Theme and Topics
The theme of the RO-MAN 2021 Virtual Conference is Trustworthiness and Cooperation
Topics of Interest
Topics of Interest Include (but are not restricted to):
- Androids
- Anthropomorphic Robots and Virtual Humans
- Applications of Social Robots
- Assistive Robotics
- Cognitive Skills and Mental Models
- Cognitive and Sensorimotor Development
- Computational Architectures
- Cooperation and Collaboration in Human-Robot Teams
- Creating Human-Robot Relationships
- Curiosity, Intentionality and Initiative in Interaction
- Degrees of Autonomy and Teleoperation
- Detecting and Understanding Human Activity
- Embodiment, Empathy and Intersubjectivity
- Ethical Issues in Human-robot Interaction Research
- Evaluation Methods and New Methodologies
- HRI and Collaboration in Manufacturing Environments
- Human Factors and Ergonomics
- Innovative Robot Designs
- Interaction Kinesics
- Interaction with Believable Characters
- Linguistic Communication and Dialogue
- Long-term Experience and Longitudinal HRI Studies
- Machine Learning and Adaptation
- Medical and Surgical Applications
- Monitoring of Behaviour and Internal States of Humans
- Motion Planning and Navigation in Human-Centered Environments
- Motivations and Emotions in Robotics
- Multi-modal Situation Awareness and Spatial Cognition
- Multimodal Interaction and Conversational Skills
- Narrative and Story-telling in Interaction
- Non-verbal Cues and Expressiveness
- Novel Interfaces and Interaction Modalities
- Personalities for Robotic or Virtual Characters
- Philosophical Issues in Human-Robot Coexistence
- Programming by Demonstration
- Robot Companions and Social Robots
- Robotic Etiquette
- Robots in Education, Therapy and Rehabilitation
- Social Intelligence for Robots
- Social Learning and Skill Acquisition Via Teaching and Imitation
- Social Presence for Robots and Virtual Humans
- User-centered Design of Robots
- Virtual and Augmented Tele-presence Environments
- Robots in art and entertainment
- Art pieces supported by robotics
- Sound design for robots
- Story-telling in HRI