30th IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication
August 8-12, 2021
Our Underline.io conference platform is now live! The schedule can be previewed in your timezone by clicking on the link below. The platform will allow you to watch the video presentations, comment on videos and participate in the live sessions:

Do not miss the presentations of the keynote speakers presenting at RO-MAN 2021:
Dr. Yiannis Demiris (August 9th)
Dr. Ryan Calo (August 9th)
Dr. Yukie Nagai (August 10th)
Dr. Goldie Nejat (August 11th)
As part of the program, attendees will have the opportunity of participating in social activities where you will be able to “ask anything” to leaders in the robotics field, talk and discuss with other attendees, and play some games. 🙂 Please visit the conference website for more details.
Social gatherings (EDT time zone):
Monday, August 9, 2021
Social 1 22:00 22:45
Tuesday, August 10, 2021
Social 2 13:00 13:45
Wednesday, August 11, 2021
Social 3 6:00 6:45
The theme of our conference is trustworthiness and cooperation. We chose this term well before the pandemic put the world on edge and added a new reason for us to question our own personal safety when in the company of others. But what about in the company of social robots? What would cause us to trust, or not trust, them? How do we as researchers create that feeling, that critical component of any relationship? With social robots, it is of course largely in our power to design the physical form, the control code and the interface software to maximize trustworthiness, facilitate cooperation and enhance the quality of human-robot interaction. This theme also touches upon people's expectations and perceptions of robots, as well as other social, cognitive and cultural factors that will influence human-robot interactions. We will have a special session/track on this topic, invite targeted submissions and include plenary speakers who are specialists in this area. We sincerely hope that this focus will help enlighten the design-thinking of all of us as we fabricate and program our own various systems.
We wish you a productive year ahead, whether in your labs or working remotely, and look forward to a fantastic RO-MAN conference in the summer of 2021.
Mike Van der Loos, Stephen Smith: General Chairs
Kerstin Dautenhahn: General Co-Chair
Find out more about Vancouver here.