonion p)
          Returns the product of this octonion o and the octonion p = b0 + ib1 + jb2 + kb3 + e'b4 + i'b5 + j'b6 + k'b7.
 Octonion Octonion.pow(Octonion p)
          Returns this octonion o raised to the octonion p.
 Octonion Octonion.sqrt(Octonion u)
          Returns the square root of this octonion o.
 Octonion Octonion.subtract(Octonion p)
          Returns the difference between this octonion o and the octonion p = b0 + ib1 + jb2 + kb3 + e'b4 + i'b5 + j'b6 + k'b7.