For help and support for the FuzzySets package (distributed through by Maplesoft), click here.
For help and support for the Quaternions package (distributed through by Maplesoft), click here.
Being rather disappointed with the DocumentTools package shipped with Maple 10, I've come up with the DougsDocumentTools package which replaces DocumentTools:-GetProperty and :-SetProperty with routines which mimic the much more desirable behaviour of Maplets:-Tools:-Get and :-Set. For help, see ?Maplets,Tools,Get and ?Maplets,Tools,Set.
Note, there is no need for a handle parameter. If the Text Area has the name 'TA', and you want to ensure that whatever is there is, for example, an integer, use the invocation:
DougsDocumentTools:-Get( TA::integer, TA(visible), corrections, update );
Because no attribute is specified, it is assumed 'value' is meant. The ::integer checks to ensure that the contents parses to an integer, and if it does not, it queries the user with a Maplet for valid input. If the user does 'fix' any mistakes, the text area itself is updatd with the new value.
Are you interested in using MapletsTM in teaching? I can help you in determining what can and cannot be done, setting up a plan of attack, and getting you the maplets you need to help your students. Contact me at dwharder at alumni uwaterloo ca.
Have you ever wanted to simply know what 101012 + 10012 was? You can now use the BinaryArithmetic package to turn Maple into a binary calculator:
> with( BinaryArithmetic ): > 10101 + 1001; 11110 > 1001001^101; 1111011100100001000111111101001 > 101001.0011^0.01101; 100.1000011 > %^(1/0.01101); 101001.0000 > Digits := 30: % use 30 bits of accuracy > 101001.0011^0.01101; 100.100001110110100111100111001 > %^(1/0.01101); 101001.001011111111111111111100
Help pages with examples are provided for each of the operations. Setting infolevel for this package to 2 also displays the result in a decimal representation.
Download these three functions:
and store them in the directory specified by libname.
The FloatDisplay package removes trailing zero from the display of floating point numbers. This is very useful in the classroom where you do not want:
> 3.0/5.0; 0.6000000000 > FloatDisplay:-Enable(); > %; 0.6
Just unzip the files into your lib directory. For Maple 8 or higher.
The Warnings package is one which allows the new user to get feedback on common mistakes made. The warnings occurs in the form of a Maplet appearing with a message as soon as the user presses Enter and a problem is detected. This package only works under Maple8. Any feedback about this package would be appreciated. Last modified on 2002-07-31 (including fix to ':='.) Thanks to Michael Monagan, Douglas Meade, Larry Norris, and others.
You can download the two binary library files warnings.lib and warnings.ind. If these files are placed in the directory specified by the variable libname; then you need only include the line Warnings:-StartWarnings(): in your maple.ini file. Otherwise, you must include the line libname := "c:\\path\\to\\directory\\containing\\files\\", libname: Warnings:-StartWarnings():.
If you don't want to have the warnings start by default and the warnings.* files are located in a directory specified by libname, then you don't have to do anything. If it is in a different directory, include just the libname update in your maple.ini.
The Britannia worksheet contains a Maple procedure BattleResults which calculates the results of conflicts in the Avalon Hill Game Britannia.
A worksheet with a maplet which shows the area of a unit circle approximated by inscribed regular n-gons, allowing the user to change the value of N from 3 to 120.
This is a light-hearted package which has five classic nondifferentiable functions included in it. If you like fractals, you might be interested in this package. The functions include the Devil's Staircase and the Knopp, Weierstrass, and Weierstrass-Mandelbrot functions. It also includes one function the fractal dimension of which varies linearly from 2 to 1 on the interval [0, 1].
Download and extract from the zip file the three files into the directory specified by global variable libname. On a windows machine, this will be something like C:\Program Files\Maple 8\LIB.
You can download a short example worksheet which explains some of the features of the Devil's Staircase.
This is a fun package which implements most of the functions and ideas found in David Wells's book the Penguin Dictionary of Curious and Interesting Numbers. To run the Numbers, copy the following two files into same directory as described above for the Devil's staircase.
You can download a short example worksheet which explains the functions present: Numbers.mws.
The MathMLElements package allows you to create MathML expressions in Maple. This is superior to MathML:-Export, as MathML:-Export only allows you to export what is already expressible in Maple. For example, you cannot express approximately equal to in Maple, so it is impossible to do so in any exported MathML.
You can install the package by saving the two following libraries in whatever directory is given by libname:
An example thereof are:
x := Sum( 1/i^2, i = 1..infinity ) = Pi^2/6: use MathMLElements in output := Math( Row( x, Operator( "=" ), Fraction( Pi()^2, 6 ), Operator( &Entity("approx") ), 1.645 ) ); end use: use Maplets:-Elements in maplet := Maplet([ "An approximation of the sum is:", MathMLViewer('value' = output), Button("OK", Shutdown()) ]); end use: Maplets[Display](maplet);
To get the behaviour of MathML:-Export, simply wrap the expression in Math(...). The MathML document is located at MathML 2.0.
You may install the Bitwise package by saving the following libraries in whatever directory is given by libname:
A sample worksheet is provided.
My home page.