Conference Program
The following is an overview of the program:

The detailed program is available here:
All listed times are in the Eastern Daylight Time Zone (UTC-4) and were selected to balance time zones of attendees globally. The technical program will take place on Aug 09, 10, and 11, with workshops taking place on Aug 08 and 12.
There are two types of sessions, Panel Sessions and Interactive Sessions. Both sessions follow a flipped model where the
10-minute videos will be available to watch before the sessions, and the live session will be used primarily for discussion.
Panel Sessions: Each panel session is 45 minutes in a zoom meeting, and contains roughly 6 papers. During a panel session, first each author gives a one-slide, 3-min summary of the work, and afterwards all authors and the audience discuss the material presented, moderated by the session chairs.
Interactive Sessions: Each interactive session is 1 hour, taking place in Each presenter will have a designated area in a larger room (about 25 presenters in total). Attendees can walk around within the space and visit the different presenters to discuss their paper. The authors will be able to share their screen and show a slide or video while discussing
their paper.
The assignment to panel or interactive was NOT based on the quality of papers; both formats are equally prestigious, and we hope the mix of formats will encourage more discussion.
Conference Platform: The conference will be held on the platform To access the site you must first register on Closer to the conference, Underline will send out emails to all registrants with information on how to access the online conference. Please click here to register as an attendee.