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Consulting Engineers

Updated for 2010 Changes to the Professional Engineers Act

These web pages have been updated to include both enacted and pending changes due to the Open for Business Act, 2010. Note that some changes will not be in force until proclaimed by the Lieutenant Governor; for example, the putting into force the end of the industrial exemption has been delayed numerous times.


All information on this website is provided without any warranty to its correctness. The material on these pages reflects Douglas Wilhelm Harder's best judgment in light of the information available to him at the time of its preparation. Any use which a third party makes of these pages, on any reliance on or decision to be made based on it, are the responsibility of such third parties. Douglas W. Harder accepts no responsibility for damages, if any, suffered by any third party as a result of decisions made or actions based on these pages.

A summary of the relevant statutes and regulations: Consulting.pdf.

In clause 7(1)23, the Act makes a provision with regard to the regulations:

7(1)23 Subject to...approval...the Council may make regulation providing for the designation of members of the Association as consulting engineers, prescribing the qualifications and requirements..., providing for the suspension or revocation...and for the regulation and prohibition of the use of the designation... .

This one entry is expanded into sixteen sections in O.Reg. 941, Sections 56 through 71. The primary definition is a professional engineer with at least five years experience with a licensed and 56(1)(b) is currently engaged, and has been continuously engaged, for not less than two the independent practice of professional engineering in Canada.

Independent practice is further defined in Section 60:

60. For the purpose of this Regulation, a Member shall be deemed to be in the independent practice of professional engineering if the Member

  • holds a certificate of authorization and is primarily engaged in offering or providing services within the practice of professional engineering to the public; or
  • is a partner in or employee of a holder of a certificate of authorization, is a person who will assume responsibility for and supervise the services...and is primarily engaged in offering or the public.

Essentially, a consulting engineer is a professional engineer who has significant experience providing services to the public as opposed to an employer.

In the article What does it take to call yourself a consulting engineer? by Alison Piper, she quotes Larry Pond " promote recognition of engineers who provide services directly to the public. Although the designation doesn't necessarily signify a higher level of technical competence, it does indicate that the individual has obtained a minimum level of experience beyond that required for licensure."
