“Four papers” by W. Dietl et al.. In Annual Report, (B. Meyer, P. Müller, and M. Oriol, eds.), 2007.


Three summaries of student projects and one reprint:

Combining Runtime and Static Universe Type Inference by A. Fürer, M. Bär, M. Niklaus, W. Dietl, and P. Müller. Summary of [AFuerer07,MBaer06,MNiklaus06].

Generic Universe Types by W. Dietl, S. Drossopoulou, and P. Müller. Reprint of [DietlDrossopoulouMueller07].

Ownership in Design Patterns: An Example by S. Nägeli, W. Dietl, and P. Müller. Summary of [SNaegeli06].

Universe Type System for Eiffel by A. Schaad, W. Dietl, and P. Müller. Summary of [ASchaad06].

BibTeX entry:

   author = {W. Dietl et al.},
   editor = {B. Meyer and P. M\{"u}ller and M. Oriol},
   title = {Four papers},
   booktitle = {Annual Report},
   publisher = {Chair of Software Engineering, ETH Zurich},

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