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My Home

Associate Professor, Teaching Stream

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Waterloo

E3 3157 (cross the pedestrian bridge from E5 and go down one floor)
+1 519 888 4567 x37023


Douglas's advising corner

My introduction to the Maple symbolic computation language.

"For myself I am an optimist - it does not seem to be much use being anything else."
Sir Winston Churchill

Education: MM (Waterloo), BSc (Guelph)

Previous Employment: Intermediate Developer, Mathematical Software at Maplesoft, Inc..

Developed Packages and Tools: minimize, verify, plots[arrow], Units, MathML, Student[Calculus1], context menus, FuzzySets, Quaternions

My Courses

I have a text on Numerical Analysis for Engineering.

Here are some on-line lectures:

I have taught the following courses in the last five years:

  • ECE 150
  • ECE 204
  • NE 112
  • ECE 250
  • MTE 241
  • ECE 204A
  • ECE 204B

I do not take graduate students.

Sometimes, you're in the right place, at the right time, with the right knowledge to wave at the Street View camera.

Associated with the numerical methods courses are a collection of Maplets (java applets powered by Maple) hosted on

Some suggestions...

  • Do not take the elevator unless you or the person your with has a disability requiring the elevator. Using the stairs is often faster than the elevator, and you burn calories while not using electricity.
  • Never use the automatic door openers unless you cannot use the door handle. Using the automatic door opener simply reduces the lifetime of the mechanism, and thus, may make it unavailable to someone who needs it.
  • Try to walk or jog to work or school. There are showers and facilities on campus to store your cloths.
  • At a cross walk, if it is a choice between me going or the car, I choose the car: I'm walking to reduce the impact on the environment, so having a car idle to wait for me to cross is an antithesis to this goal. If I see a car approaching, I don't even move towards the cross walk, and if the car, never-the-less, stops, I turn around and walk backward in the opposite direction so the driver knows that persons has the right to move ahead.

Other Interests/Useful Links

For anyone using Microsoft Equation, there is a font better than Cambria Math that you can install that is not the default. See Latin Modern Math. To make Latin Modern Math the default, select the popout window at the bottom right of the box Equation Tools→Design→Tools and change the default font for Math Regions.
