Relation: explicitly defined adjacency relation
The Abstract Graph defined on a set of objects called vertices
and if
then the
data structure stores a edge from
. The collection of vertices and
edges are
denoted G and E, respectively, and the number of vertices and
edges are denoted |G| and |E|, respectively.
In the case of a symmetric graph, edges are bidirectional.
In the case of a weighted graph, each edge is associated with
a (usually a strictly positive numeric) weight.
Operations Relevant for Abstract Graphs
- Add an edge between two vertices.
void insert_edge( Vertex, Vertex );
- Determine if there is an edge from one vertex to another.
bool adjacent( Vertex, Vertex ) const;
- Return an iterator which walks through
the adjacent vertices.
iterator adjacent( Vertex ) const;
- Return the number of adjacent vertices (the degree) of a vertex.
int degree( Vertex ) const;
- Remove an edge.
void remove( Vertex, Vertex ) const;
Operations Relevant for Abstract Weighted Graphs
These are simply modifications of insertions and verification.
- Add an edge between two vertices.
void insert_edge( Vertex, Vertex, double );
- Determine if there is an edge from one vertex to another.
double adjacent( Vertex, Vertex ) const;
In the last case, the value numeric_limits::infinity()
is used to denote that two vertices are not adjacent/connected (there is
an infinite distance between the two).
Operations Relevant for Abstract Directed Graphs
- Return the number of adjacent vertices (the out-degree) of a vertex.
int out_degree( Vertex ) const;
- Return the number of vertices for which this vertex is adjacent to it (the in degree).
int in_degree( Vertex ) const;
Queries Relevant to the Entire Graph
- Are two vertices connected?
bool are_connected( Vertex, Vertex ) const;
- Return an iterator which walks through the path
connecting two vertices in order.
iterator connected( Vertex, Vertex ) const;
- Is the graph connected?
bool is_connected() const;
- Is the graph connected?
bool is_connected() const;
- Is a directed graph strongly connected? (For
each pair
, is there a path from
and a path from
bool is_strongly_connected() const;
- Is a directed graph weakly connected? (For
each pair
, is there at least one path from
from either
or from
bool is_weakly_connected() const;
The operation to determine if two vertices are
connected would similarly change for a weighted graph:
double are_connected( Vertex, Vertex ) const;.
Example Data Structures
A graph data structure stores vertices and edges separately
and edges may be stored in either:
- A dense matrix,
- An array of linked lists, or
- A sparse matrix.
Some comments on these are:
- A dense adjacency matrix uses the most amount of memory but is also
the fastest (basic operations are O(1)) with the
exception of determining those vertices adjacent to
a given vertex.
- An array of linked lists uses less
memory for sparse graphs but is also significantly slower
(basic operations are O(|E|/|V|). Determining
those vertices adjacent to a given vertex, however, is
significantly faster than that for a dense adjacency matrix.
- A sparse adjacency matrix is appropriate if the edges are not
added or removed too often and if they can be inserted
in an order appropriate for the sparse matrix implementation
(basic operations are O(ln(|E|/|V|)).