[an error occurred while processing this directive]
[an error occurred while processing this directive]

Unix | Coding Tools

Create a directory p1, copy all files to that directory, e.g.,

{ecelinux:10} ls
Cyclic_list_double_driver.cpp  Single_list_double_driver.cpp  sld
Cyclic_list.h                  Single_list.h                  sld.out
Cyclic_list_int_driver.cpp     Single_list_int_driver.cpp     sli
Cyclic_listTester.h            Single_list_tester.h           sli.out
ece250.h                       Single_node.h                  Tester.h
Exception.h                    Single_node_tester.h
{ecelinux:11} g++ Single_list_int_driver.cpp
{ecelinux:12} ./a.out < sli
Starting Test Run
1 % Okay
2 % Okay
3 % Okay
4 % Okay
5 % Failure in pop_front(): expecting the value '7' but got '0'
6 % Failure in size(): expecting the value '1' but got '0'
7 % Okay
8 % Okay
9 % Failure in front(): expecting the value '7' but got '0'
10 % Failure in back(): expecting the value '3' but got '0'
11 % Failure in head(): expecting a non-null head pointer
12 % retrieve: Command not found.
13 % 7: Command not found.
14 % next: Command not found.
15 % retrieve: Command not found.
16 % 3: Command not found.
17 % next: Command not found.
18 % retrieve: Command not found.
19 % 7: Command not found.
20 % Okay
Finishing Test Run
{ecelinux:13} cat sli.out
Starting Test Run
1 % Okay
2 % Okay
3 % Okay
4 % Okay
5 % Okay
6 % Okay
7 % Okay
8 % Okay
9 % Okay
10 % Okay
11 % Okay
12 % Okay
13 % Okay
14 % Okay
15 % Okay
16 % Okay
17 % Okay
18 % Okay
19 % Okay
20 % Okay
21 % Okay
22 % Okay
23 % Memory allocated minus memory deallocated: 0
24 % Exiting...
Finishing Test Run

Clearly the output does not match the expected output.

[an error occurred while processing this directive]