All students registering in Electrical Engineering or Computer Engineering are required to satisfy the technical presentation milestone requirement by performing one of two tasks:
This website deals with all issues related to the TPPE. For more general details about the Technical Presentation Milestone, see the Undergraduate Studies Technical Presentation Milestone.
A student to takes the examination in 2B and fails is given a second opportunity to take the examination in 3A. A student who is admitted to either electrical or computer engineering beyond 2B is required to take the examination in their first Academic Term in the program.
Students registered in Software Engineering should refer to their program-specific comments on TPMs.
Guidelines and examples are also provided to help the student understand how to give a good presentation.
Please note that all students who are scheduled in a presentation session are expected to stay for the full three hours. The order of the presentations is announced at the start of the session. Students who have conflicting events, such as a co-operative education interview, should make the evaluators aware of this at the start of the session.
Students who do well at the TPPE should seriously consider applying to give a talk at Stanford Fleming Foundation Technical Speaking Competition. First prize is on the order of $500 and there are other prizes to be won. These competitions are held in each of the three calendar term.
Before students attend their technical presentation, they must print out two copies of the TPPE Evaluation Form, fill in the top portion, and give them to the evaluators at the start of the presentation session. It is advisable that a student should read this form to understand what are the more common problems with technical presentation and what we are looking for.
The Technical Presentation Proficiency Examinations are scheduled in Quest under the course TPM 1X000. This course has a number of sections each of which has a specific date and time.
The presentation sessions are throughout the twelve-week academic term between the first and last day of classes.
A student who attempted the TPPE in 2B and failed is permitted a second attempt in either the work-term following 2B (if the student is in Waterloo) or in 3A (but not both). In this case, the student may add desired selection from Undergraduate Schedule of Classes and add that section using a Course Override Form, handing that form to his or her Electrical or Computer Undergraduate Advisor/Co-ordinator.
Students who does not show up to their 2B Proficiency Examination forfeit their opportunity to have a second attempt and must therefore take SPCOM 223 or an equivalent means.
If, due to illness or a co-operative education interview, a student is going to miss the entire scheduled presentation session, he or she must send an e-mail to indicating such. In the case of an illness, the student must also submit a Verification of Illness Form to the appropriate program undergraduate advisor/coordinator (Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, or Software Engineering) who will inform Douglas Harder that the form was received. However, depending on the number of time slots available, it may not be possible to satisfy all such requests and consequently, the student will be recorded as not having cleared the milestone in his or her first attempt and the student may attempt to clear it as outlined on the Undergraduate Studies web site.
Two weeks after your presentation, you can pick up your Evaluation Form from Irena Baltaduonis EIT 3031 during regular Office Hours.