Figure 5 shows a capture of an image on Avoiding Death by PowerPoint;
however, the image itself was created within PowerPoint and is not
what would consider to be a good graphic.
Figure 5. A capture from the Avoiding Death by PowerPoint presentation.
Problems include:
- The central item is at the bottom of the graphic,
- The colours green does not contrast well with the grey-blue
- There is no emphasis: everything has the same weight,
- The font is Times New Roman (with serifs) and too small,
- The lines are thin and almost invisible at a distance,
- The arrows are half-hazardly arranged, and
- The word theories appears nine times.
Figure 6 demonstrates improvements, including:
- Motivation now forms the root of the tree,
- The reds contrast with the white background,
- Significance is emphasized with changes in
colour, emphasis (bold), and font size,
- The font is a sans serif Arial,
- The lines are thicker and clear,
- The arrows emanated from and toward the
centres-of-mass of the respective nodes and the
nodes are arranged more regularly, and
- The title would probably be replaced with
Organization of Theories.
Figure 6. A better variation of Figure 5.