[an error occurred while processing this directive]
[an error occurred while processing this directive]


Go to Notepad++ and under Download, select the Download Notepad++ executable files link. From here, download the npp.N.N.N.Installer.exe and run this file to install Notepad++.

In the Control Panel, search for Environment Variable and Vista should bring up the Edit the system environment variables link which should bring up the System Properties dialog on the Advanced tab. Select the Environment Variables... button and if there is a System variable that looks like PATH (upper, lower, or mixed case), select Edit... and append the directory where Notepad++ is installed; on my machine ;C:\Program Files\Notepad++.

Now you can launch Notepad++ from the Command Prompt. It will be assumed that you have properly installed Cygwin. Now, create a directory, copy all the files into that directory, and continue. E.g.,

C:\Windows\System32>cd \Users\dwharder\Documents\p1

Cyclic_list.h                  Single_list_double_driver.cpp  a.exe
Cyclic_listTester.h            Single_list_int_driver.cpp     ece250.h
Cyclic_list_double_driver.cpp  Single_list_tester.h           sld
Cyclic_list_int_driver.cpp     Single_node.h                  sld.out
Exception.h                    Single_node_tester.h           sli
Single_list.h                  Tester.h                       sli.out

C:\Users\dwharder\Documents\p>>notepad++ Single_list.h

C:\Users\dwharder\Documents\p>>g++ Single_list_int_driver.cpp

C:\Users\dwharder\Documents\p>>a.exe < sli
Starting Test Run
1 % Okay
2 % Okay
3 % Okay
4 % Okay
5 % Failure in pop_front(): expecting the value '7' but got '0'
6 % Failure in size(): expecting the value '1' but got '0'
7 % Okay
8 % Okay
9 % Failure in front(): expecting the value '7' but got '0'
10 % Failure in back(): expecting the value '3' but got '0'
11 % Failure in head(): expecting a non-null head pointer
12 % retrieve: Command not found.
13 % 7: Command not found.
14 % next: Command not found.
15 % retrieve: Command not found.
16 % 3: Command not found.
17 % next: Command not found.
18 % retrieve: Command not found.
19 % 7: Command not found.
20 % Okay
Finishing Test Run

C:\Users\dwharder\Documents\p>>cat sli.out
Starting Test Run
1 % Okay
2 % Okay
3 % Okay
4 % Okay
5 % Okay
6 % Okay
7 % Okay
8 % Okay
9 % Okay
10 % Okay
11 % Okay
12 % Okay
13 % Okay
14 % Okay
15 % Okay
16 % Okay
17 % Okay
18 % Okay
19 % Okay
20 % Okay
21 % Okay
22 % Okay
23 % Memory allocated minus memory deallocated: 0
24 % Exiting...
Finishing Test Run


You may notice one difference from Unix: the executable is understandably called a.exe and not a.out.

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