Topic 13.2: Composite-Trapezoidal Rule (Questions)

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Question 1

Approximate the integral of f(x) = e-x on [0, 10] with 20 subintervals.

Answer: 1.02070069942442

Question 2

Approximate the integral of f(x) = e-x on [0, 10] starting with one interval and continuing until the difference between two approximations (εstep) is less than 0.000001.

Answer: after 13 iterations, we get 0.999954724240937

Question 3

Approximate the integral of f(x) = x2 on the interval [-2, 2] with 4 and 8 intervals.

Answer: 6 and 5.5

Question 4

What is the estimated error (using the mean of the 2nd derivative) for the approximate in Question 3 when using eight intervals and what is the actual error?

Answer: the estimated and actual errors are equal -1/6 because the second derivative of x2 is 2.

Question 5

Approximate the integral of f(x) = x4 on the interval [-2, 2] with 4 and 8 intervals.

Answer: 18 and 14.125

Question 6

What is the estimated error for the approximate in Question 5 when using eight intervals and what is the actual error?

Answer: the estimated of the error is -1.3333333 whereas the actual error is -1.325⋅⋅⋅.

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