Topic 14.4: Multiple-Step Methods (HOWTO)

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Given the IVP

y(1)(t) = f( t, y(t) )
y(a) = y0

approximate y(b).


The function f(t, y) should be continuous in both variables.


We will use Taylor series and iteration.

Initial Conditions

Choose a value of n ≥ 1. Set h = (ba)/n.

Set ti = a + ih for i = 0, 1, ..., n and let yi be the approximation of y(ti) for i = 1, ..., n.


Multiple-step Euler's Method

For i = 1, 2, ..., n set

yi = yi − 1 + h f(ti − 1, yi − 1).

Multiple-step Heun's Method

For i = 1, 2, ..., n calculate

K0 = f(ti − 1, yi − 1)
K1 = f(ti, yi − 1 + h K0)

and set yi = yi − 1 + h (K0 + K1)/2.

4th-order Runge Kutta

For i = 1, 2, ..., n calculate

K0 = f(ti − 1, yi − 1)
K1 = f(ti − 1 + ½h, yi − 1 + ½h K0)
K2 = f(ti − 1 + ½h, yi − 1 + ½h K1)
K3 = f(ti, yi − 1 + h K2)

and set yi = yi − 1 + h (K0 + 2 K1 + 2 K2 + K3)/6.

Approximating Intermediate Values

If a value of y(t) is required for a < t < b where tti for any i, choose the surrounding four points (three if t < t1 or t > tn − 1), find the interpolating polynomial and evaluate this polynomial at the point t. Alternatively, calculate the appropriate cubic spline where the derivatives at the end points are given by f(a, y0) and f(b, yn), respectively.

Copyright ©2005 by Douglas Wilhelm Harder. All rights reserved.