The Meeting on Systems and Control Theory is a gathering of Canadian researchers, their students, and postdoctoral fellows. The meeting's focus is on theoretical aspects of systems and control. Its principal objectives are to increase awareness of the local activity in systems and control theory, and to give graduate students, postdocs, and young professors an opportunity to present their work in a friendly and supportive environment.
Established in 2004 with the first meeting hosted at Queen's University, the conference has rotated among Queen's (2004, 2010, 2016), the University of Toronto (2006, 2012, 2018), and the University of Waterloo (2008, 2014). Unfortunately, the 2020 meeting at Waterloo had to be cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The deadline for submitting your abstract is March 10, 2023. Submission instructions were sent by email. Your abstract should be as concise and focused as possible, not exceeding one page in LaTeX 12pt article format. Please focus on the big picture. What is the problem you will talk about? Why is the problem important and interesting? What are your main results/ideas?
The abstracts will be reviewed by James Forbes (McGill), Andrew Lewis (Queen's), Jun Liu (Waterloo), Manfredi Maggiore (Toronto), Michael Fisher (Waterloo), and Chris Nielsen (Waterloo). The selection criteria are as follows: